Monday, September 26, 2011

Shift Weekly: Shift Talks with Weight Expert Dorene Robinson

Dear Shifters,

It is my honor to post this interview and introduce to a wise and sane voice in the world of weight management: Dorene Robinson RD.  The thing that I love about Dorene other than her vast knowledge is her passion and sense of humor.  In this Shift Talk Radio interview we touch upon many confusing subjects in the weight release world such as:

-plateaus and why they happen
-intuitive eating
-the impact of menopause on metabolism
-the HCG fad

Dorene Robinson, a registered dietitian for 18 years, is a weight management expert, author, professional speaker, and continuing education provider in the field of weight management.
Dorene specializes in: Evidence-based weight management research and application; particularly: 1) the metabolic literature related to the effects of dieting and exercise on basal metabolic rate and body composition; 2) appetite regulation; 3) exercise for weight loss and maintenance; 4) the effects of protein, carbohydrate and fat on energy balance, and 5) cognitive behavioral approach to coaching lifestyle change.

I hope you will take the time to tune in to this very enlightening interview. 

Please click these links to read more of Dorene’s advise about plateaus and HCG in her blog "Beyond Diets"

Weight Loss Plateaus: How to reignite your weight loss


 click here for Weight Loss Plateaus


The HCG diet: 6 things you need to know BEFORE you decide to do the HCG diet


I have read and re-read Dorene’s  book:

The Healthy Eating & Weight Management Guide (and workbook)” and would recommend it to any of you who were interested in a book that will answer a lot of your questions and provide you solid strategies and solutions for your long-term permanent weight release journey.

Click here to read more about "The Healthy Eating and Weight Managment Guide"


-You can also reach Dorene at:, or toll free at 877-250-5051

Have a great and Shifted week!
Oxox Rita

Monday, September 19, 2011

Shift Weekly: Shift in a Box Success Joe Steffan

This Saturday Shift (and RESHIFT) is going to be a great one!  Those of you who are signed up will be receiving directions and instructions today.
The September 24th Shift begins this Saturday!  Please contact me if you are interested in there is very limited seating at this point.
September RE SHIFT—has one place left—please let me know if you are interested in that place.
Dear Shifters—
In my experience as a weight release specialist—working with thousands of people and seeing many weight release journeys—I believe that the absolute key—the number one defining factor-- to short and long term weight release is staying connected to yourself?
What do I mean by that?
When we struggle it’s not because we are “bad” or lack willpower—“bad” doesn’t exist—it’s a label we give ourselves.  Willpower only exists in the conscious part of the brain—it’s a small element.
We struggle because we are staying connected to the Inner critic part of ourselves which then causes the Inner rebel to get agitated and want to disconnect—usually with food!
You know you are listening to the Inner Critic when you are saying things to yourself like..
“You blew it”
“That was bad”
“You can’t do this”
The Inner Rebel then likes to kick in and say…
“This is too hard!”
“We don’t have time for this!!”
“Let’s start again on Monday”
When you stay connected to your Inner Coach you are focusing on your vision and following through on problem solving and strategizing.  This allows you to stay connected to your subconscious mind—which is the powerhouse of your weight release success.
I recently interviewed Joe Steffan who recently has released 38 pounds with the Shift in a Box Weight Release System.  Joe heard about Shift by reading another Shift success story in a blog online.  What I love about Joe is that here is someone who embarked upon a 30 day weight release system and during his process he had a lot of interruptions, life changes, travel and stress—but he just kept going!  He never had the “I’ll start over” attitude—he has just kept Shifting.
Please listen to this radio interview as I am sure you will find Joe’s story inspiring and full of great ideas that will serve you.
Thanks Joe—keep on Shifting!!!
Link the Shift Talk Radio: Shift Joe Steffan
So Shifters—how are you going to stay connected this week?  Every time you exercise, you make a healthy food choice, you track your food and weight—you are connecting back to yourself.  Make it a fun game this week—how connected can you be—how can you show up for yourself consistently??
Have a great and Shifted week!
Oxox Rita

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Inner Frosting Part 4: Birthday Whine vs. Divine

INNER FROSTING PART IV: Birthday Whine vs. Divine

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is September 24th--limited seats remain please sign up asap call 323 988 4574

RE Shift on September 24th as well-join us!!

Hi there Shifters,

Last Saturday (9-10-11-) was my birthday and, as with the last four years, I am taking the time to reflect on this past year and to acknowledge the distance I have come since the time when I struggled with my weight and my birthday, for me, was really just all about the cake (really the frosting), --and not just a piece of cake but usually most of the whole thing.

When I struggled with my weight I wrote in a diary every day about my daily experiences with my life which usually was mostly my struggle with myself and my weight.  There wasn’t a lot of room in my inner life at least for much else.  I have boxes of diaries that all say basically the same thing day after day, year after birthday year—I don’t want to be fat, why did I eat too much yesterday, there is something wrong with me, etc, etc , etc--it’s a real sad yawn fest flipping through those pages let me tell you so that’s why a few years ago I put them all in the attic.  J

What those boxes of diaries in the attic represent is a time in my life when I was looking in the wrong place for the right answers.  I was looking backwards and whining about how hard things were and how wrong I was and how unfair it was that other people didn’t struggle like me.
I realize now that I was using very little of my brain in trying to escape my daily destiny of failure—instead I was just reinforcing the limiting beliefs and struggle which in turn kept me in the limiting behaviors that kept me overweight. (If my whines had an alcohol content they would have been confiscated by the FDA for being too potent!)

