Friday, June 15, 2012

Shift Weekly: May the Protein Source Be with You

Dear Shifters,

What’s Up with Upping the Protein?
As a hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert I will tell you one of the biggest nutritional Shifts that someone can make to begin to take back their power from food is to make sure that they are eating enough protein on a daily basis.  I know that if you have worked with me either privately or with the Shift 30 Process or even if you know me through doing the Shift in a Box Process—you know that I harp on a lot about the power of protein!!

If someone is complaining about being hungry I will ask, “Are you eating enough protein?”
If someone is suffering from night eating I will inquire, “Are you having a protein rich snack around 4pm?”

If someone has been binging or feeling really addicted to carbohydrates and sugar I will advise, “make sure you cut the carbs and up your protein in order to break the sugar spell.”

At Shift we don’t give you a diet.  I really believe until you create a way of eating that you have ownership of, that works for you and your lifestyle, that you created from becoming a loving scientist and observing what foods work at what times for you and what don’t and making changes based on your findings rather than some ‘expert” giving you a list of good foods and bad foods.

I will, however, harp on about your getting enough protein—about 30-55 grams per day—depending on your size.
Why??  Why would a hypnotherapist blather on so about getting enough protein?

Two reasons and both have to do with your brain---

1)    Research shows that the lack of certain amino acids found in protein sets up the brain to crave sugar and carbohydrates.  When you haven’t been eating enough protein your brain is more prone to seek out the more sweet and refined carbohydrates in large quantities (binges).  Also the more refined carbohydrates you consume the more hungry you feel.

2)    Protein gives you the most bang for your caloric buck.  If you are eating relatively few calories in order to stay within your body’s calorie needs for weight release for maintenance) a serving of protein is going to leave you feeling more satisfied and stable than a serving of carbohydrates.

Having said this, I am not advocating a no carb-diet plan here--nor am I saying all is lost if you are a vegetarian or vegan—I am just saying that upping your protein—no matter what the source-- and lessening the starchy carbs usually help my clients stay happy and satisfied within their caloric needs for weight release.

There are two times I especially suggest that the protein source be with you—breakfasts and afternoon snack time.  If I have learned anything from my own weight struggles as well as the hundreds of clients I have worked with over the years—starting the day with a good protein source sets you on a good course for the rest of the day.  Snack time is key because if we stabilize our blood sugar at this time with some protein then we head into dinner with a sane head and a belly that isn’t screaming to be fed with whatever we can put our hands on first.

Starting the Day Right: Breakfast

Eating a meal in the morning that is right for your body allows you to head into your day with stable blood sugar levels—a must for weight management.  Every body is different in the morning so you need to tune into yours and you special needs.  Observe how your body responds to the breakfast that you currently feed it.  How does it feel a few hours later?  Are you hungry?  Tired? Light headed? Or are you feeling good and focused on what you are doing?

These are some foods that my clients and I have observed about different types of breakfast foods.  After eating these breakfast foods one feels hungry in about an hour or so:

-Sugary and sugar-free commercial yogurts (even fat-free ones)

-Most cold (non-bran) cereals even the “whole grain” ones (this depends on your system)

-Granola (very high in calories too)

-Bagels (also high in calories)



-Toast with jam (no protein

-Juice only

-Quick-cooking oats or instant oats from envelopes

-Sugary coffee drinks

These foods tend to keep one’s blood sugar levels stable and hunger satisfied through the morning:

-High fiber bran cereals

-Eggs/egg beaters/ egg whites

-Low fat cheeses

-High protein smoothies

-High protein 0% fat Greek yogurt

-Low-fat cottage cheese

-Whole fruit with some sort of protein

-Slow cooking oatmeal and whole grain cereals

-Vegetarian sausages/links/bacon

-Lean bacon/ turkey sausage/ Canadian bacon

-High fiber muffins that have no sugar in them (Zen muffins and fibercakes)

-Whole grain or high fiber toast/ English muffins/ tortillas with protein on them

-Bean or vegetable soups

Snack not GAK!

It is wise to not allow yourself to get super hungry—that is when many of us tend to overeat. Make snacks work for you—not against you.  Many snacks out of a vending machine or grabbed on the go cause you to feel hungrier and more tired—the exact opposite of what a snack is intended for.

Make sure the calories of a snack work for you as many processed snacks contain more calories than some meals.  Use the following guidelines to snack smart.

Avoid: Stuff out of the vending machine, snacks that are primarily sugar, fat and salt, anything highly processed

Examples:  cookies, muffins, chocolate bars, sugary juice drinks, sugary coffee drinks, granola bars, chips etc.

Seek: snacks that contain protein, snacks that contain fiber, snacks that have some protein and complex carbohydrate or fat and carbohydrate.


Fruit and peanut butter

Apple slices and a low fat cheese stick

0% fat Greek yogurt and fruit

Fruit and small amount of nuts

Fiber bar and yogurt

Cottage cheese and fruit

Lo fat ricotta cheese spread on a lo carb tortilla with a savory or sweet topping

Lo-carb tortilla and hummus,

Carrots and hummus etc

Veggie burger patty

Deli turkey slices

Hard-boiled egg with an apple (TJs sells hardboiled, shelled eggs in a bag)

Turkey jerkey

Tuna in a pouch

Shift Weekly Coaching:  If you are struggling with hunger or food craving try upping you protein a few hundred calories a day and removing the same amount of calories of starchy food and see if this helps keep you more happily on your path to long term permanent weight release.
Have a Shifted Week and May the Protein Source be with You
Happy Shift Saturday Support Class 10am-1130am-June 23rd—Come get focused, stay accountable and get support from the group—Hypnosis included.  This Saturday’s topic--summer outings and travel.  Email me to confirm your spot.

SAVE DATE-7pm Sunday August 19th Shift Kids Bingo in WEHO at Hamburger Mary’s.  prizes, fun and your $20 dollar entry fee goes to Shift Kids.  This is a great night to bring your friends!

SAVE THE DATE The next 30 Day Weight Mastery Process(and REShift) begins September 22nd but if you sign up now you save  and also get to come in and  get your metabolism tested and have a consultation with me and you can begin releasing weight before the start of the Shift.  Call or email Rita—323 988 4574/

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