Monday, June 27, 2011

Shift Weekly: The Bigger your Story the Bigger your Butt

Dear Shifters,
Here’s a quick Monday morning tip for you.  This is something that can help you distinguish between Fat Thinking and Thin Thinking FAST.  The bigger your story about why you did not follow through on something healthy (like exercise) or the bigger your story surrounding your behavior to engage in something that took you over your energy needs for the day (like eating the entire pizza)—the bigger your chances are that you are about to gain weight.

Over the years as I have coached people through many weight release journeys, I have witnessed what I call “story-eye-tis” happen to many a sincere Shifter.  When we are in Shifted focused weight release mode, the voice of our Inner Coach is strong.  When we fail to follow through or engage in something, we immediately acknowledge it, make a choice how to proceed with our plan of action, and get on with our Shifted lives.  I know when a client is starting to veer from the focused and uncluttered Inner Coach guided thinking and behaving when their stories about their behavior start to get longer. 

The path to weight release is typically: Shifted Thin Thinking>following through with healthy behaviors based on the 9 skills of weight mastery >weight release

The path to weight gain is typically: Fat Thinking>not following through on behaviors—lots of story about why one didn’t follow through on healthy behaviors followed by even more story about how it will be better to focus next week and how one  will “try” to “get back” to “being good” then>weight gain.

Big Story=Big Butt Bottom Line

Your Inner Coach is a loving scientist, a great leader and the CEO of your weight release journey.  Your Inner Coach helps you create a vision, create strategies for success, and follow through on them guiding you along your path of long term weight release.  Your Inner Coach is not a story teller, your Inner Coach is not Mark Twain.

Your Inner Rebel—is the one who usually is spinning some story.  Your Inner Rebel is up for an Emmy Award for best story about why you can’t show up for yourself and follow through on your goals.  Your Inner rebel wants to take you back on the path to where things are predictably the same, this is not a happily ever after story…don’t buy the hype!

1) Cut the story (which is Fat thinking)—focus on your vision and the behaviors that will get you there. When that little voice in your head wants to start some story about why exercising today is impossible because you don’t have the right work-out clothes that are clean and that if you wear the other work-out clothes you might offend someone at the gym and besides its raining out and even though you are going to the gym which is indoors and dry you do have to get from the parking lot to the gym and that would get you wet and you absolutely cannot get a cold because next week you have to give that presentation which is another good reason that you must just avoid any exertion all together and just avoid exercise and build up your strength because clearly exercising today would create more bad than good!!!

2) Create an alternative action (which is Thin Thinking)--if you don’t follow through—don’t make a story up, but rather, note what happened, ask yourself what is the strategy for moving forward with an altered plan?  Then follow through on that altered plan. Example: I can’t exercise after work today and since I won’t be burning that 300 calories I can walk today and tomorrow at lunch and make up for that.

3) End of story
I have some great summer classes coming up. I hope you will consider joining us to stay focused and Thin Thinking this summer.
You may have some story that comes up like: I don’t have the time, the resources, it’s too far. But consider what the alternative may be if you don’t join us for support and focus and your story just keeps getting bigger (along with a few other things?).

Will you have a story at the end of the summer as to why you did not reach your summer weight release goals?  I hope not—I am committed to your Shifting and showing up for yourself day by day all summer long.  Why spend the summer feeling out of control with your relationship to food, weight and yourself?  Spend the summer powerfully rooted in Thin Thinking and weight release.
I have created an easy and inexpensive roster of classes that are going to be awesome and inspiring--I  made the classes affordable, time friendly and easy to use—please take a peek and start your focused Summer Shift today—where do you want to be by the end of the summer??