The game changer for me was when I made my Shift and began to ask myself instead –“what do I want for myself—what do I want to create with my weight? My body? My quality of life?” –What in the heck do I truly want??  I certainly was a pro at know what I didn’t want but I was surprising unclear about if I could have it just the way I wanted it—truly—not just skinny—but how would my life supporting the thinner me look if I could have it the way I wanted it.

I discovered that by being really clear with my desires—such as feeling good in my body when I woke up in the morning—and then beginning to focus on ways to create that outcome—.  I would find that eating less at night would make me feel better in the morning and that I was able to create that outcome!  Wow that was cool.  I can do this.

Sometimes the thing I desired was scary for me to think about—like exercising regularly.  It was then I had to learn to connect more powerfully with myself—to create a way of communicating with myself that didn’t send me into shut down or overwhelm but I had to create a voice that was inviting—soothing yet challenging—more powerful.  By focusing my brain on what I truly wanted I took myself out of Whine and into Divine and found the voice of my Inner Coach which is the part of me that has led me to long term weight release and beyond.

This year I am realizing more than ever is that what I truly want for my birthday isn’t the gifts and the cake (okay well a piece) but I want to connect even more powerfully with myself and others.  When I look back at what I have gone through this last year and reflect on the milestones-- I see that everything I am really proud of are things that started from fear and whining but were transformed by my Inner Coaches problem solving into situations where I took back my power and moved forward into the unknown—even in the face of fear. 

This coming year we are launching the Shift in a bigger way—a new web community is being created and the Shift in a Box will be available as a product and at Shift Parties.  For me this vision is a dream come true and has been a direct result of me shifting my many whines “I don’t know how to build a widget and web community—that seems too HARD!” into the focusing on the divine “who do you need to be in order to build a fully functioning community website when you are a technologically terrified”.  The difference between the whine and divine –the staying stuck and fear or creating a dream come true-- is how I connect and communicate with myself and where I am looking.  Am I communicating with myself with my fearful Inner Critic or my powerful Inner Coach?  Am I looking back at what I don’t want—or forward towards what I want to create??

So dear Shifters—where are you this week?  With your Critic or with your Coach?  Looking back or reaching forwards??

Coaching Point: When I started my weight release journey I knew where I wanted to go—to release weight but in a way where the change was coming from within me and not being enforced from outside of me by some diet.  I started with a vision and excitement and set off on my path—not knowing that in order to achieve my vision the road would take longer and demand more of me than I thought I had in me.  Who I needed to be in order to achieve long term permanent weight release was more powerful than who I was as I struggled up and down the scale 30-40 lbs.  I needed to be consistent with exercise in a way that I never had before, I needed to nourish my body differently in a way that honored me so that I could stick with it, I needed to not listen to the Inner Critic who told me “you’ll never make it” and the Inner rebel who said “this is taking too long, life’s too short—don’t write down your food—and let’s eat cake.  Instead I needed to create a strong, firm yet loving voice within me that said “you can do this, this is important, you can take back your power from food and old habits and thoughts that take your health and confidence away—you can do it!!”.  Sound familiar to you?

On our journey to long term permanent weight release there are many stretching points along the way.  They may feel to you like failure or plateaus or even frustration—but I challenge you this coming week to ask yourself the question—is where I am right now who I need to be in order to have long term permanent weight release and if not—what is the difference between me today and who I need to be to get there—and begin stretching into the gap.  Is it making yourself and your health more of a priority?  Is it finding the time to exercise consistently?  Is it keeping certain foods out of your house or writing your food down?  Is it Shifting out of the whiney “I don’t wanna” and into the divine, “Who do I need to be in order to achieve my ideal weight and stay there for the rest of my life?” voice??

Coaching for the week: Ask yourself, “Who do I need to be in order to achieve long term permanent weight release?   Then begin focusing in that direction.  Ask yourself, “Where can I change a whine into divine?”  Where can I lovingly push myself past my fear and resistance and into more of who I really want and know I can be, more of who I need to be—not just for myself but for my family, my friends, my community, and the world?”

 Next, I ask you to look at the gap between where you are now and where you need to be-- not as a huge crevasse waiting to swallow you into oblivion—but to see the space between here and there as your new front yard—a place that you can venture out and play in, to explore, to fall down and skin your knee but know you can always pick yourself up put a band-aid on and just keep going.  See what you can surprise yourself with—how brave you can be—how adventurous, how divine.

My guess that the voice that you need to take you to where you want to go is not the voice of your Inner Critic or your Inner Rebel but the loving wise and wonderful voice of your Inner Coach.  How much time can you spend with this powerful part of yourself this week truly connecting to yourself to move forward on your journey to long term permanent weight release?  Remember the brain loves to more forward—the more you focus on the Inner Coach connection the less you hear the Critic and the Rebel.  Work on this powerful connection this week and see what is truly possible for yourself.

