Saturday, December 13, 2014

4 Holiday Survival Mind Tips ( Video) + Hunger Tool

January 24th: The next Shift Hypnotic Weight Mastery Process begins Saturday from 9-5 ! Discounts for early birds are ending December 31. Sign up now and save $100 and get special CD pack—323 988 4574

COACHING VIDEO--4 Cognitive Tips for Weight Release During the Holidays (only 6 minutes)

Hey Everyone,

Let me give you the holiday gift of the hunger number tool. It may just be the least fattening gift you get all holiday season (I have already received a few boxes of Sees Nuts and Chews—AND I AM A WEIGHT RELEASE COACH!)

The holiday season is a time when we go to parties and events and often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.  When we go through the holidays the added stimulus of people, music and holiday cheer (or lack thereof) often tune us out to our shut off valve of when we have had enough.  

Especially nowadays when serving sizes are so large and disproportionate to our body’s true need for calories it is going to serve you to be able to distinguish hunger from other feelings and to be able to stop when you have had enough—otherwise the tendency for the scale to creep up over the next few weeks will sneak in.
COACHING VIDEO --4 Cognitive Tips for Weight Release During the Holidays (only 6 minutes)

The hunger number scale goes from 0-10 zero is starving—stomach growling maybe even light headed—very empty—and 10 is thanksgiving (or holiday season) stuffed full.

Take a moment now to tune into your stomach.  Put your hand on your stomach and take a Shift breath.  On a scale from one to ten where are you?

NEED TO RESHIFT?? January 24th Re-Shifting Weight Mastery Process-runs in tandem with the Shift—same exciting synergy—but a more advanced process.  Come and get your mojo back after the holidays and continue releasing pounds masterfully.  Limited to 10 participants. Contact me asap for more info.

As I mentioned zero is starving. 1 is hungry and need to eat now 2 is hungry –1-2 is the best time to begin eating.

3-4 is satisfied—and very light—this means the hunger feelings have disappeared and you are lightly satisfied. 

5-6 is satisfied but not full—6 is usually where you want to stop eating.  This is where naturally thin people stop eating.  

I have a friend who is naturally slender—I see her push the plate away and do this sort of little magical wave over her food—it means she is done and she doesn’t touch the food again.  It is sort of her own personal shut off valve.  What can be your shut off valve?'

Now 7-8 that feels a little uncomfortable—that is definitely full.

 9-10 is discomfort full the kind of full where you eat everything and then have to unfasten your pants and go lay down full—it’s the kind of full where you groan—I can’t believe I ate the whole thing—I know you know that feeling—I certainly do—but I also know that I never want to feel that full again—how about you?  So use your hunger numbers as you are eating. 

START NOW AND SAVE NOW: The next Shift Hypnotic Weight Mastery Process begins Saturday January 24th from 9-5 ! Discounts for early birds are ending December 31. Sign up now and save $100 and get special CD pack—323 988 4574


We eat up to 50% more food when we are with others so tune in to your stomach and prepare to finish at that 5-6.

If you take anything from the hunger number tools take this—protect your zero.  What does that mean?? Many people who struggle with weight will wait until they are at zero to eat—they either try to not eat early on and then end up too hungry and eat too much or they get too busy and don’t think about food until it’s too late.  

Both ways work against you as when we reach a zero once you do start eating it is very hard to stop eating. This happens a lot at holiday events.  People starve themselves before a party and then eat far too much.

So  Protect your 0!—Never get too hungry—a huge part of weight management is blood sugar management—if you keep yourself fed with steady blood sugar levels throughout the day—you rarely get hungry.  This is an essential tool is keeping your calories within your daily budget easily and effortlessly.  

So never get to zero-plan ahead—bring some quality protein and or fiber based snacks with you.  Keep a bag of apple in your car.  Think of how you can protect your zero before heading into that holiday party.

Protecting my zero is so important that I will eat a bit before going out to eat—this way if it takes a long time to be seated or be served I am not ravenous when I order and therefore order too much—and then eat too much.  Eating ahead also allows me to sit with the bread or chips basket and have some power over it—often the main reason people overeat bread or chips is they are simply too hungry.  Do yourself a favor—protect your zero at all times. And have yourself a merry little portion this holiday season!!

