It is my mission to get 500 more people making the Shift from Fat Thinking to Thin Thinking this summer and so please pass this F R E E video training along to friends and family. With obesity levels rising—this world needs to SHIFT! Thanks again for your support!
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Shift Weight Mastery Video Training
Hi Shifters,Have you heard it? I was shocked when I did. I only heard it once and wasn’t really paying attention at first but then it got me—and there I was mouth wide open, like a stunned mullet fish, did they just what I think they did? Yes they did! Then I laughed—“good one! Frito Lay—that was one smart radio ad!”
It went something like this, remember I wasn’t totally tuned in at first, but the gist is that there is this stressed out guy—and he’s saying “geez I am so stressed!” Then this other guy, who sounds like a therapist comes in and tells him to relax. The other guy says but I am stressed-I can’t! The therapist-like guys tells him then—in a intentionally very hypnotic voice—“sit back and relaaaaaaaaax. Now imagine yourself sitting in a chair with a nice bag of Cheetos. Each Cheeto you eat is relaxing you even are really enjoying the Cheetos” then he has the guy come up out of the trance—the guy is all relaxed and the therapist like guy tells him he owes him $28 dollars. That is it. Millions of dollars of advertizing talent poured into 30 seconds of expensive media time and we have now been hypnotized to think Cheetos relax us.
Now the ad itself is super basic and on the surface nothing novel or brilliant—but this ad is obviously using this “funny scenario” to hypnotize the listener in a second hand way—pretty smart! This ad perfectly demonstrates what I am always asking people who are leery of using hypnosis for weight loss. “Why are you afraid of hypnosis? You get hypnotized at least 20 times a day by companies like Frito Lay that spend millions of dollars in ads as hypnotic but less overt than this that are getting into your mind when you are in “environmental hypnosis” (every day states we are in trance)—in your car, in front of your computer, in front of your TV. How often do you get trigger by an ad to get up from the TV and get a snack from the kitchen? How often does the radio ad for chocolate make you think of heading to the in and buying a bar when you are getting gas?”
You see I think we need to be unhypnotized from all of the
constant mental bombardment of Gakky food that takes our power away from
us. I really see myself as an
unhypnotist—helping people out of the bad trance states that are keeping them
struggling with their weight and themselves.
-I will always be fat
-What’s the use—they are all eating it?
-I need carbs to comfort me.-I don’t have time to exercise.
How many bad trances are you under right now? What is the toll that all these bad trances
are taking on you?
Click here for Video #3 The 9 Skills and the Power of Hypnosis
Check out video #3 The 9 Skills and the Power of Hypnosis,
if you haven’t already—I have picked a hypnosis download for you to try and
have some great and inspiring content on the video too about hypnosis and the
best practices of weight mastery. Hey, I
didn’t have millions of dollars to pour into it but I think is pretty valuable
and you won’t be heading for a bag of Cheetos when you are through!
Click here for Video #3 The 9 Skills and the Power of HypnosisAnd now coming up—1-2-3—eyes open, wide away and ready for a very Shifted week!
Oxox Rita
Click here to sign up for all of the training videos
P.S. Like the SHIFT page on Facebook (see right!) thanks!
JUNE: Master Member Circle Registration Begins—More details to come
JUNE: Saturday Classes Begin Summer Term
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