Happy Memorial Day! I hope that you are going to remember to show up for yourself today and have fun but make healthy food choices that allow you to want to remember Memorial Day and not forget it!
Often I hear people say that they are glad that the summer is coming because it is easier to “release” weight. (Remember we say “release” at Shift because “losing” weight implies to our unconscious that we want to find it again!)
Here are some of the reasons that they feel that summer makes it easier to get thinner.
-Lighter foods like fresh fruits abound
-Their schedule is not so full and structured—more time to relax
-Vacations allow opportunities to exercise more and eat more lightly
Ironically, as the summer progresses often times those same people begin to question why they thought summer was going to be easier! The very reason they thought summer was going to be good weight release season have them feeling quite the opposite!!
Here are some of the reasons why they find the summer challenging.
-Fresh fruits abound and are delicious and therefore are easy to overeat—as is all of the food at the BBQs, picnics and on road trips!!
-Their schedule is not so full and structured—more time to relax and eat in between meals, to graze and to boredom eat!
-Vacations allow opportunities to exercise our right to “go off our plan” , to “get it all in before the vacation ends” and to “eat the special local fudge because we are not ever going to get this special local fudge back home”.
What starts out as a summer full of good intentions quickly returns to a summer of FAT THINKING. The all or nothing, good or bad, on or off sort of thinking that keeps us in the weight struggle. These people can’t wait for the structure of autumn again when it will be easier to release weight!!!!
I know from my own personal experience when I had come home from college at a pretty low weight and expected to release more that summer but wound up gaining almost 40 lbs!!! Yikes!
Luckily you can make the Shift and release 12-24 lbs this summer (in 3mos) and do so in a way that allows you not to gain them back in the autumn. You can make the SHIFT out of the FAT THINKING and remove the barriers and beliefs that have you feeling stuck and SHIFT into powerful THIN THINKING. This SUMMER SHIFT is the focus of two opportunities that I am offering today.
With the Shift-in-a-Box 30 Day Weight Mastery Process
I am
super excited to be launching my home study version of the Shift-in-a-Box 30
Day Weight Mastery Process. This is a
program I have been obsessively working on and testing and tweaking for almost
3 years—it ready now and I am offering it to you SHIFTERS as a SUMMER SHIFT
SPECIAL at ½ off its retail cost plus over $300 dollars worth of bonuses(if you
are one of the first 10 to sign up)!
If you
sign up and join us by June 11th you will be:- Part of the group of 25 people that will be going through the Summer Shift Process starting June 13th. This process occurs both online, in the Shift online community and over 30 days as you use the coaching and hypnosis sessions from the Shift-in-a-Box—SO THIS CAN BE DONE IN YOUR OWN TIME!
-Getting the Shift-in-a-Box home study course and the wrap around process at 50% off.
-Be one of the first 15 to sign up you will receive over $250 in bonuses including a Shift Mp3 player pre-loaded with the hypnosis sessions from the Shift-in-a-Box.
-The program has a guarantee so you can try it risk free
(SEE ALL DETAILS IN EXTENDED OFFER BELOW--scroll down below signiture)
The Shift in-a-Box offers you ease, convenience, support, and a powerful program that last well beyond the 30 days—because you own it you can do the 30 Day Shift Process again and again and each time got more from the process—more mastery—more weight release!
2) OPPORTUNITY #2 –FREE ONLINE WEBINAR “Shift Summer Drop 12 in 12” where we will give you step by step framework to focus on releasing weight successfully during the summer.
We will cover:-Setting yourself up to succeed at weight release despite the challenges of summer.
-How you can release 1-2 lbs a week not by dieting but by using your mind more effectively so that the weight release can be permanent.
Mark your calendars for the“Drop 12 in 12” Webinar on June 6th at 6 pm PST
I hope you
had a wonderful weekend and are rested and looking forward to the week
ahead. Please sign up for the webinar and
also check out the Shift-in-a-Box 30 Weight Mastery Process offer below and
enroll (below)!! I am super excited to
get Shifting with you this summer!