VIDEO--4 Cognitive Tips for Weight Release during the Holidays (only 6 minutes)

Have a happy holiday week and keep shifting! Oxox Rita

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Healthy eating interview and hypnosis download

Hi everyone,

We start the week determined to eat well and exercise. Then
life hits us and we end up eating habitually and in a way that depletes
us of our health and confidence.

Why is it hard to eat healthfully consistently
Gluten-free sugar free Chef Varouj interviewed me and we discussed:
  • why our minds drive us to sabotage ourselves despite our good intentions
  • how to turn it around and start getting consistent health eating patterns
  • I finished with a great hypnosis session designed to focus you on making healthy choices.
Interview and hypnosis are here:
Come to our November 2nd:
Shift Hypnosis Based Weight Mastery Monthly Meeting--
(Your First Meeting is Free)
Hit reply and say "I am in!"
Join us for our new monthly meeting format where you will:
  • Get hypnosis and coaching to Shift your mindset for continued weight release
  • Create accountability and a plan of action to achieve your goals
  • Enjoy the support of a caring community that shares your vision
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Date: Sunday November 2
Location: Culver City Veteran’s Memorial Center
 (The Garden Room)  
NOVEMBER’S THEME: CONNECTION In order to release weight and keep it off we need to achieve a powerful connection to ourselves, our body, the people in our life and our environment. How do we begin to SHIFT the quality of these connections in our life so that we can achieve health, self-esteem and serenity? Join us to explore this powerful topic.
Please hit reply and let us know if you would
like to reserve a place for you and your friends and family.
Have a great week. ox Rita

Saturday, October 4, 2014

3 Reasons You May Overeat + New Event

Hi Everyone and Happy October,

I hope that your October has gotten off to a great start!  I wanted pass along two great weight management resources to inspire, educate and motivate you and they are absolutely free. One is a great  weight management blog and the other is a free invite to the first official Shift Weight Mastery Monthly Meeting.

1) Dorene Robinson's Beyond Diet's Blog: I am a big fan of Dorene and her researched and practical approach to weight management.  She is a superstar in her field and her blog is chock full of fabulous and helpful information. Click to get to her blog and see her fabulous article which includes 3 reasons why we overeat.

2) The First Official Shift Weight Mastery Monthly Meeting

SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY NOVEMEBER 2ND from 3:00-4:30pmYOUR FIRST MEETING IS FREE —We want you to come see how our new Monthly Shift Weight Mastery meeting can be an ongoing part of your weight release success journey.

Shift Weight Mastery Monthly Meeting
Hypnosis-Based Weight Management
Alone We Diet. Together We SHIFT.


Time: 3:00-4:30 pm
Date: Sunday November 2
Location: Culver City Veteran’s Memorial Center
 (The Garden Room)
Join us for our new monthly meeting format where you will:
-Get hypnosis, coaching and cognitive tools to Shift your mindset for continued weight release (or maintenance)
-Set a vision and specific weight goal for the month
-Create accountability and a plan of action to achieve your goals
-Enjoy the support of a caring community that shares your vision

In order to release weight and keep it off we need to achieve a powerful connection to ourselves, our body, the people in our life and our environment. How do we begin to SHIFT the quality of these connections in our life so that we can achieve health, self-esteem and serenity? Join us to explore this powerful topic.
Please hit reply and let us know if you would
like to reserve a place for you and your friends and family.

Have a great week. ox Rita


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Are Your Struggling with "Night Eating"? Steps to Shift Out of Night Eating

Hi everyone,

Happy Monday! I have a saying, “if everyone went to bed at 5 pm we would all be thin”.

Do you turn into an “Eater of the Night” after 5 pm?
Chances are if you have challenges with eating after 5 pm that there are some specific strategies that you can engage in BEFORE 5 pm that would help you curb or end your extra eating at night.

Fitness Expert JJ Flizanes interviewed me about Night Eating and I am sharing this 30 minute segment, chock full of useful tips and strategies to help you Shift out of Night Eating.

JJ’s podcast  has many helpful videos, interviews and classes on how to get fit mentally, spiritually and physically—so check it out. This dynamic coach has a lot to offer you.

Click here and get access to her whole library.

Hope you find the information useful and have a great and Shifty week!

oxox Rita

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why Lose Weight?

Last chance to join the September 20th Shift Weight Mastery Process
The next Shift won't be until January--a few places are left
Email or call 323 988 4574

Last week's  I posted some pictures and success stories that inspired many of you--I have included them again this week at the bottom of the blog. Get inspired!

