Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shift Weekly: How Our Founding Father’s Made the Shift

Hi Shifters!

All great revolutions start with the courage and decision to SHIFT.
Sometimes in the journey to long term permanent weight release we may get discouraged or feel like getting healthy is too tough.  We lose our vision and may want to give up.  Don’t give up!  Create a vision that is bigger than you!  That’s what our founding fathers did. They created a vision of a free and independent nation and Shifted the colonies out of oppression and into freedom.

There were probably many times Thomas Jefferson thought, “but this revolution thing is sooo hard, I just want to sit back and relax instead of drafting another declaration!”.Or Patrick Henry said, “you know maybe we should just stop this whole thing, I mean the British they aren’t that bad, we could just let them run things, it would be less stressful for me.”  But they didn’t.  they kept right on Shifting because their vision was bigger than their own personal complaints.  If they didn't keep going with courage and dedication we would all be paying for Kate Middleton's pricey wardrobe too!

Imagine our nation being free from the oppression of the obesity and unhealthy eating habits?  Wouldn’t that be amazing?  Wouldn’t that be a wonderful legacy to pass on to our future generations?  Well that vision begins with you and your making your own powerful Shift—starting this week.  Let’s declare ourselves free from the bondage of fat thinking. Let's begin the revolution within our own hearts and minds by deciding to have a healthy week this 4th of July.
Now chances are you may already be in the midst of a social eating frenzy this week—that’s okay you can still make it all work.  Remember weight release success is about strategy and showing up for yourself consistently—so let’s do that this July 4th.

Social Strategies

1-Create a vision: know what you want to feel like at the end of the event— what you want to feel like in your body, in your clothes, and in your mind.  Create a specific picture—make it so real you can feel it and get excited about it.  This engages your brain in going to work with you to achieve your vision.

2-Be clear that it’s not about being good but being consistent.  Figure out what foods you want to taste and try at these events—life is too short to eat just chicken and salad—but also shoot for eating 80 healthfully and leaving that 20 room for the GAK: the booze, the cakes and pies and fries and ribs that add to the summer—but not in amounts that add to your waistline as well.  Use the 3 bite rule—try 3 bites of the caloric stuff—and not whole servings and never allow yourself to indulge in the “I’ll start again on Monday!” nonsense—c’mon shifters that is so old school—so 1990s!  Focus on leaving these events feeling light and connected to yourself, having eaten what you wanted but not going over your caloric budget for weight release.

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins September 22nd—register now and save and start Shifting before the summer is through. Register by August 15th and receive $100 off the price of the process and a free 3 prep Shift CD set. Call 323 988 4574.

3-Show up for yourself—kids, bosses, mates, friends—they all do better when you take care of yourself first—so why do you put yourself down near the bottom.  Make yourself and your health a top priority—that may mean you friends or kids may have to eat at a healthy restaurant instead of their favorite—that’s fine—they’ll live and probably be healthier for it.  That may mean you will put exercise before some other things that seem important like laundry or doing that take home work from your job—but hey—who thinks better and feels better and gets more done—you when you are feeling healthy and good about yourself.  Stop putting it off—go for the walk—you will be glad you did.

Social Gathering Tips

Social events are fun but can be a challenge for calorie budgets.. You have to have a life—but preferably a long and healthy one so  here are some strategies to support your mastering these gak-filled scenarios during  today’s 4th of July Holiday.

-Bank (save up) calories ahead of time for the event.

-Think though goals ahead of time.  Have a plan for the event before go walk in.

-Plan on leaving victorious—have a vision before you get to the gathering of leaving feeling light and connected to yourself.

-Bring a salad or vegetable—even if no one else wants it or eats it –you can!

Practice responses to food pushers ahead of time. 

“No thank you.”
I am already full, but thanks.  You did a great job with this party…(change the subject fast).”

“No more please, but hey let me help you clean up a bit”

“I have a metabolic condition and that keeps me from eating that.  Sorry, but it looks delicious!”

“I have noticed that sugar and flour causes blood sugar issues for me so I am going to pass.”

“I am allergic but sorry that looks great!”