How are you going to move towards weight release mastery this week?  You can do it! 
Have a great story free week. 
xoxo Rita

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11, 25  August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm   4 for $47

Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release.  You will receive a free conference call number and engage with Rita to get support and solutions for your weekly Shifting needs.  This is a great way to stay focused.    At the end of the phone call, Rita will lead a hypnosis session to set you off into your week feeling focused and ready to continue releasing weight.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am  Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27   4 for $127

It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink.  Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges.  Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions.  These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

July 9th: Summer vision and troubleshooting with Thin Thinking:  social events, BBQs, holidays and vacations.
July 23rd: Not too sweet—use your brain to avoid sugar pitfalls this summer
August 13th: More light, more exercise, more fitness
August 27th: Did I just eat that?? Mindless and compulsive eating solutions and strategies.

SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls
6 for $127!

Saturday Support is a huge savings—think of what it would cost for 4 individual hypnosis/coaching sessions with me—around $700—but you can have the same impact, plus share and get the support of others for $127 and get a new "Shift in the Summer" CD to boot!
Monday nights are awesome and everyone on that call is currently a source of inspiration because they are all releasing weight!!!  Come join us on the phone this summer and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.

If you cannot make the classes our online Shift Store is up with a great summer CD called TRAVELING TOWARDS MASTERY which deals with vacation eating and how to create a win-win fabulous holiday where you release weight rather than gain—you can even buy online now.  Click Here.

BONUS this week only:  When you join the summer six pack series you get this CD for free.
Call me now to enroll—323 988 4574  or email me at

Monday, June 20, 2011

Shift Weekly: Shift Success Story-Lynn Bettencourt

Dear Shifters,
Lynn Bettencourt did it and so can you!  She released 40 pounds with the Shift Weight Mastery Process—but what is more exciting is that she has kept it off for over 2 years through some super hard times, personal challenges and a move to one of the most fattening states of the union—Georgia—where they even bread and fry salad (kidding).
You can achieve long term permanent weight release—I believe in you.  What it will take from you is a 100% commitment to keep Shifting out of the Fat Thinking that causes you to slip back into buying into things like, ”I don’t have time”, “it’s too hard”, “I can’t cook” and instead keep Shifting into Thin Thinking that is more solutions and strategies based like “how do I create 30 minutes in my day to move my body?”, “I can’t eat all the pizza, but if I have one slice I am still on track”, “planning my food takes focus and time, but that is way easier than feeling fat and unhappy with myself.”
Staying focused on Thin Thinking is what Lynn did when she made the Shift and I am so excited to share this awesome--strategy packed-- Shift Weight Mastery Success Radio Show—where Lynn not only shares her Shift success story, but also describes how she encountered many obstacles along the way—including moving to Savannah, Georgia and living a totally different lifestyle.  She started gaining, but focused herself again on her Shifted skills and released the few added pounds.
I know you will get a lot of value from this conversation because it focuses on the fact that even after releasing weigh we still need to maintain.  Maintenance is all about learning to be flexible within the success structure you create for yourself and more importantly—having the skills to re-create your structure for success when the other one becomes obsolete—like Lynn’s did when she moved away.
Please listen here and I hope this show serves you with some inspiration and strategies to keep you focused on your Shift journey.
Here are some take away strategies:
1-Stay focused on what you can do that will make a difference and not on what you can’t or aren’t doing.
2- Think ahead. Have a plan—if you don’t have a plan the world has one for you and it's usually fattening!!
3-Find someone whose behavior you want to emulate.  Study them.  What are they doing that you can adapt and begin to do too?
4-Believe in yourself—you can do this—people with less time, money, resources and smarts have achieved long term weight release—there is no excuse for not making it happen for yourself.
5-Get hungry, not for food, but for success.  Think about how your success in this area will change your life, your family’s life—the world!  Your success will make a difference in the lives of others!
6-Start Shifting into Thin Thinking

Speaking of which –summer is another game changer—with different schedules, food situations, parties, BBQ etc.  I invite you to keep you weight release focused—or to REFOCUS your weight release with me this summer with:

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11,25. August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm   4 for $47

Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release.  You will receive a free conference call number and engage with Rita to get support and solutions for your weekly Shifting needs.  This is a great way to stay focused.    At the end of the phone call, Rita will lead a hypnosis session to set you off into your week feeling focused and ready to continue releasing weight.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am  Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27   4 for $127

It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink.  Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges.  Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions.  These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

July 9th: Summer vision and troubleshooting with Thin Thinking:  social events, BBQs, holidays and vacations.
July 23rd: Not too sweet—use your brain to avoid sugar pitfalls this summer
August 13th: More light, more exercise, more fitness
August 27th: Did I just eat that?? Mindless and compulsive eating solutions and strategies
SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls—all 6 for $127!
Saturday Support is a huge savings—think of what it would cost for 4 individual hypnosis/coaching sessions with me—around $700—but you can have the same impact, plus share and get the support of others for $127 and get a new "Shift in the Summer" CD to boot!

Monday nights are awesome and everyone on that call is currently a source of inspiration because they are all releasing weight!!!  Come join us on the phone this summer and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.

Call me now to enroll—323 988 4574  or email me at

I would love for you to be in on this great class. Where do you want to be at the end of the summer?  Where do you NOT want to be?  Come make your vision of success come to life with me as we 
Shift through the summer in these amazing classes—enroll today!!
Have a great week.
xoxo Rita

Monday, June 13, 2011

Shift Weekly Coaching: Take it off!!!

New Summer Classes!!

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11,25. August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm   4 for $47 
Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am  Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27   4 for $127
It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink.  Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges.  Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions.  These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls—all 6 for $127!
Call 877-221-7251 or reply to this email to sign up or for more information.

Dear Shifters,
Did you know that you can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” but what you are going to have to do in order to do that is “take it all off”?

This June I have been focusing on all the ways that FAT THINKING, the "good or bad", "all or nothing", "right or wrong" diet mind thinking, can take our power away from us—particularily as we head into the summer months. Something I want to focus on this week is the fear of shedding clothes as the days get warmer and revealing more of ourselves.  Often clients will struggle with the idea of this as they are ashamed of the way their body looks in the clothes of summer.  They want to wait until they are at their ideal weight to give themselves permission to wear shorts or a bathing suit.  The irony is that as they release the weight they still don’t feel good enough about their bodies to give themselves permission to “take it off” because they are afraid of the way others will perceive them.

I want to invite you to see that you can have a fabulous summer, running around in whatever clothes you choose, but what you are going to “take off” isn’t the fat as much as it is the Fat Thinking that keeps you imprisoned in this idea of who you have to be in order to be loved and socially acceptable in whatever clothes you wear.  Instead, I invite you to begin Thin Thinking about your body—loving you body for where it is today and not worrying so much what others will think.  The more self acceptance that you create within yourself, the more confident you become.  The more you “take off” the Fat Thinking and limiting beliefs about your body and begin SHIFTING your thought about your body to more powerful ones you can then begin to love yourself ALL THE WAY DOWN THE SCALE—(not just when you get to that magic number at the bottom—wherever and whenever that may be).  You can give yourself permission to “take it off” before you “take it off” and those other people’s thoughts about you and your shape—be can go jump in the pool!

My struggle with my body and body image went on for decades.  It is amazing to me that I can have fun in a bathing suit, when just the thought of putting one on would fill me with horror years ago before my Shift.  You see it wasn’t bad enough that I had to look at my body in the mirror or feel my thighs and butts shake like little 3.2 tremors on the earthquake scale every time I took a step—I really used to worry that others would be super grossed out and not able to have a good time anywhere near me.  That is until I found out THE SECRET.

No not the secret that book and internet movie about the laws of attraction. No, the real secret that unlocks the ability to strut around a pool (cellulite tremors and all) without even a cover, up –to “take it off” in order to “take it off” is: what people think about your body is really none of your business!!!

