Friday, June 8, 2012

Shift Weekly: What People Think About Your Butt…

 -Thank you everyone who joined the "drop 12lbs in 12 weeks" teleseminar--it was a fun information filled hour--if you missed it email us back and request a link to the recorded version.

-Deadline for June 13th Shift-in-a-Box 30 day Weight Mastery Process moved to today Monday June 11th—(due to a technical glitch)-Click below to sign up at the discounted price and receive the bonus offers thru midnight tonight--there are only a few slots left—ABSOLUTE DEADLINE—

-SAVE DATE!!! Sunday Aug 19th at 7pm Shift Kids (our non-profit) Fundraising Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s in West Hollywood--win prizes and have fun while raising money to help parents and their kids take back their power from childhood obesity.

Dear Shifters,
Did you know that you can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” but what you are going to have to do in order to do that is “take it all off”?  Every year I like to introduce this coaching of the start of the summer so that you can be prepared to hit the pool with pride in your body no matter what you weigh right now.

This June I have been focusing on all the ways that FAT THINKING, the good or bad, all or nothing, right or wrong diet mind thinking, can take our power away from us—particularly as we head into the summer months. Something I want to focus on this week is the fear of shedding clothes and the days get warmer and revealing more of ourselves.  Often clients will struggle with the idea of this as they are ashamed of the way their body looks in the clothes of summer.  They want to wait until they are at their ideal weight to give themselves permission to wear shorts or a bathing suit.  The irony is that as they release the weight they still don’t feel good enough about their bodies to give themselves permission to “take it off” because they are afraid of the way others will perceive them.

 I want to invite you to see that you can have a fabulous summer, running around in whatever clothes you choose, but what you are going to “take off” isn’t the fat as much as it is the Fat Thinking that keeps you imprisoned in this idea of who you have to be in order to be loved and socially acceptable in whatever clothes you wear.  Instead I invite you to begin Thin Thinking about your body—loving you body for where it is today and not worrying so much what others will think.  The more self acceptance that you create within yourself the more confident you become.  The more you “take off” the Fat Thinking and limiting beliefs about your body and begin SHIFTING your thoughts about your body to more powerful ones, the more you can then begin to love yourself ALL THE WAY DOWN THE SCALE—(not just when you get to that magic number at the bottom—wherever and whenever that may be).  You can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” and those other people’s thoughts about you and your shape—be can go jump in the pool!

 My struggle with my body and body image went on for decades.  It is amazing to me that I can have fun in a bathing suit, when just the thought of putting one on would fill me with horror years ago before my Shift.  You see it wasn’t bad enough that I had to look at my body in the mirror or feel my thighs and butts shake like little 3.2 tremors on the earthquake scale every time I took a step—I really used to worry that others would be super grossed out and not able to have a good time anywhere near me.  That is until I found out THE SECRET.

 No not the secret that book and internet movie about the laws of attraction. No, the real secret that unlocks the ability to strut around a pool (cellulite tremors and all) without even a cover, up –to “take it off” in order to “take it off” is: what people think about your body is really none of your business!!!

When I struggled with my weight and body image I consistently had the FAT THINKING that people needed me to have a firm and non-cellulite infested butt and thighs in order to be deemed worthy and in order for them to have a good time around the vicinity of my butt and thighs.  Why?  Well because anything less was not acceptable.  But here’s the real question—who is it not acceptable to?  Is it not acceptable to the other people, or to me?

 I was so caught up in their thought process that I gave all of my power away to them.  I spent summers covered from head to toe, never letting myself roam around freely and happily in my own skin because of my fear of what others my think of me.  The absurd irony is that I had no control over those stranger’s thoughts—AND I NEVER WOULD!  Talk about disempowered FAT THINKING in action!! Then a mentor of mine gave me some powerful coaching—some THIN THINKING-- and I use it to this day.

 Real freedom comes from the fact that most people are so absorbed in their own bodies and lives that even if they do look at me in all of my 47-year-old-far-from-firm-glory that their thoughts will go directly back to themselves through their filter of their own body.  

In reality, at pools, and gyms, and any other places where you may feel your body on display you can revel in the fact that people are so self-involved that any thought of you will be fleeting, and that here in LA, the thought of you will be even more miniscule because people here are even more narcissistic and self-involved!  Way to go LA! 

See there is a positive side to all of the self-absorbed people here—they could care less about your thighs!  So rip off that towel at the pool and have some fun, go to the gym before you have lost the weight (if I had a dollar for every client who wanted to wait until they were thin to go to the gym I would have enough money to get some liposuction done!) enjoy your body in this wonderful summer sun because what other people think about your butt is really none of your business—so butt out!!  TAKE OFF the Fat Thinking so you can enjoy TAKING OFF the clothes before you TAKE OFF all your weight—and TAKE ON loving your body where you are today!

 Repeat 10 times each night this week before you go to sleep:


 Shift happens even at the pool,

 Oxox Rita

PS Remember the DEADLINE is tonight at midnight--join us for the June 13th Shift -in-a Box Weight Mastery Process.  Read deatails and sign up here!

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