Oxox Rita
(see Summer Shift Offer Below)
June 1- The
South Bay Shift walking group celebrates their 1st year anniversary!June 6--Shift Summer “Drop 12 in 12” F R E E Webinar (time and details below)
June 9—Shift Saturday Support Classes start up again
June 20th—Special SUMMER SHIFT group begins their Shift-in-a-Box Process
Please read on to find out about this special Summer Shift Process that begins June 13, 2012 |
Harnessing the Subconscious for Permanent Weight Release
“I am so grateful to have the monkey off my back and feel so at peace not to be crazy about what I would be eating for lunch etc. I've love all the CDs and am so, so happy to be over dieting. Oh yeah, and the other side note that used to be the end all be all—I released weight!” Kathryn Wayman (down 60 lbs in total one year after her Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process)
Hi there potential Summer Shifter!
If you have been struggling, the good news is this:
To lose weight and keep it off, you don't need more willpower. You just need more brain power.
As a clinical hypnotherapist and weight management expert I have worked with people for over a decade, helping them realize their weight goals. I know that what is needed to be successful is not willpower—that is only 12% of your mind’s ability—you need to harness your brainpower. Once you have 100% of your mind working for you—there is no goal that you cannot achieve. I have developed the Shift Weight Mastery Process to harness your mind, using the proven skill set and mind set of people who have taken weight off and kept it off for good, so that you canfinally experience the thrill of long term success for yourself.
Why is your success and Shift so important to me? I struggled with my own weight for over 20 years and it wasn’t until I made my own Shift, and realized after years of yo-yo-dieting that the key element to my success didn’t lie within all those diets I had failed at—the key element that was missing from all those lame attempts at losing weight –was me! Once I realized that I held the only key to my success I was able to make my own Shift and release the weight and have kept it off for 18 years.
I just want you to know that wherever you are today with your current with your weight—that I believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can overcome the old mindset and behaviors that have kept you struggling and feeling like a failure. You are not a failure—you are actually your own best weight loss coach and there is no one that is going to be sitting in your skin 24/7 except you.
Therefore, to live life at your ideal weight is not a matter of finding the right diet, pill or program—the answer you have been looking for is you!
The 30 Day Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process allows you a new way of communicating with yourself around food, exercise, your body and yourself that is powerful and productive. You can release the weight and keep it off—the coaching, hypnosis and cognitive techniques in this process will help you need to remove the limiting beliefs and behaviors, addictions and habits that are in your way.
I can't wait to start Shifting with you and helping you realize your dream of long term permanent weight release. I believe in The Shift-in-a-Box so much that I am guaranteeing that if you are not satisfied with it that you can return it after 30 days for a full refund. Please read on—I hope you make the decision to join us on this Summer Adventure!!
Oxox Rita Black C.Ht.
Donna W. of Long Beach CA (down 10 lbs by day 30/ down 28 lbs in 100 days)
"I have lost and found 100s of pounds over the last 40 years and nothing has made as much sense to me as this simple process. I'll be 60 soon, walking daily and exercising 3 days a week—I feel better than 45! Thanks Rita for your motivational notes and inspiration and this wonderful Shift-in-a-Box Process!"
Shift TV— watch the video below to see more about Shift and its profound impact. Now this effective 30 day hypnotic weight loss process is available in Shift-in-a-Box!!!
Why it's time to stop dieting and start Shifting-in-the Box
Diets don't work because they are external structures that we "go on" and "fall off" but no change happens internally in the way we think and therefore go back to our old habits once the diet is over.
From the moment you begin your Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process you begin making permanent changes from within—in the way you think and this ultimately changes the way you behave—so that once you reach your ideal weight you can stay there permanently.
Terilynn R. down 13lbs in 30 days
"In the past I would agonize over how I was going to keep the weight off because I knew deep down I could never stick to whatever diet/eating fad I was following at the time. This time, that panic voice is gone It gives me such a sense of peace. The fact that I can eat what I want and don't have that sense of "I blew it" is such a relief. I am being kinder to myself than I have ever been."
The Shift-in-a-Box Process's EDGE
Diets only engage the conscious mind, the willpower part of the brain—about 12% of your brain's power. That's why dieters, even though they may succeed in the short term sometimes, usually gain the weight back.
