Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shift Monthly:Transform Your New Year with these 3 Powerful Visions

January 2014 Shift Monthly Shift Monthly is a monthly coaching session written by clinical hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert Rita Black dedicated to exploring how to implement “thin thinking” in order to achieve long term permanent Weight Mastery. Each month we focus on a different theme of Weight  

Theme: Create a Transcendent 2014 and Step into the Life of Your Dreams! (Coaching session below)

The Shift Weight Mastery Process is a powerful all day event with hypnosis and a 30 day structured online coaching and support program to SHIFT you Weight Struggle to Weight Success.  Please contact us to set up a time for a free phone consult and to learn more.
DISCOUNTED THROUGH JANUARY 1ST--The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25thsign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita 323 988 4574—call to find out more get signed up at the lower price.


Re-Shift Process--Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to! Contact Rita @r

Happy almost New Year! 
I am excited about today’s coaching because I will share with you 3 different types of visions that you can create a powerful 2014 with below.
FULFILLING MY 2013 VISION I have been spending the holiday week up here in snowy Utah with my husband’s family and enjoying the beauty of the snowy mountains.  Externally all is calm and bright but internally I use this quiet week to turn on my brain with powerful visions for the upcoming year.

This New Year 2014 is a big year for me. I am turning 50 in September, it will be my 25th wedding anniversary in June, and I will be publishing the Shift Weight Mastery Process book this coming autumn as well—exciting! 
In fact, you are the first people I am telling, aside from my family, that I just completed the first draft of the book while up here for the holidays!  I have a long way to go with re-writes and editing but it has been a year long journey getting the first draft out and fulfilling a vision I began with last January. 

MY VISIONS SHAPE MY LIFE  In order to write this book I trained myself to wake up earlier every morning to spend 60-90 minutes writing before getting my kids up for school and beginning my work day so I am proud of myself but also knew I couldn’t have done it if I hadn’t had a powerful vision of finishing by New Years as well as the deeper more transcendent vision of using the book to help others make powerful SHIFTS our of the mental and physical struggle with their weight and into Weight Mastery.
My vision of using this book to be of service for others helped me push past many mornings when I just wanted to sleep a little longer or was going through tough writing phases where I had to dig deeper or research more or find a more clever way of presenting ideas. “I don’t wanna!” I would whine to myself, and another more powerful voice within would answer back, “Yes, you do. Just get up and get going.”

I am also clear that without a powerful vision of heading into this New Year at the same weight as I was last New Year and feeling good and healthy and vibrant it would be very easy to walk over to the kitchen counter in my in-laws house and help myself to any of the abundance of insane holiday goodies that have been laying around.  Not to say I haven’t been goodie free this holiday but the goodies have their right place in my mind…behind my vision of living a powerful healthy lifestyle free from diet related diseases and the mental struggle with myself.
So are you ready to create some powerful visions with me as we head in to 2014?  I am very clear that you have the ability to create some visions that will make 2014 a year that moves the needle for you towards health and life fulfillment. Let’s get Shifting!

WHY IS HAVING A VISION IMPORTANT FOR CHANGE? As a clinical hypnotherapist I see the power of vision every day with my clients.  We “want” so many things.  But often our “wants” that don’t materialize only exist in our conscious mind, that small more intellectual part of our brain that doesn’t really impact the unconscious mind. 
The unconscious mind drives our behaviors and if you want true and lasting profound SHIFTS in your life you must make these changes unconsciously.  That is why hypnosis can have such a profound impact and allow people to make deep and powerful changes in a few minutes, and that is why I remind my clients—listen to your hypnosis sessions and practice self-hypnosis!  Creating a vision is a form of self hypnosis because you are engaging both the imagination and the emotions, which are part of our subconscious mind.  When you create a vision you are literally turning on 100% of your mind to go to work for you. 