“Wow that looks tasty but I am sugar sensitive and if I overindulge I feel awful the next day (you don’t have to tell them awful means guilty or regretful).
“That looks amazing—did you make that?  Wow.  I am going to pass but thanks for offering!”
Do not buckle to social pressure—gak pushers just want to be loved.  Appreciate their food efforts and acknowledge what a generous person they are then kindly decline—ultimately it’s not about the food—it’s about connecting.
Have a great 4th of July I will be thinking about you and working my own plan of action out there in the GAK filled universe.  May you all have a healthy holiday where you connect to yourself and declare your own independence from fat thinking!

Happy July 4th

Oxox Rita
SAVE THIS DATE : Sunday August 19th at 7pm--SHIFT KIDS BINGO NIGHT AT HAMBURGER MARY’S Come and play bingo with the community and win prizes.  Your entry fee goes to help our non-profit-Shift Kids.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shift Weekly: Stop! Thieves!

Special CD of the Week Discount (Traveling Towards Mastery)
Hi Shifters,
As you head out for your summer travels I want to warn you about 2 thieves that are out there waiting to rob you blind and ruin your summer holiday experience.  Those thieves are your Inner Critic and your Inner Rebel.

That’s right these two work together masterfully and catch you by surprise.  First the Inner Rebel appears—disguised in such fun time holiday thoughts as…
-“It’s my holiday I am going to let my hair down and drink 3 Pina Coladas with the umbrella!”

-“I have to try the local fudge…and pastries…and bread and would be wrong not to since I will never get to taste this fudge again and I am sure it’s waaaaay different than the fudge I can get at home.”

-“Exercise?  Ha!  Lifting the beers to my mouth while I lie on the beach is all the exercise that I will be doing!”

-“I am not going to SHIFT this week—I am just going to take the week off and RELAAAAAAX!”—
Next the Inner critic swoops in just as your fudge buzz is kicking in and you think things are rolling along…the Inner Critic is not so disguised and can really hit you hard with such thoughts as..

“Ugh, why did you eat that fudge, you didn’t even like that fudge, now you feel gross and it’s all your fault—you have no self control.”
-“You said you were going to exercise on this vacation and you haven’t even gone on a walk, no wonder that’s why you feel so flabby!  Lazy bones—you blew it.”

-“You can never manage being away—you are as out of control on vacation as you are at home!”
Yes, my shifting friends, you can see when these two vacation thieves work in tandem things get grim fast!  I remember before I Shifted that I would spend many vacations letting my hair down and then beating myself up, letting my hair down again and then beating myself up again.  I could have paid a lot of money to be in the gorgeous holiday setting but it all looked like the prison of my own FAT THINKING to me.  That is why I urge you to plan ahead to be successful on your holidays—and above all stay connected to your Inner Coach—your Inner Coach is like the American Express traveler’s checks of your mental well being while on vacation.

I am heading out of town for a few days and planning to have a healthy holiday where my priority is to stay connected to myself, stay in control and by doing so experience fun times with my family and truly relax. 
I know it’s easy to forget to make being healthy and weight release a priority sometimes with all the activities of the holidays—here are a few things to remember to stay in THIN THINKING:

1)    Remember to have a vision of feeling light and vibrant the day following the day you get back from your vacation. (not sluggish and bloated).

2)    Remember to have a plan as to how to make that vision a reality—exercise (how much?), lots of fruits and veggies, keep the starchy carbs to a minimum as they trigger the “eat more-I’m more hungry” valve in the brain, and think about how to stay within you calories budget for release or maintenance (make the decision early whether you are going to release or maintain this week).

3)    Remember to show up for yourself with power thoughts by staying connected to your Inner Coach.
Thoughts like..
-“If I eat that now how will I feel three hours from now?  Will that really make me feel good?”

-“If I walk for an hour I can treat myself to a local treat.”
-“I know I am going out tonight so I will eat more light and protein based meals earlier to save room for the calories.”