The Shift-in-a Box leverages the power of the subconscious mind using a synergistic combination of hypnosis, cognitive coaching and immersion coaching in the 9 skills of weight mastery, as well as daily inspiration and community support so that you can use 100% of your brain to make powerful and long term changes, release the weight and keep it off for good.
How will hypnosis help me release weight?
Our minds work on two levels: the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious controls our habits and behaviors. In the state of hypnosis we can communicate directly with the unconscious and break up old, negative patterns and replace them with more positive habits and behaviors. The hypnosis sessions in the Shift-in-a-Box were designed to work synergistically with the Shift-in-a-Box Immersion Coaching™ sessions to deliver an overall deep-level SHIFT in your relationship to food and exercise, your body, and yourself so that in 30 days you can take back your power from the thoughts, habits and behaviors that have kept you struggling and release weight powerfully, effectively, and permanently.
The 5 Keys Components to the Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process Success
1. Hypnosis: Recent clinical studies have shown that hypnosis increases the amount of weight that you can lose by 146%. The Hypnosis sessions in the Shift in a Box allow your subconscious mind to become more open to ideas of change and to focus on healthier behaviors and habits.
2. Cognitive Coaching: This cognitive technique is included throughout the Coaching CDs. It helps break up old limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns and allows new more healthy weight loss oriented behaviors to be inserted in their place.
3. Immersion Coaching: There are repeatable best practices that people who have taken weight off and kept it off for good use every day. The coaching sessions included in the Shift in a Box will immerse your brain in this proven skill-set of weight loss and maintenance.
4. Daily Inspiration and Motivation: It takes 21 days for new habits to become permanent in the brain. You receive daily motivational coaching emails from Shift founder Rita Black, that will keep you focused and moving towards your goals during this time where powerful changes will be taking place in your mind.
5. Community Support : Alone we diet—together we Shift!! Studies show that when you lose weight with a group your chances of keep that weight off nearly double!! In addition to the great food and exercise tracker there is a community full of support available on the Shift Community. Over your 30 day process and beyond you can access this wonderful resource which hosts the tools for you to release weight and then maintain it over time as well as find friends, groups and forums to find other Shifters and share your experiences.
How does the Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process work???
Pre-Shift Experience
Once you order your Shift-in-a- Box you will immediately begin receiving the 5 Day PRE-SHIFT Video Coaching Series by email (unless you are doing a group process then this Pre-Shift will start on the Group's official Shift start date- JUNE 13, 2012). The Pre-Shift Series are daily video sessions over 5 days (average running time 20 minutes) that will empower you to set up your mind and environment for success and teach you how to begin losing weight—even before your Shift-in a Box arrives!
The Shift-in-a-Box Process
The process, beginning with your Shift Day 1, is designed in such a way that by listening to the hypnosis and coaching sessions in tandem on a daily basis, bit by bit, over the 30 day and by using the works books the process engages your brain in making the SHIFT from Fat thinking to Thin Thinking. You begin changing your relationship to food and exercise immediately as you begin to release weight. This process continues even after the daily assignments end when you graduate on day 30.
The Shift Community Website and Calorie Tracker
Each day of your Shift-in-a-Box Process you can get support from the powerful calorie tracking tool in the Shift Community and find resources and tools for support and continuing your weight loss. You can make friends, join groups, interact in the forums, track your food and exercise and expected weight loss and see how other people are going through their Shift process at the same time as you.
Daily Motivation and Support Sessions
Whether the coaching comes in the form of writing or video, every day of your pre-Shift and 30 day Shift Shift-in-a-Box Process you will receive coaching that supports the theme of that day in your journey and are created and delivered to you by the Shift Weight Mastery Process founder, Rita Black.
Post-Shift Experience
The Shift in a Box Coaching and Hypnosis Sessions continue to deliver the Shift experience to you past the initial 30 day initiation process for as long as you continue to use them. This allows you to continue to Shift on down the scale at your ideal weight. After graduation you will find that other resources and classes are available to help you continue and support you in your journey. The Shift Community Website will always be there to support you as an ongoing powerful yet complimentary tool for you to continue to track you weight release and share in the community experience. Remember, Alone we diet—Together we Shift!!
Read Kate's Shift in-a-Box Story: From size 16 to size 8!