HOW DO I CREATE A VISION? Creating a vision can be easy and fun.  You want to find some time where you can clear your mind and dedicate the time to just focus on your vision.  One you are seated or are laying in a comfortable position you close your eyes and think out into the future to what you want to create.  You want to create an image of seeing you in that picture doing the things you want to be doing, imagine every detail, what you are wearing, what is the expression on your face, who are you with?  Where are you?  What day in the year is it?  Once you have a clear picture step into yourself in the picture and feel how it would feel to be in this situation?  You then want to take that one step deeper and really feel the emotions of how you would feel when your vision was realized and feel as if it was real and true right in that very moment.   
When I was losing weight I imagined what it would feel like to reach my ideal weight and feel free of the struggle.  When I was writing my book this year I literally imagined what it would be like to be sitting it Utah, typing that last few words of the first rough draft—how I would feel proud, relieved and accomplished at the same time…and ready for a glass of champagne!

There are 3 levels of vision and each has its place in our lives.  I do feel that sometimes it’s important with weight goals to have not only a “ideal” weight vision but to have your weight vision then move beyond that vision to a dream vision and then a transformative vision.  I will show you here now so that you can have the most amazing powerful year of your life in 2014.

Create a specific image of what the healthy fit you at your ideal weight will look like.  Be realistic when you create your vision but also spend time imagining how good it will feel, both inside and out.  Use this vision every morning before you roll out of bed or before you go to sleep, these are when our mind is in a hypnotic state anyways.  Remember as you think about the vision to feel the emotions related to the vision, this engages your unconscious mind.
Which dreams have you been holding back on going for?  Who do you have to be in order to go for those dreams, what risks do you need to be willing to take?  What would your dream life look like?  We often do not spend any time imagining if we could have our lives any way we want it.

Take some time to create a vision of what your perfect day in your dream life look like…what the SHIFT would need to be?  Keep asking yourself this question--live in the gap--this turns on your unconscious mind as it seeks to solve the problem for you--the mind is like a computer so present it with powerful problems to create the solutions for. 

I believe that we need a vision cast beyond ourselves to engage us past the idea of just being thin or having all the “stuff” we want.  What if your weight mastery moved other people to make healthy changes in their lives?  What if your dream life opened possibility for others as well? 

How can your 2014 vision impact others in your family? In your community?  In the world?  Often it’s this vision that moves us to see our other visions through so do not leave this one out! 

Everyone has the potential to change this world for the better--by believing with 100% certainty you can create change you push your mind past old limiting beliefs and habits that may be stopping you.  I know this was the vision that kept me from rolling over and snoozing more instead of writing my book!

I hope that you enjoy taking the time to create powerful visions for your 2014.
Please come to the upcoming Shift Weight Mastery Process to get engaged in a powerful, healthy shifted 2014! (see below)

Happy New Year!
Rita Black

The Shift Weight Mastery Process is a powerful all day event with hypnosis and a 30 day structured online coaching and support program to SHIFT you Weight Struggle to Weight Success.
DISCOUNTED THROUGH JANUARY 1ST--The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25thsign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita 323 988 4574—call to find out more get signed up at the lower price.


Re-Shift Process--Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to! Contact Rita @r

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Shift Weight Mastery: 3 Wise Shift Gifts--Happy Holidays

Dear Shift Community,
I want to wish all of you, your families and friends a very happy and peace-filled holiday.  I want to thank you for being a part of our hypnosis based-weight mastery support community.

I come bearing gifts—not for under the tree but to engage your mind powerfully for as a clinical hypnotherapist and weight management expert I know this week ahead can create challenges with food--1) because there will be a lot extra around and 2) because with the unstructured nature of the holiday it becomes easier to become overwhelmed and emotions can quickly get triggered, which could lead to turning to food for comfort.  That's where these gifts come in as my way to empower you this next week to keep yourself feeling good—healthy, light and in charge of your eating and self-care. (see below)

I know you will be busy these next days—so these gifts can be listened to (except the hypnosis—not while driving or carving the turkey) while you are wrapping presents, shopping and getting ready for the holiday. Please share with your friends—listen together to set a healthy tone for your season.