This is what I am packing with me to bring for my family road-trip.  It’s important for me to keep my blood sugar levels stable not only for my weight maintenance but for my brain.  I have happier saner thoughts and feelings when I keep away from the gak and keep my body and brain nourished with healthy fiber-filled and protein based foods.  I don’t know what is going to be out there on the road and gas stations are notorious gak palaces so here is a list of what I always bring:

-Zen fiber cakes from TJs (80 cals each and full of fiber—great snack on road)
-Munchy veggies like carrots, peppers, sugar peas

-Mozzarella cheese sticks

-Little bags of almonds (portion control 10 almonds a bag=100 cals)
-Hard boiled eggs (great easy road protein source)

-Fage yogurt

-Air blown popcorn
-Turkey jerky

Also I bring my workout clothes and make a point to move somehow—somewhere if I can because exercise =happy body= happy brain.
How are you going to set yourself and your brain and body up for a sane, shifted, enjoyable holiday week??

I have a great CD with both coaching and hypnosis  called “Traveling Towards Success”and am offering both a discount of $6 dollars off the price of the CD plus free shipping—this week only and I have only a limited number so first come first serve—click on to the link to see the offer.

Happy Shifting!

Oxox Rita
REMINDER: The next Shift 30 Day Weight Mastery Process begins September 22nd—this will also have Re-Shift going on for those of you who want to Re-Shift.  Mark your calendars now-and tell your friends and family.
SHIFT KIDS BINGO NIGHT:  Our Fundraiser at Hamburger Mary’s in WE HO is Sunday night August 19th-mark your calendars for fun and prizes and helping to fight childhood obesity!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Shift Weekly: May the Protein Source Be with You

Dear Shifters,

What’s Up with Upping the Protein?
As a hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert I will tell you one of the biggest nutritional Shifts that someone can make to begin to take back their power from food is to make sure that they are eating enough protein on a daily basis.  I know that if you have worked with me either privately or with the Shift 30 Process or even if you know me through doing the Shift in a Box Process—you know that I harp on a lot about the power of protein!!

If someone is complaining about being hungry I will ask, “Are you eating enough protein?”
If someone is suffering from night eating I will inquire, “Are you having a protein rich snack around 4pm?”

If someone has been binging or feeling really addicted to carbohydrates and sugar I will advise, “make sure you cut the carbs and up your protein in order to break the sugar spell.”

At Shift we don’t give you a diet.  I really believe until you create a way of eating that you have ownership of, that works for you and your lifestyle, that you created from becoming a loving scientist and observing what foods work at what times for you and what don’t and making changes based on your findings rather than some ‘expert” giving you a list of good foods and bad foods.

I will, however, harp on about your getting enough protein—about 30-55 grams per day—depending on your size.
Why??  Why would a hypnotherapist blather on so about getting enough protein?

Two reasons and both have to do with your brain---

1)    Research shows that the lack of certain amino acids found in protein sets up the brain to crave sugar and carbohydrates.  When you haven’t been eating enough protein your brain is more prone to seek out the more sweet and refined carbohydrates in large quantities (binges).  Also the more refined carbohydrates you consume the more hungry you feel.

2)    Protein gives you the most bang for your caloric buck.  If you are eating relatively few calories in order to stay within your body’s calorie needs for weight release for maintenance) a serving of protein is going to leave you feeling more satisfied and stable than a serving of carbohydrates.

Having said this, I am not advocating a no carb-diet plan here--nor am I saying all is lost if you are a vegetarian or vegan—I am just saying that upping your protein—no matter what the source-- and lessening the starchy carbs usually help my clients stay happy and satisfied within their caloric needs for weight release.

There are two times I especially suggest that the protein source be with you—breakfasts and afternoon snack time.  If I have learned anything from my own weight struggles as well as the hundreds of clients I have worked with over the years—starting the day with a good protein source sets you on a good course for the rest of the day.  Snack time is key because if we stabilize our blood sugar at this time with some protein then we head into dinner with a sane head and a belly that isn’t screaming to be fed with whatever we can put our hands on first.

Starting the Day Right: Breakfast

Eating a meal in the morning that is right for your body allows you to head into your day with stable blood sugar levels—a must for weight management.  Every body is different in the morning so you need to tune into yours and you special needs.  Observe how your body responds to the breakfast that you currently feed it.  How does it feel a few hours later?  Are you hungry?  Tired? Light headed? Or are you feeling good and focused on what you are doing?