When I struggled with my weight and body image, I consistently had the FAT THINKING that people needed me to have a firm and non-cellulite infested butt and thighs in order to be deemed worthy and in order for them to have a good time around the vicinity of my butt and thighs.  Why?  Well because anything less was not acceptable.  But here’s the real question—who is it not acceptable to?  Is it not acceptable to the other people, or to me?

I was so caught up in their thought process that I gave all of my power away to them.  I spent summers covered from head to toe, never letting myself roam around freely and happily in my own skin, because of my fear of what others my think of me.  The absurd irony is that I had no control over those stranger’s thoughts—AND I NEVER WOULD!  Talk about disempowered FAT THINKING in action!! Then a mentor of mine gave me some powerful coaching—some THIN THINKING-- and I use it to this day. 

Real freedom comes from the fact that most people are so absorbed in their own bodies and lives that even if they do look at me in all of my 46-year-old-far-from-firm-glory that their thoughts will go directly back to themselves through their filter of their own body.   In reality, at pools, and gyms, and any other places where you may feel your body on display you can revel in the fact that people are so self-involved that any thought of you will be fleeting, and that here in LA, the thought of you will be even more miniscule because people here are even more narcissistic and self-involved!  Way to go LA!  See there is a positive side to all of the self-absorbed people here—they could care less about your thighs!  So rip off that towel at the pool and have some fun, go to the gym before you have lost the weight (if I had a dollar for every client who wanted to wait until they were thin to go to the gym I would have enough money to get some liposuction done!) enjoy your body in this wonderful summer sun because what other people think about your butt is really none of your business—so butt out!!  TAKE OFF the Fat Thinking so you can enjoy TAKING OFF the clothes before you TAKE OFF all your weight—and TAKE ON loving your body where you are today!

Repeat 10 times each night this week before you go to sleep:

