UP!!! SHIFT SUNDAY Weight Mastery EVENT:
February 10th at Creative Chakra Spa
@10:30am “Intro to
Hypnosis for Weight Release” Classand Follow up Class at 11am ”Love Yourself Down the Scale” Class
CHECK IT OUT ON: and tell your friends and family newcomers get in free—
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Weight Mastery: Valentine Edition: Love Means Never Having to “Weigh” You’re
SorryHappy Valentine’s Month!
This month of February’s theme is “Love Yourself Down the Scale”. After all, most people who have taken weight off and kept it off have learned that the journey down the scale is a love story and not a hate story. The love theme today brings me to our all important relationship to THE SCALE and how to love ourselves when standing on top of it.
Now I know our relationship to that cold slab of metal can be fraught with emotions both high and low when we are stuck in “fat thinking”. During the Shift Weight Mastery Process we learn that our Inner Coach removes us from the emotional rollercoaster and keeps us focused on facts and data collecting when it comes to the scale. To achieve long-term weight release and maintenance you will have to weight yourself consistently. Why? Because, as you learn in the Shift, weighing yourself helps to keep you out of cognitive error and actually relieves you from the low level anxiety of wondering what your weight really is. I know when I used to not weight myself and “go by how my clothes fit” that I had one pair of pants that I could gain 20 pounds in before they felt snug!
The truth of the matter is that most masters of long term permanent weight release weigh themselves consistently. Sorry it’s a brutal fact, I know, but as a Shifter you learn that these brutal facts of weight mastery can set you free from the weight not only of your body but your negative chaotic thinking. See, for years you have been weighing yourself as I dieter and now I want to show you how to weigh yourself powerfully like a Shifter—and the difference is not on the scale—it’s in your head.
I am going to use an example with “Mary the dieter” to show the difference between a dieter fat thinking head getting on the scale and then a more Shifted/ Thin Thinking head.
Okay now let’s say that Mary the dieter has been dieting and she has burned 3500 in excess calories( the equivalent to a pound of fat)—this is what her record keeping shows--in line for a goal of 1releaseing 1 pound of fat that week. However she gets on the scale and the scale says she is down 4 pounds. Mary of course is ecstatic—all of that hard work of dieting has paid off she feels great and loves her new diet—life is good. She gets off the scale and has a good scale day not realizing that she is really only down a pound—because all she has burned is a pound of fat—she has not accounted for the water weight that initially comes. Mary actually owes the scale 3 pounds—because we know that Mary has only burned 3500 calories--enough energy for a pound release of fat.
Okay now—on to week 2 another week another 3500 burned and another 4 pound drop on the scale for Mary. Wow Mary thinks –this diet is amazing—I am amazing-- I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks –another party on the scale—life is good for our friend Mary—or is it? Hasn’t she really released just another pound and now owes the scale 6 pounds? Hey I am not trying to be a kill joy here—just a realist—right—a loving scientist—I just see it coming—don’t you?? It’s kind of like watching a horror movie and you know before the victim that the killer is about to strike—the victim is just merrily minding their business but you know the killer is lurking and you want to shout at the scream sttoopppp, --run--- get out of there!!! But it’s too late. The victim in this instance is Mary but the killer isn’t the scale—it’s Mary’s diet minded expectations of how much weight she has released that is ultimately going to take her down.
There is Mary, it’s week three—she’s walking towards her bathroom, she takes off her robe—there is the scale—it’s the moment of truth—Mary steps on the scale—the digital numbers do their dance and delver—the fatal blow!
No weight!! I have lost no weight this week!? What how can this be so I have done the exact thing I did the first 2 weeks-- I have deprived myself and this is what I get? Now her Inner Critic comes into action with the limiting beliefs—“What is wrong with me?” “What did I do wrong?” “My body is broken”. “I was meant to be fat.” …now Mary’s Inner Rebel steps in— “Dieting is so hard”, “this diet sucks—lets go eat a bagel and take it easy for a few days”—“I am sure there is the perfect diet out there for you and this one honey—it ain’t it—did I say bagel—maybe waffles..”