Remember alone we diet--together we SHIFT!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS OXOX Rita Black—the Shift Weight Mastery Process
--Please also check out in the offers below the gifts on how to join our upcoming online 2014 Vision Board making party.
1)    The Gift of "Shift" Coaching--Click here  to get some quick video coaching on how to
get focused or refocus for the holiday week ahead:

2)    The Gift of "Shift" into Peace—Reduce Stress Hypnosis download
Right click here to download this relaxing session and sneak
away when the holiday hub-bub becomes too much.

3)      The Gift of "Shifted" Inspiration-- Listen to these wise men and women
come bearing the gift of inspiration of how they made the Shift from Fat to Thin Thinking.  You can show up for yourself this week and
enter the New Year feeling light and healthy.

Tim C. released 68 pounds between last April’s Shift Weight Mastery Process and September.  He also recently completed a 10 K—a first for him—check out his story.
Michelle N. gives some powerful insights to what it took to release 58lbs and enjoyed the whole process--the key was changing the relationship with herself.
Amy D. has released over 100lbs with the Shift-in-a-Box (it was 88 at the time of the interview) by learning to tune out the voice that kept her struggling and found a powerful voice that kept her SHIFTING even being in the midst of Hurricane Sandy.


DISCOUNTED THROUGH JANUARY 1ST--The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25thsign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita 323 988 4574.

Re-Shift Process--Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to! Contact Rita @r

--1 month free trial--get additional support, online classes, and coaching through the holidays and into the new year. 

1)      End of year Vision Board Making Class on 12/29 mastery Members ONLY—come join the fun and get support and focus for the New Year!
This is the full scoop on the Monthly Mastery program:
This is the Monthly Mastery support calendar for December:
This is the bonus offer:







Sunday, December 15, 2013

No Room Left in the "In"

HOLIDAY SPECIAL DISCOUNT—PRIVATE PHONE SESSION PACKAGE WITH RITA-Shift from the comfort of your home.  For you or someone you love—give the gift of working through weight management or other life challenges that are keeping you from living the life of your dreams—using both hypnosis and cognitive coaching to melt through obstacles, limiting beliefs and habits.
special $297—special lasts only until this Friday—session are good to redeem indefinitely: Click here to enroll:

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita 323 988 4574  Re-Shift Process--Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to! Contact Rita

SPECIAL OFFER Thru 12/18--SHIFT MONTHLY MASTERY PROGRAM--1 month free trial--get additional support, online classes, and coaching through the holidays and into the new year. 
End of year Vision Board Making Class on 12/29 mastery Members ONLY—come join the fun and get support and focus for the New Year!
This is the full scoop on the Monthly Mastery program:
This is the Monthly Mastery support calendar for December:
This is the bonus offer:

Room Left in the “In”—The Hunger Number Tool

Have you ever gone through the holiday season feeling that there was no room left in the “in” of your stomach?  I have.  I hate that feeling, feeling so full and gross that I don’t want to do anything but sit in a stupor  and listen to Christmas Carols on the radio.  The sad thing for me was that as soon as there was room left I would fill the empty spot with more food!  When I struggled with weight, this was certainly a time of year that I had portion distortion.  There just seemed to be no end to the amount I could eat and there were times I gained anywhere from 10-25 pound over the month.
Could it be that as a society we have portion distortion? Every holiday season I pull out my mother’s big huge thick notebooks full of recipes from newspapers and recipe cards that she had collected over the years.  I pulled out a recipe for gingerbread that was very similar to a recipe I had seen in a modern cookbook in my cupboard.  I took the 2 recipes one from my mother’s book written in 1957 and the one in the modern cookbook—they had the same ingredients, same size pan to bake the cake in.  The only difference was the 2013 recipe served 8 people and the 1957 recipe served 24!!!