Shift happens even at the pool,

oxox Rita

Monday, June 6, 2011

Shift Weekly: How I Gained 42 lbs in One Summer Trying to Lose Weight

Shift Weekly: How I Gained 42 lbs in One Summer Trying to Lose Weight
Much Ado about “All or Nothing”
Hi Shifters,
Happy June!  As summer approaches, often clients feel like these months are the best time to release weight.  For some, the adage “Summer time and the weight release is easy” is absolutely true.  The summer offers more free time for some, more sunlight to exercise, more fresh fruits and vegetables to munch on—it’s a weight release no brainer—or is it?  What a lot of people fail to see is the challenges that summer may bring—the endless socializing at food events, the weekends away, the vacations, the relatives coming to stay, the lack of the structure of school or work—for some the summer becomes a time of weight gain and the end of the summer can’t come soon enough so that they can get back to releasing weight in the fall.  I was one of those people the summer I gained 42 pounds trying to lose weight!  That’s right, Fat Thinking (specifically “All or Nothing” thinking) literally drove my 42 pound weight gain one summer!! 
This week I would like to offer you some cautionary coaching about Fat (All or Nothing) Thinking  and how to recognize and avoid it in order to SHIFT into Thin Thinking in order to stay focused on the behaviors and beliefs that allow you to continue to release weight this summer.   Because I believe that, beyond a shadow of a doubt ,you can achieve your weight release goal for the summer if you remain in Thin Thinking.
Fat Thinking is the habitual patterns of beliefs and behaviors that are driven by the Inner Critic and Rebel.  The Critic and Rebel drive what is called “All or Nothing”, “Good or Bad”, “Right or Wrong” thinking.
Basically our Inner Critic has high expectations that we cannot live up to and causes us to stress out—(The “All” in the All or Nothing Thinking)—which then alerts the Inner Rebel to come to our rescue to shut down these feelings of anxiety and inadequacy by removing us from the expectations—usually with disconnecting with food (the “Nothing” in the “All or Nothing” thinking).
When I arrived home to Seattle for the summer from my freshman year at New York University, I was excited; I was back home, I had three months of no school, I had a great job lined up, my brother was getting married and I was making his wedding cake!  Fun times were ahead!!
I would also like to mention I was thin-ish.  That’s right thin-ish.  After gaining weight over Christmas break when I was home, I had diligently lost most all of the weight I gained (about 25 pounds) over the spring term by eating very little and exercising a lot.  I was almost at a weight that satisfied me—but not quite.  I wanted to take off another 10 in the first couple of weeks of the summer so that I could be bikini ready (well Seattle’s version of it) –I still felt like I was not presentable at this weight—I was not SUMMER THIN RITA.  So even though I was thin-ish, my Fat Thinking was already beginning—BIG UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS and LACK OF SELF ACCEPTANCE driven by my Inner Critic in “All” mode! 
My first obstacle to the SUMMER THIN RITA was my mom and her kitchen that, unlike my austere starving student dorm room, was stocked with every food imaginable.  She wanted to mother her prodigal daughter and so made my favorites for the first few nights I was home.  I tried to “be good” and eat just the little salad on my plate but the aroma of the “real food” was too much.  I ate and immediately felt bad which sent me into the “screw it, I already blew it for the weekend I will start again on Monday” Inner Rebel Driven “Nothing” mode.  Not only did I eat seconds and thirds of my mom’s amazing cooking but I also raided all the cupboards giving myself permission to eat all that I had missed while I was starving in NYC until Monday when I would go back to starving myself.
I got on the scale Monday—yikes—up 3 pounds!!  “Okay back in “ALL” MODE.  I will come home from work and exercise for an hour and a half and eat a salad and get back on track!!!”  My Inner Critic screamed at me.  For a few days I was diligent, but then I had to start testing the cake that I was making for my brother’s wedding.  One bite of cake led to more bites which lead to frosting and the I BLEW IT—"NOTHING" MODE—it was Wednesday and NOTHING lasted until the cake testing ended—Sunday!!  Up another few pounds on Monday!
I started work that week at an Italian Deli at Pike’s Place Market.  I had worked at an Italian Deli in NYC as a cashier and never really had to handle to food.  I was happy as I headed off to work, to have some structure, and not be tempted by my mom’s kitchen all day long.  My new plan to lose the now 8 pounds I had gained was to drink coffee in the morning and nothing else all day long,  come home and exercise and eat a salad for dinner—no dressing.  Easy!  "ALL" THINKING BACK IN ACTION
When I got to my new job, I found out that I was in charge of the bakery section and that I would be doling out the amazing muffins, scones and Italian bread and pastries.  All of a sudden my day job turned into a stimulus control nightmare gone wrong—I was handling carbohydrates all day long.  Instead of eating nothing I said to myself—“well, I will try everything once and then be done with it—no more I swear no more after today!”  "NOTHING" MODE fueled by amazing Italian carbohydrates!