These are some foods that my clients and I have observed about different types of breakfast foods.  After eating these breakfast foods one feels hungry in about an hour or so:

-Sugary and sugar-free commercial yogurts (even fat-free ones)

-Most cold (non-bran) cereals even the “whole grain” ones (this depends on your system)

-Granola (very high in calories too)

-Bagels (also high in calories)



-Toast with jam (no protein

-Juice only

-Quick-cooking oats or instant oats from envelopes

-Sugary coffee drinks

These foods tend to keep one’s blood sugar levels stable and hunger satisfied through the morning:

-High fiber bran cereals

-Eggs/egg beaters/ egg whites

-Low fat cheeses

-High protein smoothies

-High protein 0% fat Greek yogurt

-Low-fat cottage cheese

-Whole fruit with some sort of protein

-Slow cooking oatmeal and whole grain cereals

-Vegetarian sausages/links/bacon

-Lean bacon/ turkey sausage/ Canadian bacon

-High fiber muffins that have no sugar in them (Zen muffins and fibercakes)

-Whole grain or high fiber toast/ English muffins/ tortillas with protein on them

-Bean or vegetable soups

Snack not GAK!

It is wise to not allow yourself to get super hungry—that is when many of us tend to overeat. Make snacks work for you—not against you.  Many snacks out of a vending machine or grabbed on the go cause you to feel hungrier and more tired—the exact opposite of what a snack is intended for.

Make sure the calories of a snack work for you as many processed snacks contain more calories than some meals.  Use the following guidelines to snack smart.

Avoid: Stuff out of the vending machine, snacks that are primarily sugar, fat and salt, anything highly processed

Examples:  cookies, muffins, chocolate bars, sugary juice drinks, sugary coffee drinks, granola bars, chips etc.

Seek: snacks that contain protein, snacks that contain fiber, snacks that have some protein and complex carbohydrate or fat and carbohydrate.


Fruit and peanut butter

Apple slices and a low fat cheese stick

0% fat Greek yogurt and fruit

Fruit and small amount of nuts

Fiber bar and yogurt

Cottage cheese and fruit

Lo fat ricotta cheese spread on a lo carb tortilla with a savory or sweet topping

Lo-carb tortilla and hummus,

Carrots and hummus etc

Veggie burger patty

Deli turkey slices

Hard-boiled egg with an apple (TJs sells hardboiled, shelled eggs in a bag)

Turkey jerkey

Tuna in a pouch

Shift Weekly Coaching:  If you are struggling with hunger or food craving try upping you protein a few hundred calories a day and removing the same amount of calories of starchy food and see if this helps keep you more happily on your path to long term permanent weight release.
Have a Shifted Week and May the Protein Source be with You
Happy Shift Saturday Support Class 10am-1130am-June 23rd—Come get focused, stay accountable and get support from the group—Hypnosis included.  This Saturday’s topic--summer outings and travel.  Email me to confirm your spot.

SAVE DATE-7pm Sunday August 19th Shift Kids Bingo in WEHO at Hamburger Mary’s.  prizes, fun and your $20 dollar entry fee goes to Shift Kids.  This is a great night to bring your friends!

SAVE THE DATE The next 30 Day Weight Mastery Process(and REShift) begins September 22nd but if you sign up now you save  and also get to come in and  get your metabolism tested and have a consultation with me and you can begin releasing weight before the start of the Shift.  Call or email Rita—323 988 4574/

Friday, June 8, 2012

Shift Weekly: What People Think About Your Butt…

 -Thank you everyone who joined the "drop 12lbs in 12 weeks" teleseminar--it was a fun information filled hour--if you missed it email us back and request a link to the recorded version.

-Deadline for June 13th Shift-in-a-Box 30 day Weight Mastery Process moved to today Monday June 11th—(due to a technical glitch)-Click below to sign up at the discounted price and receive the bonus offers thru midnight tonight--there are only a few slots left—ABSOLUTE DEADLINE—

-SAVE DATE!!! Sunday Aug 19th at 7pm Shift Kids (our non-profit) Fundraising Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s in West Hollywood--win prizes and have fun while raising money to help parents and their kids take back their power from childhood obesity.

