Monday, June 27, 2011

Shift Weekly: The Bigger your Story the Bigger your Butt

Dear Shifters,
Here’s a quick Monday morning tip for you.  This is something that can help you distinguish between Fat Thinking and Thin Thinking FAST.  The bigger your story about why you did not follow through on something healthy (like exercise) or the bigger your story surrounding your behavior to engage in something that took you over your energy needs for the day (like eating the entire pizza)—the bigger your chances are that you are about to gain weight.

Over the years as I have coached people through many weight release journeys, I have witnessed what I call “story-eye-tis” happen to many a sincere Shifter.  When we are in Shifted focused weight release mode, the voice of our Inner Coach is strong.  When we fail to follow through or engage in something, we immediately acknowledge it, make a choice how to proceed with our plan of action, and get on with our Shifted lives.  I know when a client is starting to veer from the focused and uncluttered Inner Coach guided thinking and behaving when their stories about their behavior start to get longer. 

The path to weight release is typically: Shifted Thin Thinking>following through with healthy behaviors based on the 9 skills of weight mastery >weight release

The path to weight gain is typically: Fat Thinking>not following through on behaviors—lots of story about why one didn’t follow through on healthy behaviors followed by even more story about how it will be better to focus next week and how one  will “try” to “get back” to “being good” then>weight gain.

Big Story=Big Butt Bottom Line

Your Inner Coach is a loving scientist, a great leader and the CEO of your weight release journey.  Your Inner Coach helps you create a vision, create strategies for success, and follow through on them guiding you along your path of long term weight release.  Your Inner Coach is not a story teller, your Inner Coach is not Mark Twain.

Your Inner Rebel—is the one who usually is spinning some story.  Your Inner Rebel is up for an Emmy Award for best story about why you can’t show up for yourself and follow through on your goals.  Your Inner rebel wants to take you back on the path to where things are predictably the same, this is not a happily ever after story…don’t buy the hype!

1) Cut the story (which is Fat thinking)—focus on your vision and the behaviors that will get you there. When that little voice in your head wants to start some story about why exercising today is impossible because you don’t have the right work-out clothes that are clean and that if you wear the other work-out clothes you might offend someone at the gym and besides its raining out and even though you are going to the gym which is indoors and dry you do have to get from the parking lot to the gym and that would get you wet and you absolutely cannot get a cold because next week you have to give that presentation which is another good reason that you must just avoid any exertion all together and just avoid exercise and build up your strength because clearly exercising today would create more bad than good!!!

2) Create an alternative action (which is Thin Thinking)--if you don’t follow through—don’t make a story up, but rather, note what happened, ask yourself what is the strategy for moving forward with an altered plan?  Then follow through on that altered plan. Example: I can’t exercise after work today and since I won’t be burning that 300 calories I can walk today and tomorrow at lunch and make up for that.

3) End of story
I have some great summer classes coming up. I hope you will consider joining us to stay focused and Thin Thinking this summer.
You may have some story that comes up like: I don’t have the time, the resources, it’s too far. But consider what the alternative may be if you don’t join us for support and focus and your story just keeps getting bigger (along with a few other things?).

Will you have a story at the end of the summer as to why you did not reach your summer weight release goals?  I hope not—I am committed to your Shifting and showing up for yourself day by day all summer long.  Why spend the summer feeling out of control with your relationship to food, weight and yourself?  Spend the summer powerfully rooted in Thin Thinking and weight release.
I have created an easy and inexpensive roster of classes that are going to be awesome and inspiring--I  made the classes affordable, time friendly and easy to use—please take a peek and start your focused Summer Shift today—where do you want to be by the end of the summer??

How are you going to move towards weight release mastery this week?  You can do it! 
Have a great story free week. 
xoxo Rita

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11, 25  August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm   4 for $47

Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release.  You will receive a free conference call number and engage with Rita to get support and solutions for your weekly Shifting needs.  This is a great way to stay focused.    At the end of the phone call, Rita will lead a hypnosis session to set you off into your week feeling focused and ready to continue releasing weight.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am  Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27   4 for $127

It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink.  Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges.  Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions.  These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

July 9th: Summer vision and troubleshooting with Thin Thinking:  social events, BBQs, holidays and vacations.
July 23rd: Not too sweet—use your brain to avoid sugar pitfalls this summer
August 13th: More light, more exercise, more fitness
August 27th: Did I just eat that?? Mindless and compulsive eating solutions and strategies.

SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls
6 for $127!

Saturday Support is a huge savings—think of what it would cost for 4 individual hypnosis/coaching sessions with me—around $700—but you can have the same impact, plus share and get the support of others for $127 and get a new "Shift in the Summer" CD to boot!
Monday nights are awesome and everyone on that call is currently a source of inspiration because they are all releasing weight!!!  Come join us on the phone this summer and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.

If you cannot make the classes our online Shift Store is up with a great summer CD called TRAVELING TOWARDS MASTERY which deals with vacation eating and how to create a win-win fabulous holiday where you release weight rather than gain—you can even buy online now.  Click Here.

BONUS this week only:  When you join the summer six pack series you get this CD for free.
Call me now to enroll—323 988 4574  or email me at

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