I found myself switching back and forth, back and forth from ALL or NOTHING mode faster than you could say “Fat Thinking”.  I was now up 10 pounds, becoming miserable, and more and more desperate.  My brother’s wedding was in a month and I wanted to lose 20 pounds for the dress I had bought and I still had to bake and frost a wedding cake for 120 guests!  I would start an all fruit diet in the morning and be gorging on frosting by the night.  Instead of being down in weight, every week I was going up.  All the reasons I had been excited for the summer—the wedding, being away from school and being home, making the wedding cake, were all turning against me.  Most of all I was turning against myself.  I hated myself for lacking willpower and not being able to follow through on my plans for SUMMER THIN RITA.  SUMMER THIN RITA was up 20 pounds by the time my brother said, “I do”—and SUMMER FAT RITA was saying, “I do” to all the fattening foods on offer at the wedding.
Of course once the wedding was over I had now a new goal—AUTUMN THIN RITA!!!  Since being thin for the summer was a wash--I had to get back in shape before I flew back to NYC in September.  The Monday after the wedding my hopes were high for releasing 20 lbs in the remaining 5 weeks—that was doable right?? The “ALL” THINKING EXTRAVAGANZA was quickly and habitually followed by the or “NOTHING” THINKING FESTIVAL.
Every week there was a new hope and extreme goal and “ALL” THINKING plan for regimented austerity eating: the banana diet, the turkey only diet, the water and lemon diet, the 300 calorie a day diet.  Every week there was the moment of reaching for a food that was not on my plan followed by the “I blew it” NOTHING PLAN where I would eat anything and everything including frozen leftover wedding cake—that had not been thawed!!!
By the end of the summer I headed back to NYC up the scale 42 pounds and absolutely devastated with myself.  How could I be such a failure?  How humiliating to have to face my friends again 40 pounds up after having left them 3 months ago 42 pounds thinner?
This is where Fat Thinking can take us.  Fat thinking not only robs us of our potential to be healthy, but more importantly, it takes our true inner power away.  When we get stuck in the habit of “All or Nothing” thinking ,it is impossible to find a true solution to our weight struggle.  We live life in two gears—1: Chicken and Broccoli or 2: Pizza and Ice Cream.  There is no middle ground.  There is no opportunity to truly honor ourselves and our real needs. 
How do we escape this prison of our Fat Thinking???  That “summer of 42” was 28 summers ago and it took me another 10 years of Fat Thinking yo-yoing to finally hit the wall and say enough!!!  I am tired of this head I live in—I need out!  I finally realized that the problem wasn’t with me not being able to be perfect on a diet—the problem was the “being perfect” and “the diet”—I was okay.  I just needed to focus on thinking differently and to really learn to show up for myself and nourish myself within the energy needs of my body.  I had to Shift the heck out of this Fat Thinking prison and Shift into the wide open freedom of possibility that Thin Thinking was.  That realization was when I made my Shift and took the weight off and have kept it off ever since.  You can Thin Think too this summer!
Thin Thinking occurs when we engage our Inner Coach.  Unlike the Critic and Rebel our Inner Coach has the ability to keep our thinking focused on solving problems, meeting challenges and creating systems and strategies that work for us over time.
Here are some ways to stay in Thin Thinking with your Inner Coach—think S.P.O.R.T. this summer.
Specific: Create a specific vision of where you would like to be by the end of the summer—it is very important that this vision feels real and do-able—not anxiety provoking and unattainable.
Positive: Keep all things that happen this summer to you in positive terms.  Meaning that even if you stray from your goals—find the learning opportunity in what has happened figure out how to SHIFT things next time—so that you are always moving forward and not “starting over Monday” no matter what you do.
Observable: Remember—as a Shifter you are a loving scientist—observe yourself and your behaviors.  Collect data (track your weight and food), keep things in reality—this is a huge factor in many master’s success. Bring a notebook with you and track those vacation calories—or use the Lose It app on your phone.
Realistic: Remember to keep your expectations of what you can achieve realistic.  We can’t lose 20 pounds in a week!  Or even a month!  You will know when your expectations are in a good place when you feel good and not stressed!  Keep your goals with weight release do-able and definable.
Time: Give yourself the right amount of time to achieve your goals and give yourself time to make yourself a priority.  Summer is a time when many of us fall prey to taking care of others; kids off from school, relatives coming to stay, the many parties and events that owning a BBQ brings.  Make sure you carve out time for self care, meal planning and exercise!
Being SPORTY will keep you in the Thin Thinking Zone and will bring you a summer that produces not only a healthy body but a healthy mindset that gives you your power back as well and that is much ado about SOMETHING!!
Put some SPORT in your SHIFT and kick off the summer with a vision that engages that wise and wonderful Inner Coach in you.
Have a Shifted week and a Powerful Summer!
oxox Rita
There are 3 placed left in the June 12th Re-Shift if you would like to come and get into Thin Thinking for the summer.  Call me for details and discounts.  I would love for you to join us.