What lies under our desire to "lose weight"?  Life beyond the scale is what I believe is at the heart and soul of the Shift Weight Mastery Process.  When we start communicating powerfully with ourselves, our relationship with ourselves and the world begins to elevate and take on new, deeper, and more enriched meaning. 

At the end of the day, what we really want is to find serenity within our own skin, to communicate effectively with ourselves, and to feel good about ourselves at all times.  We think that the perfect number on the scale will give us this, but we really know (from past experience) that it does not.  What we really seek is "sanity" over "vanity". 

Is there life after we reach our goal weight?

Is it better, dreamier, more fulfilling?

Do the heavens open up and size 4 angels float down and strum harps the moment the digital scale readout lets you know---YOU'VE WON!  You're skinny!  You're one of us!  You're in the in-club!  You've made it to that place where life is sweeter, the clothes fit nicer, the sex is better, the jobs are more interesting, and people are always pleasant to you.

Before I made my Shift, my weight often neared, or was even less than what I weigh now as I dieted and deprived myself for years. But I was far from a success--I was miserable, and I still hated myself and had zero trust in myself as a person who had any skills to maintain whatever weight loss I had achieved. 

In fact, whenever I hit my "goal," I got scared.  The diet was over, the obsessive goal attained--now what?  I have to live with myself? Yikes! I can't do that! Even though I was skinny, Inner Critic and Inner Rebel ran my show. 

Where was the real Rita in all of this mess? Who the hell knew!

All of a sudden I would get very hungry and that void that I had been filling with icky diet food hollered out for cake and hamburgers and whatever was fattening.  "Don't even think about anything with a vegetable in it!" the void would spew at me.  "Fill me up or else!"  And I did.  Rather than have to face the life I avoided while trying to get skinny, I would comply eagerly even though my heart was breaking knowing I would get on the scale tomorrow and the trip back up the digital readout would have begun yet again.

I have, in my years as a clinical hypnotherapist, worked with some poster children for other weight loss plans. These "success stories" lost all the weight they wanted on Lindora, Michael Thurman, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig, etc.  They even had their pictures plastered over the papers and advertisements for these programs. When they came to me, these pictures of the thin them were a mere memory--the weight had come back once the plan had been discarded or the weight loss goal achieved.

One client brought such a picture in to show me, an ad in the Times for one of these "programs."   There he stood, smiling from ear to ear in his "after" pose, all toned and skinny, the washboard abs rippling under his tight t-shirt.  He told me that the moment that photo session was over, he went out and began to eat himself back up the scale 50 pounds.  "I just didn't know what else to do, a voice in me said, "Okay you're done now, eat!--and so I did."

When our weight loss is only about reaching a number on a scale--we lose--but not in a good way.  We lose the opportunity to really live our lives and to learn how to love and trust ourselves so that when we do reach that day when our ideal weight appears on the scale, it is only a medium part of a celebration that has been happening all along.  This celebration really begins when you start your journey to weight mastery and finally begin connecting to your true wants and needs.

The real reason to lose weight is to gain a powerful relationship with yourself--it isn't about "before and after." It's about NOW--about loving yourself now.  Showing up for yourself--NOW.  Staying connected to yourself--NOW.  Living the life of your dreams--NOW.  Not letting some number on a scale give you permission to be okay or pretty or sexy or loveable or smart.  Your key to releasing the weight permanently is giving yourself the permission slip to be your dream--NOW.

Are you ready to shift out of the weight struggle and begin truly releasing weight in a way that is powerful and lasting? The Shift Weight Mastery process uses hypnosis and powerful thinking tools to allow you to break through the limiting beliefs and behaviors that have kept you from having that powerful relationship with yourself. 

I am sharing Bill, Donna, Amy and Cathy's stories with you again so that see and hear how they stopped trying to "lose weight" and began powerfully releasing weight for good with the relationship that they created with themselves.

If you are interested in making true change hit “reply” and just say, “Let’s talk”.  That’s all we will do at first. We can set up a time just for us to talk by phone and see if this is something that would make a huge change for you. It’s that easy.

If you decide to move forward, when you decide you receive $100 off and $100 bonus of gifts for signing up. Hit reply and write “let’s talk”. I would love for you to join us this September, there are only 10 places left.

