Saturday, March 23, 2013

Shift Weekly: Hatch a Plan for Success this Week

Shift Announcements:
Coming Soon!—April 7th @3:30
Shift Class on Avoiding Night Eating at Westside Pavillion
Free to Newcomers: April 7th and Monthly Mastery Members

The Next Shift Weight Mastery Process Begins April 27th
Details here—SHIFT INFO
 Call 323 988 4574 for a free phone consultation

Hatch A Plan For Success this Week

Hey—don’t rabbits eat carrots?  So why in the heck do we find ourselves up to our necks in bad waxy chocolate bunnies and high fructose Easter eggs as a yearly rite of passage into Spring-- “What’s up doc???”

My big question to you is how are you and your Inner Coach strategizing to maneuver around the minefield of Cadbury Eggs and marshmallow chicks and matzo ball soup and macaroons in a way that you feeling like you can enjoy yourself both on and off the scale???

My coaching for this week is to prepare for this bombardment of sugar over the next week realistically and lovingly.  Don’t assume you are going to “be good”.  Have a plan.  Remember what my sex-ed teacher taught me in high school—HOPE IS NOT A METHOD.  Prepare to be lighter on the scale after all the sugary little beasts have escaped the store shelves and the matzo is packed away for another year (where does it go?). Passover the Easter Chocolate!!

My daughter and my husband’s birthday’s are in this month so add that to Easter and spring break and you can see the potential for a perfect storm on the weight struggle horizon. I only allow myself cake on my family member's birthdays during the year and that is it. Cake –(really frosting, the cake is merely a delivery system for the frosting) is a trigger food of mine –so I put a boundary around it all year except for birthdays as a way to practice my skill of stimulus control.  Given the number of birthdays I go to as a mom I believe this boundary is highly responsible for my sanity and ability to consistently fit into my clothes.

As I have mentioned before-- cake is my heroin and Betty Crocker is my drug dealer. I remember coming home every day from high school and making cakes--eating the batter and getting totally stoned from it.  Some kids did bongs or smoked cigarettes--what wussies!--try butter, flour and sugar--that one wicked high dude! Betty Crocker was my supplier and all I had to do was open the cupboard and there she was--Devils Food, yellow or Spice--her shiny face smiling down at me--go on Rita make me, bake me and frost me--you know you want to.  And I did--I would bake away all of my adolescent woes in the certainty that the cake when baked would come out right in a time in my life of uncertainty Betty was there and when baked at 350 for 35 minutes the cake turned perfectly every time. The only problem is when I tried to eat the perfection it wasn't so nice. The sugar high followed by the crash and regret.  And then the next day squeezing into my already large pants--good thing I could sew--skirts with elastic waistbands.

Where in the heck is rehab for cake eaters? And why isn't it as glamorous as rehab for other users?  Huh?

So what is my coaching? Prepare to be successful and end up Easter Monday feeling lighter than the Easter Bunny hopping around town. Plan to Passover the temptation and show up for yourself.

-Know your Spring holiday trigger foods this next week—and create loving boundaries with them.  Keep them out of the house but perhaps plan for that indulgence elsewhere. For me that means no black jelly beans!!

-Practice stimulus control—that Cadbury Egg you want to “buy for the kids” really going to end up in your nest? Keep it out!  Keep the candy out of sight as much as possible.

-Plan ahead, ask yourself what you need to do and not do in order to make this a truly Shifted passage into Spring. Write your food down. Move your body and reinforce your mind with the CDs. 

-Keep protein levels high to stabilize your blood sugar and stay out of the craving zone.

Have a great week and Happy Easter and Passover—don’t even get me started about the macaroons!


Coming Soon!—April 7th @3:30
Shift Class on Avoiding Night Eating at Westside Pavillion
Free to Newcomers: April 7th and Monthly Mastery Members

The Next Shift Weight Mastery Process Begins April 27th
Details here—

Call 323 988 4574 for a free phone consultation

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