Sunday, August 17, 2014

Stop Sabotaging Yourself- Info and No Charge Class sign up!

"Rita, I just wanted to share my progress over
these last 30 days—I have released 11.8 pounds
and feel back in charge of myself and my eating.
The hypnosis has made it very easy. Thanks!"
The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins September 20th  (Join the powerful all day hypnosis based weight loss seminar
and 30 day coaching/ support program)
Earlybird discount $100 off-- contact for free consult 323 988 4574
more info here

STOP SABOTAGING YOURSELF (no charge class offer *see below*)
Every week I hear the same thing from people seeking to lose weight . “I know what to do to lose weight, why can’t I keep doing it? I lose focus and I “fall off”, I keep sabotaging my efforts and it is so frustrating. I have no willpower! I feel like such a failure.”

We take our inability to make progress with our weight goals and other life goals so personally and yet, as a clinical hypnotherapist I know that your inability to focus or the feeling that you are sabotaging yourself is not really your fault. Really. You are not crazy or lazy or lacking personally in any way.

The challenge you are having really is universal. The human mind, as amazing as it is, has limited daily resources of willpower and focus!

Research shows that we all wake up with a certain amount of willpower at the beginning of the day. As the day evolves our modern life—with all it’s demands and stimulation and stresses—begins eating away at our willpower until, usually by mid-afternoon it’s gone and along with it our mind’s ability to focus.

I have a saying, “If we all went to bed at 5 pm we would be thin.” It is rare that a client has real morning eating issues. And haven’t you noticed, research certainly has, that exercising in the morning allows you to be more consistent, as afternoon exercise intentions often bite the dust.

So what is the good news? In the research that I have been doing for my upcoming book “From Fat to Thin Thinking: Make the Shift in 30 Days” I have discovered there are specific, easy and doable ways to leverage both your willpower and focus for weight loss and other goals.

I want to share these simple strategies with you in a no charge class called “Thin Yourself Thin”. Please sign up and send this offer to your friends and family as I will be also offering a Intro to Hypnosis for Weight Loss beginning to the class.

sign up

I am really excited about these findings and this class. Read more below Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you in September. oxoxRita
No Charge Live Class: "Think Yourself Thin"

This 90 minute f*ree class will you will learn mind
techniques and experience hypnosis to harness more

-Stop self sabotaging your weight loss and other life goals
-Use more of your mind to achieve weight success
-Stop feeling addicted to food and caving to cravings


-Sherman Oaks Galleria (Thursday 9:30-11 am) September 4
-Manhattan Village South Bay(Saturday 9:30-11am)September 6
-Westside Pavilion (Sunday 4 pm-5:30 pm) September 7

Join us and bring a friend or family member
Sign up HERE
with the location you desire

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