TUNING OUT “ENOUGH” Our ideas of sizes and serving have changed dramatically over the years and so have our expectations of how much food we need in order to “be done”. The holiday season is a time when we go to parties and events and often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. 
When we go through the holidays the added stimulus of people, music and holiday cheer (or lack thereof) often tune us out to our shut off valve of when we have had enough.  Especially nowadays when serving sizes are so large and disproportionate to our body’s true need for calories it is going to serve you to be able to distinguish hunger from other feelings and to be able to stop when you have had enough—otherwise the tendency for the scale to creep up over the next few weeks will sneak in.
We have been working on special tools for staying focused in the Monthly Mastery Group and one tool that we had a great online class around  being able to stop eating at “ENOUGH” by using Hunger Numbers.

THE HUNGER NUMBER TOOL Let me give you the holiday gift of the hunger number tool. It may just be the least fattening gift you get all holiday season .
The hunger number scale goes from 0-10 zero is starving—stomach growling maybe even light headed—very empty—and 10 is thanksgiving (or holiday season) stuffed full.

Take a moment now to tune into your stomach.  Put your hand on your stomach and take a Shift breath.  On a scale from one to ten where are you?

As I mentioned zero is starving. 1 is hungry and need to eat now 2 is hungry –1-2 is the best time to begin eating  3-4 is satisfied—and very light—this means the hunger feelings have disappeared and you are lightly satisfied. 5-6 is satisfied but not full—6 is usually where you want to stop eating.  This is where naturally thin people stop eating.  I have a friend who is naturally slender—I see her push the plate away and do this sort of little magical wave over her food—it means she is done and she doesn’t touch the food again.  It is sort of her own personal shut off valve.  What can be your shut off valve?

For me, as for many masters of long term permanent weight release, I come from the clean your plate club.  So when I am at home and even at holiday parties and events—I try to put only the amount of food and calories that my body requires for me at that time.  I just don’t tempt myself with more.  When dining out—I will usually ask for a second plate and put the food amount I need on the clean plate and have them bag up the rest or offer it around to others at the table.
Begin to think of what you can do when you reach that 5-6 which feels like you can get up from the table and feel fed but feel no physical discomfort at all.

Now 7-8 that feels a little uncomfortable—that is definitely full and 9-10 is discomfort full the kind of full where you eat everything and then have to unfasten your pants and go lay down full—it’s the kind of full where you groan—I can’t believe I ate the whole thing—I know you know that feeling—I certainly do—but I also know that I never want to feel that full again—how about you?  So use your hunger number as you are eating. 
When you start eating gage where you are at—the  as you begin eating note when you reach a 3-4 stop and tune into your stomach—at this point you can remind yourself that you only need a few more bites of food to take you to a 5 or 6 and then you will be done.  Think ahead to finish—even if you are with people it only takes a second to tune in.  We eat up to 50% more food when we are with others so tune in to your stomach and prepare to finish at that 5-6.

If you take anything from the hunger number tools take this—protect your zero.  What does that mean??Many people who struggle with weight will wait until they are at zero to eat—they either try to not eat early on and then end up too hungry and eat too much or they get too busy and don’t think about food until it’s too late.  Both ways work against you as when we reach a zero once you do start eating it is very hard to stop eating. This happens a lot at holiday events.  People starve themselves before a party and then eat far too much.
So  Protect your 0!—Never get too hungry—a huge part of weight management is blood sugar management—if you keep yourself fed with steady blood sugar levels throughout the day—you rarely get hungry.  This is an essential tool is keeping your calories within your daily budget easily and effortlessly.  So never get to zero-plan ahead—bring some quality protein and or fiber based snacks with you.  Keep a bag of apple in your car.  Think of how you can protect your zero before heading into that holiday party.