Dear Shifters,
Did you know that you can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” but what you are going to have to do in order to do that is “take it all off”?  Every year I like to introduce this coaching of the start of the summer so that you can be prepared to hit the pool with pride in your body no matter what you weigh right now.

This June I have been focusing on all the ways that FAT THINKING, the good or bad, all or nothing, right or wrong diet mind thinking, can take our power away from us—particularly as we head into the summer months. Something I want to focus on this week is the fear of shedding clothes and the days get warmer and revealing more of ourselves.  Often clients will struggle with the idea of this as they are ashamed of the way their body looks in the clothes of summer.  They want to wait until they are at their ideal weight to give themselves permission to wear shorts or a bathing suit.  The irony is that as they release the weight they still don’t feel good enough about their bodies to give themselves permission to “take it off” because they are afraid of the way others will perceive them.

 I want to invite you to see that you can have a fabulous summer, running around in whatever clothes you choose, but what you are going to “take off” isn’t the fat as much as it is the Fat Thinking that keeps you imprisoned in this idea of who you have to be in order to be loved and socially acceptable in whatever clothes you wear.  Instead I invite you to begin Thin Thinking about your body—loving you body for where it is today and not worrying so much what others will think.  The more self acceptance that you create within yourself the more confident you become.  The more you “take off” the Fat Thinking and limiting beliefs about your body and begin SHIFTING your thoughts about your body to more powerful ones, the more you can then begin to love yourself ALL THE WAY DOWN THE SCALE—(not just when you get to that magic number at the bottom—wherever and whenever that may be).  You can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” and those other people’s thoughts about you and your shape—be can go jump in the pool!

 My struggle with my body and body image went on for decades.  It is amazing to me that I can have fun in a bathing suit, when just the thought of putting one on would fill me with horror years ago before my Shift.  You see it wasn’t bad enough that I had to look at my body in the mirror or feel my thighs and butts shake like little 3.2 tremors on the earthquake scale every time I took a step—I really used to worry that others would be super grossed out and not able to have a good time anywhere near me.  That is until I found out THE SECRET.

 No not the secret that book and internet movie about the laws of attraction. No, the real secret that unlocks the ability to strut around a pool (cellulite tremors and all) without even a cover, up –to “take it off” in order to “take it off” is: what people think about your body is really none of your business!!!

When I struggled with my weight and body image I consistently had the FAT THINKING that people needed me to have a firm and non-cellulite infested butt and thighs in order to be deemed worthy and in order for them to have a good time around the vicinity of my butt and thighs.  Why?  Well because anything less was not acceptable.  But here’s the real question—who is it not acceptable to?  Is it not acceptable to the other people, or to me?

 I was so caught up in their thought process that I gave all of my power away to them.  I spent summers covered from head to toe, never letting myself roam around freely and happily in my own skin because of my fear of what others my think of me.  The absurd irony is that I had no control over those stranger’s thoughts—AND I NEVER WOULD!  Talk about disempowered FAT THINKING in action!! Then a mentor of mine gave me some powerful coaching—some THIN THINKING-- and I use it to this day.

 Real freedom comes from the fact that most people are so absorbed in their own bodies and lives that even if they do look at me in all of my 47-year-old-far-from-firm-glory that their thoughts will go directly back to themselves through their filter of their own body.  

In reality, at pools, and gyms, and any other places where you may feel your body on display you can revel in the fact that people are so self-involved that any thought of you will be fleeting, and that here in LA, the thought of you will be even more miniscule because people here are even more narcissistic and self-involved!  Way to go LA! 

See there is a positive side to all of the self-absorbed people here—they could care less about your thighs!  So rip off that towel at the pool and have some fun, go to the gym before you have lost the weight (if I had a dollar for every client who wanted to wait until they were thin to go to the gym I would have enough money to get some liposuction done!) enjoy your body in this wonderful summer sun because what other people think about your butt is really none of your business—so butt out!!  TAKE OFF the Fat Thinking so you can enjoy TAKING OFF the clothes before you TAKE OFF all your weight—and TAKE ON loving your body where you are today!