"In my head I was still a size 8 – just happened to be wearing size 16!! With each 5 lbs I gained I thought I needed to change my ways but alas I continued until I was 178 lbs, hypertensive and pre-diabetic. Then I received my Shift-in-a-Box as a gift. You need to understand that I was not going to do this program and pretty sure it would not work anyway. But I looked in the box and got intrigued. So I listened to the coaching CD1 and everything made sense. I started listening to the immersion coaching CDs on my daily commute to and from work and the hypnosisCDs at night and I was losing weight effortlessly—in fact it was fun!. I changed my list for the grocery store and started changing the meals I was making. Now I rarely have a drink and often do not even finish a glass of wine. And guess what—I don't miss it, crave it, or even want it! I am at peace with food—good healthy food and plenty of it.
My husband is thrilled and has lost weight as well and he is doing the SHIFT (he is, but he just does not know it!) I eat anything I want and plan my daily meals each morning. I can still have dessert or the office birthday cake as I just adjust elsewhere. I exercise daily and even got back in a skin care routine. I look fabulous. I am down to 145lbs and am wearing size 10 only because I have no size 8's yet which made me realize how long ago I began the weight gain. I had gotten rid of all my 8's as I figured I would never be thin enough to wear them. I truly was my own worst enemy. I do not want to shop until I reach 140 lbs. Rita's daily emails and fantastic personal support have been incredible. Now this has not been hard work, rather it has been an adventure and a romance – I have fallen back in love with me! It is a wonderful feeling be back in control and feeling this good! Thanks Rita, you are the best!"
(Kate Khaleel of Orlando Florida "Shifted in a Box" and went from a size 16 to a size 8 within a few months!)
By the time you finish your 30 Day Shift-in-a-Box Process you will be: Communicating effectively with yourself consciously and subconsciously, finding it easier to exercise consistently and push the plate away when you have had enough, and make healthy choices. Breaking out of limiting beliefs and behaviors that kept you sabotaging yourself and gaining the weight back. Creating a way of eating that allows you to continue to release weight but not feel deprived. Breaking free from addictive eating. Create a powerful alignment with yourself and your vision so you can side step the more critical and rebellious parts of your old thinking Habitually SHIFTING from Fat Thinking to Thin Thinking. On your way to long term permanent weight release and your ideal weight. "I really appreciate that Shift is teaching me about maintenance that I never got from anything else I tried. Thanks for your support!" Shannon Marraffino down 30 lbs and maintaining for 11 months
Join the Summer 30-Day Shift-in-a-Box Process beginning June 13th for $200 off the retail price. Offer ends June 11th. See details.
Included in the Shift Box are:
Process Includes Outside the Box: |
Guaranteed! No RISK TRIAL (if you are not satisfied with the quality of the Shift-in-a-Box
Process you can return the box in 30 days for a full refund)
Be one of the first 15 to enroll by June 11th deadline, and receive Bonus gifts worth over $250.
See below.
Keri Jenkins Spokane WA
(released 12 lbs during her 30 day process)
I originally decided to purchase the SHIFT program from Rita Black after having seen a comment from one of her former clients on a message board about some 'lose weight quick' program I was (stupidly) considering. I'd purchased weight release programs from other hypnotherapists in the past and have worked one on one with hypnotherapists with mixed results. What drew me to Rita is that she is passionate helping you Shift, fully believes in the process—it is her life's work and that she actually cares about your success, not in just selling you the program.
I loved everything about the SHIFT from the moment I received it; from the packaging to the support materials. I really liked Rita's voice – which is pretty important if you're going to listen to her speak every day.
I found as I went through the program that I didn't feel deprived but actually felt like I was gaining more and more control over my eating habits. As the weight came off, I knew this time was different and that I would be able to maintain my weight much more easily.
I'd HIGHLY recommend this program to anyone who is tired of beating themselves up about losing weight or that is really serious about getting control over their weight and eating habits. It really works.
Q: But how much time will doing the Shift-in-a-Box Process take?