Donna released 60 pounds since last September’s Shift Weight Mastery Process

I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life, Rita and the Shift Weight Mastery approach brought a level of sanity into my life.

“I'm an intelligent and successful woman and yet I felt defined by my failure to control my weight. I have released 60 lbs. I feel better than I have in years. My kids see me in a new light, heck almost everyone I know does!

Best of all, I am confident that there is no "unlearning" the skills that I have acquired during this process!  I can cross this off my list!

My best advice to a new shifter is:
  • Plan: protect yourself from being choice-less. Have healthy choices handy and make sure that you're not so hungry that you feel any food will do the trick 
  • Be the coach to yourself that you would be for your best friend:
  • Loving, but strong.
  • Understanding, but accepting no excuses.
  • Curious, but  truly solution oriented.
  • Finally, loyal to your best self.”
 Bill released 85 lbs since last September’s Shift

“For me, exercise was the key to success…not as a way to facilitate weight release, but as a way toward total fitness. I no longer have a "goal weight", I have a goal of greater fitness.

"The Shift Weight Mastery Process helped me make the connection to fitness that I had always needed, and to create a life that made my changes in eating and moving my body permanent changes.

I started walking every day, and then picked up the pace a little bit. I added cycling when I ran too much and started having injuries, but when it became about being able to do more with my body, it was always fun.

“I have known several formulae for losing weight, but because it was always about losing weight, I would always go back to my old habits once the weight was off, and the pounds would quickly find their way back to me.”

Cathy Released 50 lbs since last September’s Shift
Cathy revolutionized her thinking into a “Yes I Can!” attitude. Not only did this “shift” change her relationship to food and exercise which allowed her to release 50 pounds but she used her “Yes I Can!” mantra to add a whole new level of inspiration to her business, “Today’s Innovative Woman”.
Amy released 160 pounds since 2 Septembers ago with Shift Hypnosis.
Hear my interview with her about how hypnosis and planning was 
the key to her amazing success.
Are you ready to Shift your life?

Are you tired of struggling with your weight, food, exercise and yourself?

The Shift Weight Mastery Process is a highly specialized program that uses hypnosis, thinking and weight release skills taken from over 200 studies of weight loss success.
  • Stop sabotaging yourself and feeling like a failure
  • Begin a powerful relationship with yourself where you are in charge of food, exercise, and yourself
  • Start releasing weight for good and feeling confident about yourself
Call me at 323 988 4574 or email me back and let me know if Want to make that happen? Why wait another year?

Another month? Another day?

If you are interested in making true change hit “reply” and just say, “Let’s talk”. Or call me—323 988 4574. That’s all we will do at first. We can set up a time just for us to talk by phone and see if this is something that would make a huge change for you. It’s easy.

If you decide to move forward, when you decide you receive $100 off and $100 bonus of gifts for signing up. Hit reply and write “let’s talk”. I would love for you to join us this September, there are only 10 places left.

Here is to your journey towards mastery and fulfillment in all areas of your life!

oxox Rita

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Last September's Losers: Success Stories and Tips

(Pictures below!)

Think of where you were last September. Does it seem like a long time ago or just like yesterday?

Where were you with your weight and health goals last September? Have you made some progress? If yes, that is great…what made the difference for you?

If you haven’t made progress, why do you feel stuck?? Chances are it’s not so much what you are “doing” but who you are “being”.


As a clinical hypnotherapist I know the way we see ourselves in the world creates our reality.

If we see ourselves as a person who struggles with weight we continue to create that reality. We try to “be good” but deep down we know we will fail and so success escapes us.

Studies show that for long term weight loss success “cognitive restructuring” is essential. You can eat kale until you turn green but until you “shift” your thinking lasting change is impossible.

You must expect success and see yourself as a success story waiting to happen. Trying and hoping don’t cut it. That is why I see so much success with hypnosis.

Hypnosis helps the resistant unconscious mind open up to changing beliefs about how you see and believe in yourself. Even if you have failed your whole life, you don’t need proof of success to change, you just make the decision with all of your mind that you are ready to be a success and are already a success just by saying so.

You can feel the SHIFT instantly.


I want to share three people with you who made the “shift” from struggle to success with their weight. Yes they changed what they did for sure, but most importantly the shifted “who” they were and how they saw themselves first, in order to make TRUE CHANGE.