Protecting my zero is so important that I will eat a bit before going out to eat—this way if it takes a long time to be seated or be served I am not ravenous when I order and therefore order too much—and then eat too much.  Eating ahead also allows me to sit with the bread or chips basket and have some power over it—often the main reason people overeat bread or chips is they are simply too hungry.  Do yourself a favor—protect your zero at all times. And have yourself a merry little portion this holiday season!!

Oxox Rita

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Slim & Festive Holiday Food Ideas and Support Tele-seminar with HG expert Lynn Bettencourt

COMING UP SOON-- see Teleseminar info below
The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @ 323 988 4574

Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @

SPECIAL OFFER Thru 12/18--SHIFT MONTHLY MASTERY PROGRAM--1 month free trial--get additional support, online classes, and coaching through the holidays and into the new year.  Join now and get a free "Drift to Sleep Hypnosis" mp3 download--sleep through Santa and his reindeer and awake refreshed and rested plus other bonuses--check it out!
This is the full scoop on the Monthly Mastery program:

This is the Monthly Mastery support calendar for December:

This is the bonus offer:

 Slim & Festive Holiday Food Ideas and Support Tele-seminar with HG expert Lynn Bettencourt and Rita Black
Wednesday December 11th
 at 6:30pm PST.
F.ree Shift Teleseminar
Just hit reply and respond “I’m in!” and we will send details.
forward to friends and family--the more the merrier.

Join Rita Black and Hungry Girl Food Expert Lynn Bettencourt
Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 6:00 pm PST
For a f.ree teleseminar
As they walk you through the holidays with healthy mouth watering ideas for

-Party Appetizers

-Festive and Light Main Dishes
- Nog and grog
-Desserts and treats that won't weight you down
Plus motivation and inspiration to have this be your brightest--lightest holiday ever!!

To be on this awesome food idea and strategy-filled call please
Hit reply and say “I’m in!” and you will be sent call in details.
If you already have signed up you will get details shortly.
Hope you will be joining us!
P.S. Here is the holiday coaching video that I promised.
SPECIAL OFFER Thru 12/18--SHIFT MONTHLY MASTERY PROGRAM--1 month free trial--get additional support, online classes, and coaching through the holidays and into the new year.  Join now and get a free "Drift to Sleep Hypnosis" mp3 download--sleep through Santa and his reindeer and awake refreshed and rested plus other bonuses--check it out!
This is the full scoop on the Monthly Mastery program:

This is the Monthly Mastery support calendar for December:

This is the bonus offer:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Shift Monthly: Dec-Slim-Ber plus Tim’s Success

December 2013 Shift Monthly Shift Monthly is a monthly coaching session written by clinical hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert Rita Black dedicated to exploring how to implement “thin thinking” in order to achieve long term permanent Weight Mastery. Each month we focus on a different theme of Weight  

Theme: DEC-SLIM-BER—Prepare your mind for success for the month ahead.

SPECIAL INSPIRATION: Tim Castagnola released 68 pounds as of last April’s 2013 Shift Weight mastery Process.  He has been maintaining since September.  Listen to his inspiring success story and allow the powerful mindset he evolved motivate you for a fabulous month ahead.  See TIM’S STORY below.

Tim C. before Shifting
Tim C. 68 lbs down finishing his first 10K


Dear Shifters—
Did you know that the average weight gain over the holiday season is around 7 pounds?  YIKES!! That’s not a pretty statistic.  Imagine getting on the scale January 2nd and seeing your weight 7lbs heavier than it is now. 
Do you wish that for yourself?—I think not!  I do not want you to see that either my dear Shifters.  Remember, alone we diet and together we Shift? 

Well alone we also gain the holiday weight but together we can Shift through the holidays and avoid being part of that upward trend and instead either maintain or continue to weight release weight through the holidays.  Sound good? 

