Sunday, December 1, 2013

Shift Monthly: Dec-Slim-Ber  plus Tim’s Success
December 2013 Shift Monthly Shift Monthly is a monthly coaching session written by clinical hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert Rita Black dedicated to exploring how to implement “thin thinking” in order to achieve long term permanent Weight Mastery. Each month we focus on a different theme of Weight  Theme: DEC-SLIM-BER—Prepare your mind for success for the month ahead.
SPECIAL INSPIRATION: Tim Castagnola released 68 pounds as of last April’s 2013 Shift Weight mastery Process.  He has been maintaining since September.  Listen to his inspiring success story and allow the powerful mindset he evolved motivate you for a fabulous month ahead.  See TIM’S STORY below.
Tim Pics
Dear Shifters—
Did you know that the average weight gain over the holiday season is around 7 pounds?  YIKES!! That’s not a pretty statistic.  Imagine getting on the scale January 2nd and seeing your weight 7lbs heavier than it is now. 
Do you wish that for yourself?—I think not!  I do not want you to see that either my dear Shifters.  Remember, alone we diet and together we Shift?  Well alone we also gain the holiday weight but together we can Shift through the holidays and avoid being part of that upward trend and instead either maintain or continue to weight release weight through the holidays.  Sound good? 
So over the next few weeks I am going to be offering some tough coaching for your Inner Coach.  That’s right--- tough!!!  Think of prize fighters going into a boxing ring.  You need your coach to be strong and their voice load and tough over the noisy crowd of both your Inner Rebel and Critic and the noise of our cultural pull to push food and eat excess food during this season.  We are going to win do you hear me.  This is how…(see coaching below after reading these special offers)
The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @   
Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY HERE:
Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 21—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @
The first few rounds of a boxing match the boxers have energy, they are strong, they throw some good punches.  Maybe that’s where you are now at the beginning of the season—the parties and company and dinners out are ahead of you and so is all the excess sugary, fatty and salty food.. 
This is when a lot of weight strugglers are when they head into the month. “I’ll be fine, “they say, ”it won’t be a challenge this year—I feel good.”  However “feeling good” and “hoping to do well” do not mean anything once you hit round 2.
 So don’t be a victim of “feeling good” about the holidays. Have an iron clad vision of where you commit to be January 1st.  That’s right feeling good means nothing to your brain and neither do hope or try—how many clients come back after the holidays saying—“I don’t know what the heck happened—I thought I was going to do good but it all went wrong—very wrong !!  I’ll tell you what went wrong—they didn’t have a vision that lit the way through to New Years.
Round 1—create a vision linked to an absolute commitment that energizes your brain into action.  See it, believe it and go for it—before heading into round 2.
Round 2--
This is where the onslaught of holiday food begins to become overwhelming, this is where the stress, and the shopping and the parties and the obligations begin to wear you down. 
Once again, think about Rocky Balboa in the ring—he’s been taking some hits, not feeling so on top of the world.  In fact he’s beginning to get a little overwhelmed, he’s losing balance spinning a little.  In his head now he’s not so sure he’s going to win—this is a lot harder than he thought.  This is when his coach pulls him into the corner and begins to talk tough—he says hey!  You are not going to be a victim here so do not think like a victim—you came here to win!  Feel it Rocky—feel it—you can do it you can make it happen—you didn’t come this far to fall down.  Rocky gets re energized because his coach just aligned him back to his vision.
Round 2: Align yourself with your Inner Coach and your vision and don’t allow limiting beliefs to get in your way.  You have your vision—how are you going to walk into that party and eat within your calorie needs for weight release and have a good time but not eat any more? 
You have to align yourself with your vision of leaving that party feeling good about the party and about yourself.  Do not hope to “do good”  or yourself the same disempowered excuses that keep you struggling with weight and keep you being mad at yourself after you leave the party.  Excuses like—“that party was hard because there was so much food, my relatives were stressing me out, I didn’t have time to plan ahead”…..YAWN!!  Aren’t you tired of buying into the same old crappy sayings you say to yourself year after year?
 Win this year and bring your coach to the party—give yourself the best holiday gift you can give yourself—a feeling of pride that you showed up for yourself. One way you can do this is by using your hypnosis CDS or mp3 downloads—not as coasters for the eggnog and brandy drinks you serve your friends—really listen to them—the hypnosis will cut through the negative chatter in your mind and re-align yourself with yourself—don’t just say “I gotta listen to those CDS”---DO IT!!!!

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @  

Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY HERE

Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 21—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @

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