Have a great week and remember Less Whine and more Divine!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Shift Weekly: "It's Hard?"

Shift Weekly:  “It’s Hard?”

Upcoming Shift Events and Classes
Monday Night Support Call Autumn Series—see info below-September 12th-December 12th
NEW! Twelve by 12-(Release 12 lbs by 2012) Saturday Support Series –see info below—-September 17th -December 17th
Coming soon—last chance to save! September 24th --Shift Weight Mastery 30 Day Process
September 24thRe-Shift Weight Mastery Focus Process
Dear Shifters,
Happy Labor Day! In keeping with the spirit of the day I wanted to explore the idea of labor and how the idea of what it takes to release weight is seen as “hard work” by so many “dieters”.  In my experience with helping thousands of people release weight by Shifting their minds and taking back their power from old limiting thought patterns and behavior and the thrill they experience daily from feeling light and connected to themselves by following the best practices of weight management (the 9 skills)-- Which is harder—the things we need to do to release weight or struggling with our weight??
I am here as I always am to reframe for your mind in my cheerful fashion—what “hard” really is. 
Hard is…
…struggling with yourself about your weight
…being tired because of your weight
...having aches and pain because of your weight
…having low or no confidence because of your weight
…beating yourself up because of your weight
…huffing and puffing after a few stairs or a light work out
…thinking about how your flabby bits feel about 100+ times a day
…wondering if your kids are ashamed of you
…sitting in doctor’s offices for weight related issues
…taking medications for weight related issues
…hating your body
…not knowing why you aren’t losing weight
…feeling out of control with food
…feeling stressed because you have to get dressed and have nothing to wear
…trying to put a smiley face when you feel awful about yourself and the world
…running out to buy some sugary, salty, fatty, carbs in the night when you swore you wouldn’t do that again
…worrying about how others will perceive you
…wondering if you are “fat” or not
…being afraid to weight yourself but then always wondering what you weigh
…being mad at yourself because you went to bed after a binge swearing today you were going to be “good” today
…thinking you are insane because why do you know how to lose weight but you don’t seem to be able to do it as much as you say you want to
…fearful that it is always going to be this way

When you Shift out of the “it’s hard” limiting belief and see in a new way all the benefits that come from creating your own powerful healthy lifestyle and start truly showing up for yourself you begin to see that all the things that may have seemed “hard”—like exercise, nourishing yourself with healthy foods, tracking your food and being consistent day after day are a joy.
JOY is…
…showing up for yourself every day
…feeling good about yourself because you are connected to your wise inner coach and not the harsh critic or the chaotic rebel
…feeling light by making yourself and your health a priority
…filling your body with foods that serve you both nutritionally and taste wise too
…building confidence daily by repeating the best practices of weight release
…the feeling you get from truly being in your body during exercise
…easily bounding up the stairs
…feeling the flabby bits shrinking
…knowing your kids are proud of you for making positive changes in yourself
…only seeing your doctor for your annual check up and having them be amazed at your great blood work and lab results
…throwing away medications for weight related issues because you no longer need them
…creating a loving relationship with body parts you once hated
…being able to predict your weight release because you are accurately tracking your food and exercise
…feeling in control of your food intake
…feeling happy because you have to get dressed and can reach in your closet and pick out anything and you know it will fit—year after year after year
…wearing smiley face because this is how you feel inside as well
…feeling your feelings instead of eating over them
… having no concerns about how others will perceive you
…feeling good and powerful in your body
…having a powerful relationship with the scale because you know what to expect because you have been tracking your food and exercise
…happy because you know if can always be this way as long as you stay Shifted out of the disempowered Fat thinking and in powerful Thin thinking.
Remember the choice between “hard” and “joy” is just one Shift away.
Have a Shifted Labor Day!!
Oxox Rita
Twelve by 12 (Release 12 lbs by 2012)—NEW! Saturday Support Series
This autumn’s series is focused on releasing 12 pounds by January 1st.  What are the behaviors and mindsets that it is going to take? We are going to keep you focused and supported over these 8 sessions between September and December to release 12 pounds (or what ever your short term goal is) even through the holidays.  Please join us.
Cost: $157 for 8 session series (price includes Course CD)—big savings!!
Per session: $25
1-September 17th: Jumping the Gap—who do you need to achieve your goal?
2-October 1st: Challenged? Turning roadblocks into rocket blasts.
3-October 15th: Avoiding becoming a Halloween candy sugar zombie.
4-October 29th: Milestone#1—shorter days—keeping focused with exercise when it’s darker and colder.
5-November 5th: Warming foods, warming thoughts.
6-November 19th:  Milestone #2 Focusing though the holidays
7-December 3rd: Feel your feelings rather than eating them this season.
8-December 17th: Milestone #3  Defining your success.
Autumn Monday Night Phone Support Series
Join us every other Monday night over the autumn for our Monday night phone series.  Call in and get support and/or just listen in.  Hypnosis included.
Cost $107
September 12th, September 26th, October 4th, October 24th, November 7th, November 21st, December 12th,