Yup that’s right my dear Shifter—it’s a gory bloody scene of limiting beliefs and overwhelmingly dashed expectations. The DNA of the Inner Critic and Inner Rebel are all over that crime scene.
So what really happened on the scale was not bad or horrible—what happened in Mary’s head was. In reality—Mary has now released 3 pounds of fat having burned 3500 calories a week. Her body is in essence now paying back the scale—but Mary doesn’t know this because Mary looks only to the scale for results and not her record keeping. If she understood with a Shifted Inner Coach/loving scientist perspective —that what you burn you earn and what your don’t you owe—Mary would have gotten on the scale and maybe not been thrilled by not losing any weight but would have been able to coach herself by saying—well this makes sense—I was down 8 pounds but in reality have only lost 3—it makes sense the scale didn’t move this week—she would then have been able to get off the scale and on with her week knowing she was still progressing forward on her plan to deficit 3500 and release one pound a week.
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever dieted and gotten great release the first few weeks and then everything seems to stop—you get mad at the diet the scale and your body—but never got mad at or questioned the thought processes that took you there—the facts will set you free from the horrible thinking—the bad scale days. The scale always eventually will catch up with the truth—but in its own time—that is why record keeping is so essential—it calms you down, it gives you the facts, it keeps you out of cognitive error.
So just to clear about the scale I am going to be very clear about what the scale is and is not.
What the scale is:
A device for measuring your weight and only your weight—it does not measure
your worth, or if you are good or bad—it does not measure success or failure—it
measures what your body weight—period. Now take a deep shift breath--
A tool for seeing if your food records are correct --that’s right—if your food record show a
deficit every week the scale will go down—consistently but perhaps not in the
way we would like—but over time if your records are correct the scale will
reflect this—otherwise if the scale has plateaued or is going up over a few
weeks period look to your record keeping—that is usually where the error is not
you or not your body.
A place to track results of your behaviors—again the scale
will reflect if your behaviors and Inner Coach are leading you in the direction
you want to go. If not—you can adjust.Another deep shift breath—good—loving that scale—okay don’t love it—just use it.
What the scale is not:
A device that allows you to have a good or bad day—that’s right the number is not you—when it’s good or when it’s not good. The number on the scale is the number on the scale—all the rest is your interpretation and if your interpretation is making you feel bad in any way—you have got some limiting beliefs that need to be adjusted—not the reading on the scale.
The scale is not a place to beat yourself up or prove your body is
broken—again look
to your records and look to your thoughts—your portion eyeballing or calorie
counting thinking may need to be fixed—not your body.
A place to hope to hope or pray—if you are hoping or praying that means you are
not in scientist mode—in neutral mode—hoping implies you wish that a miracle
will occur or that you got away with something and I assure you these 2 things
never happen on the scale. The scale is
there to reflect the laws of physics dreams and wishes.
Okay so how
do you step on the scale and stay sane??—you put on your imaginary lab coat and
begin as a loving scientist.
1) Take a
breath before you get on the scale—remind yourself you are going to still love yourself
no matter what the number is
2) Step on
the scale, get the number
3) Record
the number in your book and (if you wish) on your chart (in the Shift Journal).
4) Assess
as a scientist if the number on the scale is in line with your record
keeping. If not take a moment to figure
-Is your
record keeping 100% accurate (usually this is the place there is error)?
-A weight
gain could be due to other things beyond your control that usually have to do
with water retention and not fat gain
things could be:
fluctuations (PMS, ovulation, menopause)
sodium intake
travel water retention—airplane travel causes water retention
-Illness or
infection—the body holds onto water to help the body heal the infected area
-Does the
scale owe you a loss or could you owe the scale some weight from water loss?
Remember the Mary Story??
5) After
you get the number Make adjustments and get on with your day staying focused on
the skills.
Tip!!! If the scale is up a pound and you did not eat in excess of your caloric
needs by 3500 calories the day before, rest assured you did not gain a pound of
So love
yourself on the scale today and know the true freedom of Love never means
having to WEIGH you’re
Valentine’s Month
Ox ox Rita
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