Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shift Weekly: NO!

 Saturday Online Class November 17th SELF-HYPNOSIS!!
Want to learn the powerful technique of self-hypnosis to get you through the holiday feeling focused every day?  Join us the Saturday online from 9amPST-10:15.  Register on the link below.

Shift Weekly: NO!

Happy Veterans Day BTW!
This week I want to focus on the POWER OF NO. No?  Yes, NO!

The mind can’t really separate fantasy from reality.  Ever find yourself watching a James Bond film where James is being chased by the bad guy and realize that your heart is beating faster, your breathing is elevated, and your stomach is tensed up just as if you were being chased right alongside 007?  Have you ever watched someone watching an intense sporting on TV stand up and begin yelling at the players on the screen as if they believed the players could really hear them?  We can use the power of self hypnosis to tap into this phenomenon and SHIFT out of Fat Thinking into Thin Thinking.
I am going to give you a subtle but easy and effective cognitive technique that you can use in a relaxed (self-hypnotic) state to help change your relationship to a particular trigger food (usually sweets or starches) that you have a vulnerability to over eat or binge on.  I have used this with some of my trigger foods (frosting, Wine Gums, and candy corn) in the past and it works well.  You will want to practice this exercise a number of times for it to have a real impact.

-Find a place to get comfortable and close your eyes.

-Now imagine your trigger food in front of you.

-Now practice saying “No” to that trigger food in many different ways and times.

(IMPORTANT:  Not “No” as in, “You can’t have it.”  I mean “No” as in “I choose not to have it.”  Making this distinction between –you can’t have and I choose NOT to have is huge.  The former engages the Inner Critic and the latter engages the Inner Coach.)

-Practice saying “no” to your trigger food politely—Pause and take a deep breath between each time you imagine yourself saying “no” to your trigger food.

Thank you, but no.

 No thanks. 




-Now imagine saying no to the trigger food firmly the same way.

I said no! 



Repeat this polite no and firm no with the trigger food in the circumstances that you might encounter it; at the grocery store, at a vending machine, in a restaurant, in your cupboard (hey, what’s it doing there?), at a drive through etc.

-Now imagine someone else is eating your trigger food and telling you how delicious it is and offering it to you.

-Imagine many different ways of saying no politely and then firmly to them.
You can even yell at them if you wish( in your imagination that is!).
Now, still in the relaxed position run this exercise again but now add your voice.  Practice really saying no politely at first and working your way up to a resounding firm “No!”.  Make sure you take a breath in between each “NO!” and align yourself with that feeling that you are saying “No” because you choose to and not because you have to. You can do this part while you are driving in the car—just say no!!

Great job!  I bet you can feel a shifted relationship to that food already, no?
Join us this coming Saturday online (details below—just click on the link) to learn how to use self-hypnosis to help stay focused on healthy eating this holiday season.  Details below!

Have a great week practicing the POWER OF NO!
Oxox Rita

Saturday Online Class November 17th SELF-HYPNOSIS!!
Want to learn the powerful technique of self-hypnosis to get you through the holiday feeling focused every day?  Join us the Saturday online from 9amPST-10:15.  Register on the link below.







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