Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shift Weekly: Stop! Thieves!

Special CD of the Week Discount (Traveling Towards Mastery)
Hi Shifters,
As you head out for your summer travels I want to warn you about 2 thieves that are out there waiting to rob you blind and ruin your summer holiday experience.  Those thieves are your Inner Critic and your Inner Rebel.

That’s right these two work together masterfully and catch you by surprise.  First the Inner Rebel appears—disguised in such fun time holiday thoughts as…
-“It’s my holiday I am going to let my hair down and drink 3 Pina Coladas with the umbrella!”

-“I have to try the local fudge…and pastries…and bread and would be wrong not to since I will never get to taste this fudge again and I am sure it’s waaaaay different than the fudge I can get at home.”

-“Exercise?  Ha!  Lifting the beers to my mouth while I lie on the beach is all the exercise that I will be doing!”

-“I am not going to SHIFT this week—I am just going to take the week off and RELAAAAAAX!”—
Next the Inner critic swoops in just as your fudge buzz is kicking in and you think things are rolling along…the Inner Critic is not so disguised and can really hit you hard with such thoughts as..

“Ugh, why did you eat that fudge, you didn’t even like that fudge, now you feel gross and it’s all your fault—you have no self control.”
-“You said you were going to exercise on this vacation and you haven’t even gone on a walk, no wonder that’s why you feel so flabby!  Lazy bones—you blew it.”

-“You can never manage being away—you are as out of control on vacation as you are at home!”
Yes, my shifting friends, you can see when these two vacation thieves work in tandem things get grim fast!  I remember before I Shifted that I would spend many vacations letting my hair down and then beating myself up, letting my hair down again and then beating myself up again.  I could have paid a lot of money to be in the gorgeous holiday setting but it all looked like the prison of my own FAT THINKING to me.  That is why I urge you to plan ahead to be successful on your holidays—and above all stay connected to your Inner Coach—your Inner Coach is like the American Express traveler’s checks of your mental well being while on vacation.

I am heading out of town for a few days and planning to have a healthy holiday where my priority is to stay connected to myself, stay in control and by doing so experience fun times with my family and truly relax. 
I know it’s easy to forget to make being healthy and weight release a priority sometimes with all the activities of the holidays—here are a few things to remember to stay in THIN THINKING:

1)    Remember to have a vision of feeling light and vibrant the day following the day you get back from your vacation. (not sluggish and bloated).

2)    Remember to have a plan as to how to make that vision a reality—exercise (how much?), lots of fruits and veggies, keep the starchy carbs to a minimum as they trigger the “eat more-I’m more hungry” valve in the brain, and think about how to stay within you calories budget for release or maintenance (make the decision early whether you are going to release or maintain this week).

3)    Remember to show up for yourself with power thoughts by staying connected to your Inner Coach.
Thoughts like..
-“If I eat that now how will I feel three hours from now?  Will that really make me feel good?”

-“If I walk for an hour I can treat myself to a local treat.”
-“I know I am going out tonight so I will eat more light and protein based meals earlier to save room for the calories.”

This is what I am packing with me to bring for my family road-trip.  It’s important for me to keep my blood sugar levels stable not only for my weight maintenance but for my brain.  I have happier saner thoughts and feelings when I keep away from the gak and keep my body and brain nourished with healthy fiber-filled and protein based foods.  I don’t know what is going to be out there on the road and gas stations are notorious gak palaces so here is a list of what I always bring:

-Zen fiber cakes from TJs (80 cals each and full of fiber—great snack on road)
-Munchy veggies like carrots, peppers, sugar peas

-Mozzarella cheese sticks

-Little bags of almonds (portion control 10 almonds a bag=100 cals)
-Hard boiled eggs (great easy road protein source)

-Fage yogurt

-Air blown popcorn
-Turkey jerky

Also I bring my workout clothes and make a point to move somehow—somewhere if I can because exercise =happy body= happy brain.
How are you going to set yourself and your brain and body up for a sane, shifted, enjoyable holiday week??

I have a great CD with both coaching and hypnosis  called “Traveling Towards Success”and am offering both a discount of $6 dollars off the price of the CD plus free shipping—this week only and I have only a limited number so first come first serve—click on to the link to see the offer.

Happy Shifting!

Oxox Rita
REMINDER: The next Shift 30 Day Weight Mastery Process begins September 22nd—this will also have Re-Shift going on for those of you who want to Re-Shift.  Mark your calendars now-and tell your friends and family.
SHIFT KIDS BINGO NIGHT:  Our Fundraiser at Hamburger Mary’s in WE HO is Sunday night August 19th-mark your calendars for fun and prizes and helping to fight childhood obesity!

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