Donna, Bill and Cathy all participated in last September’s Shift Weight Mastery Process and used the hypnosis based program to actually “shift” who they were, which changed their thinking about what they “did” to become healthy and release weight and change their lives.(see their pictures and tips to you below).


Is this your September to make a “shift” this September 20th with the Shift Weight Mastery Process?

Next September you could be living a life free of struggle, a life of health in your slimmer body which you created by shifting who you were in the world.

If you are interested in making true change hit “reply” and just say, “Let’s talk”.  That’s all we will do at first. We can set up a time just for us to talk by phone and see if this is something that would make a huge change for you. It’s that easy.

If you decide to move forward, when you decide you receive $100 off and $100 bonus of gifts for signing up. Hit reply and write “let’s talk”. I would love for you to join us this September, there are only 10 places left.

Donna released 60 pounds since last September’s Shift Weight Mastery Process

 I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life, Rita and the Shift Weight Mastery approach brought a level of sanity into my life.

“I'm an intelligent and successful woman and yet I felt defined by my failure to control my weight. I have released 60 lbs. I feel better than I have in years. My kids see me in a new light, heck almost everyone I know does!

Best of all, I am confident that there is no "unlearning" the skills that I have acquired during this process!  I can cross this off my list!

My best advice to a new shifter is:
  • Plan: protect yourself from being choice-less. Have healthy choices handy and make sure that you're not so hungry that you feel any food will do the trick 
  • Be the coach to yourself that you would be for your best friend:
  • Loving, but strong.
  • Understanding, but accepting no excuses.
  • Curious, but  truly solution oriented.
  • Finally, loyal to your best self.”
 Bill released 85 lbs since last September’s Shift

“For me, exercise was the key to success…not as a way to facilitate weight release, but as a way toward total fitness. I no longer have a "goal weight", I have a goal of greater fitness.

"The Shift Weight Mastery Process helped me make the connection to fitness that I had always needed, and to create a life that made my changes in eating and moving my body permanent changes.

“I started walking every day, and then picked up the pace a little bit. I added cycling when I ran too much and started having injuries, but when it became about being able to do more with my body, it was always fun.

“I have known several formulae for losing weight, but because it was always about losing weight, I would always go back to my old habits once the weight was off, and the pounds would quickly find their way back to me.”

Cathy Released 50 lbs since last September’s Shift
Cathy revolutionized her thinking into a “Yes I Can!” attitude. Not only did this “shift” change her relationship to food and exercise which allowed her to release 50 pounds but she used her “Yes I Can!” mantra to add a whole new level of inspiration to her business, “Today’s Innovative Woman”.
Amy released 160 pounds since 2 Septembers ago with Shift Hypnosis.
Hear my interview with her about how hypnosis and planning was 
the key to her amazing success.
Are you ready to Shift your life?

Are you tired of struggling with your weight, food, exercise and yourself?
The Shift Weight Mastery Process is a highly specialized program that uses hypnosis, thinking and weight release skills taken from over 200 studies of weight loss success.

  • Stop sabotaging yourself and feeling like a failure
  • Begin a powerful relationship with yourself where you are in charge of food, exercise, and yourself
  • Start releasing weight for good and feeling confident about yourself
Call me at 323 988 4574 or email me back and let me know if Want to make that happen? Why wait another year?

Another month? Another day?
If you are interested in making true change hit “reply” and just say, “Let’s talk”. Or call me—323 988 4574. That’s all we will do at first. We can set up a time just for us to talk by phone and see if this is something that would make a huge change for you. It’s easy.

If you decide to move forward, when you decide you receive $100 off and $100 bonus of gifts for signing up. Hit reply and write “let’s talk”. I would love for you to join us this September, there are only 10 places left.

Here is to your journey towards mastery and fulfillment in all areas of your life!


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor of Love: Amy D releases 160 pounds with Shift Hypnosis


(Amy’s before and after pictures below WOW!
also inspiring interview below)

Happy Labor Day 
How do you “labor” in your life? In honor
of the spirit of the holiday of labor I would
like to offer you an inspiring story of
transformation to begin your day

This story is about someone who “shifted” from a laboring against themselves struggle into a LABOR OF LOVING THEMSELVES journey that allowed them to release 160 pounds.


Two years ago I was in my office at Shift Hypnosis, enrolling people in the upcoming September Shift Weight Mastery Process, just like I am now, when I received the following email:  

"I am 29 years old and I have struggled with weight for twenty of the years that I have been on this planet. I have been on everything from Jenny Craig to diet pills. I weigh 360 pounds and need to get down to 185, which being 5’10”, that is my goal.