 Repeat 10 times each night this week before you go to sleep:


 Shift happens even at the pool,

 Oxox Rita

PS Remember the DEADLINE is tonight at midnight--join us for the June 13th Shift -in-a Box Weight Mastery Process.  Read deatails and sign up here!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Shift Weekly: The Story of the 9,658 Calorie Tic Tac

-Get a FREE pre-loaded with Shift-in-a-Box HYPNOSIS MP3 player when you sign up for the Summer Shift-in-a-Box Process (THIS OFFER ENDS FRIDAY JUNE 8TH.)
-Join the free Shift Summer Teleseminar  Drop 12lbs. in 12 weeks”  this Wednesday night June 6th at 6PST—please email back to let us know to send you call in details.

The Story of the 9,658 Calorie Tic Tac
Dear Shifters,
You may think of Tic Tacs like just ordinary innocent little 1.5 calorie breath mint—so did I—until the day I met up with the 9,658 calorie Tic Tac!

I remember this Tic Tac like it was yesterday though it was almost 20 years ago.  The story of the 9,658 Tic Tac begins when I was on a diet trying to lose the same frustrating 40 pounds I had gained and lost over the previous fifteen years.  You see, the summer was coming and I was up near my highest weight and I didn’t want to spend another summer trying to come up with clever ways to hide my flabby bits but at the same time look like I was not trying to hide my flabby bits because it was summer and bits should be exposed and not hidden.   Can you relate?

So here I was desperate again, willing to do anything again, in the name of getting the weight off.  This time I was on some sort of juice fast which restricted any food other than fruit and vegetable juices.  I had been “juicing” for about a week and had lost 6 pounds in 3 days and I was excited—only 30 pounds to go!  The French bikini over my firmly toned abs was just around the corner!!!

While I was doing this juice fast and everything seemed fine and dandy.  In a weird way fasting was easy because it meant not dealing with food.  Food--which was both my best friend and my most bitter enemy at the same time.  I couldn’t trust myself with food so this fasting thing worked for me because it removed food as an option.  It was very black and white.  Juice or water and that is that—eat any food and “you blew it” so just don’t eat food and you will be perfect—a winner—one of the lucky slim ones.

 I nervously knew in the back of my mind that food would have to come back but I assured myself that I could figure out how to deal with food at some other point when the summer is over and the French Bikini has been put away until next year. I pushed those thoughts as and felt really good about myself as the veritable Queen of the juice fasts.  Until that Tic Tac crossed my path.

Do you remember the Tic Tac lady?  Do you remember those commercials where this blonde, super skinny lady dressed in white comes on and seductively says, “Tic Tacs are only 11/2 calories each” and then pops one in her mouth?  She made them seem so easy, so light, and so fun!!

Okay so I am on day seven of the juice fast and I drink my morning juice of cucumber and apple and pack my next lunch time juice of spinach and apple and I head out the door, get in the car, and head out for a long day of running errands all around town. 

About two hours into the day I get back in my car and head out on the freeway to my next appointment. When I get on the freeway I get into some very slow going traffic.  I sit there and start getting stressed, this is bad—I may miss my appointment.  Now I also notice I am hungry so I reach down for my juice container and that’s when tragedy occurs—the juice container falls over and juice pours out all over the floor of my car. Shoot.  Now I am stuck in traffic and I am really hungry and my precious juice is gone.

The traffic continues and I did indeed miss my appointment, now I am frustrated and starving—my stomach is growling.  Then out of the corner of my eye I see a canister of Tic Tacs on the passenger seat.  I grab them.  At first I hesitate—a part of me says—“no!  a Tic Tac is food—juice or water and nothing else remember?"  The other part of me says, “Eat the damn Tic Tac.  It’s a mint.  Mints aren’t food.  Just eat one—it will calm you down and remember like the lady says, only 1.5 calories.”

Guess which voice won?  I ate the Tic Tac!  For a second I felt wonderful as the little white sugary bliss entered my blood stream.  But then the Tic Tac was over and so was the little relief from the traffic and my stress.  So, without thinking I ate another—bliss-- and another—bliss-- and within a minute I was ripping off the little white plastic dispenser and DUMPING ALL OF THE TIC TACS FROM THE CONTAINER INTO MY MOUTH AT ONE TIME!  But did that make things okay?  No!  Now the fire was fueled and I wanted more.

