Monday, June 20, 2011

Shift Weekly: Shift Success Story-Lynn Bettencourt

Dear Shifters,
Lynn Bettencourt did it and so can you!  She released 40 pounds with the Shift Weight Mastery Process—but what is more exciting is that she has kept it off for over 2 years through some super hard times, personal challenges and a move to one of the most fattening states of the union—Georgia—where they even bread and fry salad (kidding).
You can achieve long term permanent weight release—I believe in you.  What it will take from you is a 100% commitment to keep Shifting out of the Fat Thinking that causes you to slip back into buying into things like, ”I don’t have time”, “it’s too hard”, “I can’t cook” and instead keep Shifting into Thin Thinking that is more solutions and strategies based like “how do I create 30 minutes in my day to move my body?”, “I can’t eat all the pizza, but if I have one slice I am still on track”, “planning my food takes focus and time, but that is way easier than feeling fat and unhappy with myself.”
Staying focused on Thin Thinking is what Lynn did when she made the Shift and I am so excited to share this awesome--strategy packed-- Shift Weight Mastery Success Radio Show—where Lynn not only shares her Shift success story, but also describes how she encountered many obstacles along the way—including moving to Savannah, Georgia and living a totally different lifestyle.  She started gaining, but focused herself again on her Shifted skills and released the few added pounds.
I know you will get a lot of value from this conversation because it focuses on the fact that even after releasing weigh we still need to maintain.  Maintenance is all about learning to be flexible within the success structure you create for yourself and more importantly—having the skills to re-create your structure for success when the other one becomes obsolete—like Lynn’s did when she moved away.
Please listen here and I hope this show serves you with some inspiration and strategies to keep you focused on your Shift journey.
Here are some take away strategies:
1-Stay focused on what you can do that will make a difference and not on what you can’t or aren’t doing.
2- Think ahead. Have a plan—if you don’t have a plan the world has one for you and it's usually fattening!!
3-Find someone whose behavior you want to emulate.  Study them.  What are they doing that you can adapt and begin to do too?
4-Believe in yourself—you can do this—people with less time, money, resources and smarts have achieved long term weight release—there is no excuse for not making it happen for yourself.
5-Get hungry, not for food, but for success.  Think about how your success in this area will change your life, your family’s life—the world!  Your success will make a difference in the lives of others!
6-Start Shifting into Thin Thinking

Speaking of which –summer is another game changer—with different schedules, food situations, parties, BBQ etc.  I invite you to keep you weight release focused—or to REFOCUS your weight release with me this summer with:

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11,25. August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm   4 for $47

Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release.  You will receive a free conference call number and engage with Rita to get support and solutions for your weekly Shifting needs.  This is a great way to stay focused.    At the end of the phone call, Rita will lead a hypnosis session to set you off into your week feeling focused and ready to continue releasing weight.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am  Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27   4 for $127

It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink.  Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges.  Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions.  These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

July 9th: Summer vision and troubleshooting with Thin Thinking:  social events, BBQs, holidays and vacations.
July 23rd: Not too sweet—use your brain to avoid sugar pitfalls this summer
August 13th: More light, more exercise, more fitness
August 27th: Did I just eat that?? Mindless and compulsive eating solutions and strategies
SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls—all 6 for $127!
Saturday Support is a huge savings—think of what it would cost for 4 individual hypnosis/coaching sessions with me—around $700—but you can have the same impact, plus share and get the support of others for $127 and get a new "Shift in the Summer" CD to boot!

Monday nights are awesome and everyone on that call is currently a source of inspiration because they are all releasing weight!!!  Come join us on the phone this summer and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.

Call me now to enroll—323 988 4574  or email me at

I would love for you to be in on this great class. Where do you want to be at the end of the summer?  Where do you NOT want to be?  Come make your vision of success come to life with me as we 
Shift through the summer in these amazing classes—enroll today!!
Have a great week.
xoxo Rita

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