A: The Shift-in-a-Box process was designed to go with you during your life. The coaching sessions can be listened to in your car or at home while you do other things around the house. You can even exercise and listen to them. The hypnosis sessions are able to fit into your day before bed, upon rising, even in the evening as you are relaxing after dinner. The time it takes to make the Shift during each of the 30 days averages out to be about 40 minutes per day. When you think the average person spends two hours a day wasting their life in front of the TV that seems totally manageable!
Q: I am not sure I can afford to do it right now?
A: When you think about your health and creating that peace of mind because you are finally addressing your weight issue in a real and long lasting way—why delay in making a decision to move forward and SHIFT? I understand that the economy is tight right now. I assure you the daily cost of the Shift-in-a-Box process averages out on a daily basis to be less than breakfast at Starbucks. I once had a client concerned about my $150 dollar session fee—but she went on to tell me that she spent over $30 dollars a day in junky snack foods—from frozen yogurt to bagels and so on—it made my weekly session fee seem cheap compared to what she spent a week on sugar, fat and salt! When you think of how much you may be spending on other things that bring no real value to your life and weigh that against feeling healthy and good about yourself—how can you even think that the cost of the Shift-in-a-Box process is anything except a bargain? I am told how much value is in what you get out of the Shift Process that the cost seems very inexpensive. Many clients have even told me to raise my prices—but I want you to afford this. The Shift-in-a-Box is affordable—you find a way to pay for what is important to you. I hope you find yourself and your health important and overcome any limiting belief about cost. Besides—I am offering the money back guarantee so that there is no risk whatsoever!
With the Shift Process I have found a new way to live with food. I was originally a size 14 pant and have given all those away. Currently my size 12's are getting loose and I am wearing a lot of the size 10's in my closet which feels wonderful for now. I have no heartburn, I don't obsess about food, and the private time I can spend listening to the shift CDs grounds me. I cannot say enough about the positive effects it has had so far and I cannot imagine going back to living the old way with the knowledge and control I feel that I have now. (Maryanne D. North Carolina—down 12 lbs by day 30 of her Shift-in-a-Box)
Bonus Gifts worth over $250 for first 15 participants!!!
When you sign up now for the Summer SHIFT you will receive:
BONUS #1- Unlimited access to the Shift Weight Release Food and Exercise Tracker and Shift Community Website Membership. (priceless)
BONUS #2- Special Edition Shift MP3 Player pre-loaded with Shift-in-a-Box Hypnosis Sessions ($147 value)
BONUS #3- 2 Months Complimentary Membership in the Shift Mastery Members Program (beginning on the 1st of the new month following enrollment date) and continuing membership at discounted rate of $24 per month after the 2 month period (regular membership is $37 per month)**. You may discontinue your membership at anytime by emailing team@maketheshiftnow.com; or calling 1-877-221-7251. (added value starts at $74)
Mastery Members Program Includes:
-Access to Mastery Members Circle Online Lounge with coaching archives, coaching recordings, weekly accountability posts, daily touch base with Rita and other members.
-1 monthly hypnosis download to keep you focused and releasing weight.
-1 monthly online coaching video tackling that month's topic (ie. night eating, breaking plateaus, stopping self sabotage etc.)
-1 monthly downloadable actionable coaching tips and strategies (based on that month's topic) for your Inner Weight release Coach to use with you.
-2 bi-weekly teleseminars -- 1) that include strategies on the month's topic, Q&A, and hypnosis 1) that focuses on food ideas, strategies and solutions and exercise motivation
**You will be given a chance to opt out of this Mastery Member Circle program bonus at checkout--if you choose to opt out please understand that if, in the future, you decide to enroll in the Mastery Member's Circle program it will be for the full subscription price of $37 per month.
Guaranteed 30 Day Trial
Remember this is a no risk trial—if you are not satisfied with the quality of the Shift-in-a-Box Process you can return it within 30 days and receive a FULL REFUND!!
This special invitation is being offered to only the first 25 people who sign up for the Summer Shift.
SPECIAL June 13th, 2012 group cost
For the Shift-in-a-Box
is $197 total
(down from $397)
Save $200 now.
But this is only being offered to 25 people (the first 15 receive the bonus package)—please click here now and add your details to get enrolled and join us for this amazing 30 day journey with the Shift-in-a-Box Weight Mastery Process!