So over the next few weeks I am going to be offering some tough coaching for your Inner Coach.  That’s right--- tough!!!  Think of prize fighters going into a boxing ring.  You need your coach to be strong and their voice load and tough over the noisy crowd of both your Inner Rebel and Critic and the noise of our cultural pull to push food and eat excess food during this season.  We are going to win do you hear me.  This is how…(see coaching below after reading these special offers)

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @
Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY HERE:

Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 21—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @

The first few rounds of a boxing match the boxers have energy, they are strong, they throw some good punches.  Maybe that’s where you are now at the beginning of the season—the parties and company and dinners out are ahead of you and so is all the excess sugary, fatty and salty food.. 
This is when a lot of weight strugglers are when they head into the month. “I’ll be fine, “they say, ”it won’t be a challenge this year—I feel good.”  However “feeling good” and “hoping to do well” do not mean anything once you hit round 2.

 So don’t be a victim of “feeling good” about the holidays. Have an iron clad vision of where you commit to be January 1st.  That’s right feeling good means nothing to your brain and neither do hope or try—how many clients come back after the holidays saying—“I don’t know what the heck happened—I thought I was going to do good but it all went wrong—very wrong !!  I’ll tell you what went wrong—they didn’t have a vision that lit the way through to New Years.

Round 1—create a vision linked to an absolute commitment that energizes your brain into action.  See it, believe it and go for it—before heading into round 2.

This is where the onslaught of holiday food begins to become overwhelming, this is where the stress, and the shopping and the parties and the obligations begin to wear you down.
Once again, think about Rocky Balboa in the ring—he’s been taking some hits, not feeling so on top of the world.  In fact he’s beginning to get a little overwhelmed, he’s losing balance spinning a little.  In his head now he’s not so sure he’s going to win—this is a lot harder than he thought.  This is when his coach pulls him into the corner and begins to talk tough—he says hey!  You are not going to be a victim here so do not think like a victim—you came here to win!  Feel it Rocky—feel it—you can do it you can make it happen—you didn’t come this far to fall down.  Rocky gets re energized because his coach just aligned him back to his vision.

Round 2: Align yourself with your Inner Coach and your vision and don’t allow limiting beliefs to get in your way.  You have your vision—how are you going to walk into that party and eat within your calorie needs for weight release and have a good time but not eat any more? 

You have to align yourself with your vision of leaving that party feeling good about the party and about yourself.  Do not hope to “do good”  or yourself the same disempowered excuses that keep you struggling with weight and keep you being mad at yourself after you leave the party.  Excuses like—“that party was hard because there was so much food, my relatives were stressing me out, I didn’t have time to plan ahead”…..YAWN!!  Aren’t you tired of buying into the same old crappy sayings you say to yourself year after year?

 Win this year and bring your coach to the party—give yourself the best holiday gift you can give yourself—a feeling of pride that you showed up for yourself. One way you can do this is by using your hypnosis CDS or mp3 downloads—not as coasters for the eggnog and brandy drinks you serve your friends—really listen to them—the hypnosis will cut through the negative chatter in your mind and re-align yourself with yourself—don’t just say “I gotta listen to those CDS”---DO IT!!!!


The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @ 323 988 4574
Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY

Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 25—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @
Shift Monthly: Dec-Slim-Ber  plus Tim’s Success
December 2013 Shift Monthly Shift Monthly is a monthly coaching session written by clinical hypnotherapist and cognitive weight expert Rita Black dedicated to exploring how to implement “thin thinking” in order to achieve long term permanent Weight Mastery. Each month we focus on a different theme of Weight  Theme: DEC-SLIM-BER—Prepare your mind for success for the month ahead.
SPECIAL INSPIRATION: Tim Castagnola released 68 pounds as of last April’s 2013 Shift Weight mastery Process.  He has been maintaining since September.  Listen to his inspiring success story and allow the powerful mindset he evolved motivate you for a fabulous month ahead.  See TIM’S STORY below.
Tim Pics
Dear Shifters—
Did you know that the average weight gain over the holiday season is around 7 pounds?  YIKES!! That’s not a pretty statistic.  Imagine getting on the scale January 2nd and seeing your weight 7lbs heavier than it is now. 
Do you wish that for yourself?—I think not!  I do not want you to see that either my dear Shifters.  Remember, alone we diet and together we Shift?  Well alone we also gain the holiday weight but together we can Shift through the holidays and avoid being part of that upward trend and instead either maintain or continue to weight release weight through the holidays.  Sound good? 
So over the next few weeks I am going to be offering some tough coaching for your Inner Coach.  That’s right--- tough!!!  Think of prize fighters going into a boxing ring.  You need your coach to be strong and their voice load and tough over the noisy crowd of both your Inner Rebel and Critic and the noise of our cultural pull to push food and eat excess food during this season.  We are going to win do you hear me.  This is how…(see coaching below after reading these special offers)
The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @   
Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY HERE:
Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 21—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @
The first few rounds of a boxing match the boxers have energy, they are strong, they throw some good punches.  Maybe that’s where you are now at the beginning of the season—the parties and company and dinners out are ahead of you and so is all the excess sugary, fatty and salty food.. 
This is when a lot of weight strugglers are when they head into the month. “I’ll be fine, “they say, ”it won’t be a challenge this year—I feel good.”  However “feeling good” and “hoping to do well” do not mean anything once you hit round 2.
 So don’t be a victim of “feeling good” about the holidays. Have an iron clad vision of where you commit to be January 1st.  That’s right feeling good means nothing to your brain and neither do hope or try—how many clients come back after the holidays saying—“I don’t know what the heck happened—I thought I was going to do good but it all went wrong—very wrong !!  I’ll tell you what went wrong—they didn’t have a vision that lit the way through to New Years.
Round 1—create a vision linked to an absolute commitment that energizes your brain into action.  See it, believe it and go for it—before heading into round 2.
Round 2--
This is where the onslaught of holiday food begins to become overwhelming, this is where the stress, and the shopping and the parties and the obligations begin to wear you down. 
Once again, think about Rocky Balboa in the ring—he’s been taking some hits, not feeling so on top of the world.  In fact he’s beginning to get a little overwhelmed, he’s losing balance spinning a little.  In his head now he’s not so sure he’s going to win—this is a lot harder than he thought.  This is when his coach pulls him into the corner and begins to talk tough—he says hey!  You are not going to be a victim here so do not think like a victim—you came here to win!  Feel it Rocky—feel it—you can do it you can make it happen—you didn’t come this far to fall down.  Rocky gets re energized because his coach just aligned him back to his vision.
Round 2: Align yourself with your Inner Coach and your vision and don’t allow limiting beliefs to get in your way.  You have your vision—how are you going to walk into that party and eat within your calorie needs for weight release and have a good time but not eat any more? 
You have to align yourself with your vision of leaving that party feeling good about the party and about yourself.  Do not hope to “do good”  or yourself the same disempowered excuses that keep you struggling with weight and keep you being mad at yourself after you leave the party.  Excuses like—“that party was hard because there was so much food, my relatives were stressing me out, I didn’t have time to plan ahead”…..YAWN!!  Aren’t you tired of buying into the same old crappy sayings you say to yourself year after year?
 Win this year and bring your coach to the party—give yourself the best holiday gift you can give yourself—a feeling of pride that you showed up for yourself. One way you can do this is by using your hypnosis CDS or mp3 downloads—not as coasters for the eggnog and brandy drinks you serve your friends—really listen to them—the hypnosis will cut through the negative chatter in your mind and re-align yourself with yourself—don’t just say “I gotta listen to those CDS”---DO IT!!!!

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process is January 25th—sign up now for the $100 DISCOUNT before January 1 and $175 discount when you and a friend Shift Together—contact Rita @  

Want to learn more about the Shift Weight mastery process and how it works?  Listen to TIM’S STORY HERE

Re-Shift Process--  Regroup and Refocus with this 30 day process that includes going though the Shift day intensive on January 21—join before January 1 and receive $50 off the already low price—c’mon you know you want to!  Contact Rita @