"I have asthma and high cholesterol. I look in the mirror and I have no idea what pretty looks or feels like.

"I try not to go anywhere due to the fear I will be the biggest person in the room, won't fit in a booth or break a chair under my weight.

"I wear NOTHING but black clothing all the time because I am ashamed of myself. I don't remember what it's like to go clothes shopping in a store. All my clothes are ordered online from BIG AND TALL MEN’S SITES.

"I hate anyone taking my picture because when I see myself I break down and cry. I have been denied by I'm at my wits end with this weight thing. I have heard about your hypnosis weight program but I am not sure. I need something that works and that will actually give me results.

"Do you think given all the information here that your weight loss program could help me? If you honestly don't please just say no. I cannot afford to spend money on something that is not going to work and I don’t have it in me to fail again." Sincerely, Amy D

HOW DOES HYPNOSIS FOR WEIGHT LOSS WORK? Amy’s letter touched my heart. I know her pain and the pain everyone who has struggled with weight having spent over twenty years in the painful struggle myself.

But could I help her? As clinical hypnotherapist and weight loss coach I have the honor of seeing miracles occur. Not because of me as much as the power of the human mind.

Hypnosis is a tool of change that unlocks the unconscious mind and frees it from the limiting beliefs and habits that pose the roadblocks that keep us struggling in life.

What we do at Shift for weight release is focus the mind on excelling at the habits and beliefs of weight release success.

I told Amy that hypnosis wasn’t magic, that she needed to be ready to make the changes but if she was that I believed that hypnosis could open the door to her journey to success.

I invite you to listen to my interview with Amy as we
walk through her journey from 360 to 185 pounds and
how she got there, with the Shift Weight Mastery
Process and how the hypnosis and coaching made
such a profound impact.

SEE AMY’S BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES BELOW I hope you will be touched by Amy’s inspiring story of determination and inspiration to make the commitment to really make a profound change in your life.
Through September 5th I am offering $100 off the price of the September 20th Weight Mastery Process with some special bonuses.

If you have Shifted before and want to refocus you receive 50% off through the 5th.

Call me or email me to set up a time to talk about if the program is right for you—free phone consult.
323 988 4574

Here are some of the emails that Amy sent as she was releasing weight.

Rita I have dropped from a size 31 in women’s pants to a size 22. Also those are starting to get a little baggy and I just bought them 2 weeks ago. It has been years since I bought clothes in a store that didn't say big and tall on the outside. I can actually shop in regular stores now :) It's an amazing feeling to do that.
Thank you,
Amy :)

Rita, Thanks so much! I have released 88 pounds so far!  I think to myself "it's only a matter of time". Now it’s like I got this! Thank you for being you and doing all the amazing things you do!

Hey Rita!!! I wanted to give you an update! I weighed myself yesterday and I weigh 190.4lbs :) That means to date the weight released is 153lbs!!!! I'm now in a size 12 jeans! I have 5 more pounds to go for my official goal weight of 185!!!!


I see bones I haven't seen in years or even knew existed! Lol

I hold my head up high and my confidence is
 the highest it has ever been! :)Thank you so much…Amy!

Thank YOU Amy for being an inspiration to us all!

 I am also offering a free workshop for weight loss this
coming week at 3 different locations. Please sign up
to get refocused after the summer holidays.

"Think Yourself Thin"
During this 90 minute f*ree class will you will learn mind
techniques and experience hypnosis to help you:

-Stop self sabotaging your weight loss and other life goals
-Use more of your mind to achieve weight success
-Stop feeling addicted to food and caving to cravings

-Sherman Oaks Galleria (Thursday 9:30-11 am) September 4
-Manhattan Village South Bay(Saturday 9:30-11am)September 6
-Westside Pavilion (Sunday 4 pm-5:30 pm) September 7

Join us and bring a friend or family member
Sign up HERE
with the location you desire

Have an amazing and relaxing Labor of Love Day!



Through September 5th I am offering $100 off the price of the September 20th Weight Mastery Process with some special bonuses.

If you have Shifted before and want to refocus you receive 50% off through the 5th.

Call me or email me to set up a time to talk about if the program is right for you—free phone consult.
323 988 4574 click tab "how do I shift?"