At this time there was enough of a break in the traffic that I got off the freeway and headed to the nearest 7-11.  I went in and got some juice.  After all I hadn’t really cheated had I?  Tic Tacs are just mints not food.  As I approached the counter there was a line and as I was waiting to buy my juice I stare at the pastry display and saw a shiny, tantalizing chocolate muffin.  My stomach growled some more.  A part of me said “no—just the juice—juice and water—juice and water!”  But the juice and water didn’t seem so good anymore and the other voice welled up from within, “You know you blew it with the Tic Tacs today so you might as well just eat the muffin and start again juicing tomorrow.”  Guess which voice won?
I grabbed the muffin…and then a bagel with cream cheese.  And oh, heck why not—a bag of Cheetos and let’s rinse it all down with the juice!  Oh wait, yes, a few chocolate bars too.

I head out to the car and just sit in my car and eat…it all.  After I am done I feel a few seconds of remorse but those feeling are quickly pushed down by the voice telling me, “C’mon you will be good tomorrow—live it up.  Let’s hit the drive-thrus and then let’s go get some ice cream.  Let’s really party.  Tomorrow it’s back to boring juiceville.”

So 9,568 calories later I ended my day and that was then end of the juice fast too.  I did not wake up and go back to juicing, I said, “It’s the weekend.  Start again on Monday”.  That Monday came and went and so did all the other Mondays of the summer.  And you guessed it--that was another summer that I had to spend cleverly figuring out ways to cover my flabby bits YET AGAIN.   But worse than hiding flabby bits behind a towel was the fact that I was still struggling and beginning to think that it was always going to be like this.  That this was my lot in life.  That I was always going to have to struggle with not just my weight but MYSELF in this area of my life—FOREVER.
And that is the story of the 9,658 calorie Tic Tac.

I look back on that story now—having now maintained my Shifted weight release for nearly two decades—and I see it wasn't the Tic Tacs fault but rather all the little places where I let myself down with FAT THINKING.  Fat thinking is the all or nothing, good or bad, on or off way of thinking that we get into when we struggle with our weight. 

When I made the Shift I realized that I didn’t need to overcome food as much as I had to overcome my minds powerful urge to do repeat the same habits again and again.  One of the biggest habits would be to go on a diet and then break the diet.  That was the most fattening habit for me and most people that I work with.  Hypnosis can help the mind out of the habits that are keeping you in the struggle with your weight.  Once I began using my mind more effectively when I Shifted I began to be able to create new and powerful inner conversations or “frame works” of thinking that supported me in being consistent with new habits that lead to my extraordinary weight loss and long term maintenance. 

The best part, aside from not fretting about bathing suit season is that I have created a powerful relationship with myself that allows me the confidence to not only maintain my weight but to pursue the life of my dreams—something I would never have done when I was stuck in the weight and food struggle.

Now I offer the same to you—the Summer Shift—30 Day Shift-in-a-Box Process is designed to create an internal SHIFT out of Fat Thinking and into Thin Thinking.  The great thing about this Shift is that it is a home study course—so you can do it anytime, anywhere—even while on vacation.  It’s do-able, it’s inexpensive and it’s the beginning of the summer.  Check out the link below and give yourself the gift of becoming your own powerful weight release coach—once you get started you will be unstoppable!

Offer for Summer Shift-in-a-Box Process
We begin the Process June 13th—will you join us?  There are now only 5 places left for the Price that is discounted $200 off the normal retail price and you also get bonuses like a pre-loaded hypnosis MP3 player.  If you really want to begin your summer powerfully and release the weight—not only for now but to continue to do so into the autumn and the rest of your life—click the link here to read thru this offer and decide to JOIN ME FOR the SUMMER SHIFT-IN-BOX PROCESS.

Offer for Summer Shift-in-a-Box Process

Have a wonderful Tic Tac Shifted week and join us Wednesday night (June 6th) for the Shift Summer teleseminar at 6pm PST.  Email us back to join and we will send you the call in details.