Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shift Weekly: Five Fit Gift Faves

Join us this coming Saturday, December 1st from 9-10:30am PST for our next Shift Saturday ONLINE CLASS
Mindful versus Mindless and Emotional Eating: How to Show Up for Yourself
3 steps you can take to avoid or bounce back fast from bingeing

Hi Shifters,

Happy Cyber Monday!!! Did Thanksgiving tucker you out?  I’m bushed!  Now my head is spinning with the idea of venturing out to holiday shop.
If you skipped the shopping crowds at the mall this last weekend and are looking for healthy holiday gifts for loved ones (even yourself) here are some “healthy” favorites from me and other members of the Shift Community that you can find online.
1.     Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watches—(Mickey’s Favorite) these handy watches will monitor your heart rate, time your work outs, and show how many calories you burned during your work outs.  Costs average 80-250 dollars depending on style etc.  Available at Amazon and other online retailers.
2.     Fit Bit—(Julie’s Favorite) This teeny little device is something you can wear like a pedometer and it measures everything: steps, sleep, calories burned during exercise and rest, etc. downloads to your computer and you can log on to see all of your data day by day.  I could see this becoming an addiction.  Cost—around 100 dollars.

 3.     The Healthy Eating and Weight Management Book and Workbook by Dorene Robinson (Rita's favorite)This book is a favorite of trainers, dieticians and health clubs.  It is the best book out there as far as I am concerned as to how to put together a healthy approach to weight release.  Dorene has a great writing style and uses a lot of similar principles as I do. A very great information packed read with a workbook to put it all together.

4.     The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg  If you want to know why you do what you do and why it’s hard not to do it—then this is a book for you!  One of my favorite reads this year. 

5.     Hungry Girls’ Supermarket Survival Guide  This handy little book that fits into a purse or bag is a great gift for those friends who have a hard time navigating the grocery store in a healthy way.  A fabulous stocking stuffer.

BIG HOLIDAY SHOPPING TIP—Eat something before you go so you don’t get stranded with your blood sugar levels dropping!

 Oxox  Rita

Join us this coming Saturday, December 1st from 9-10:30am PST for our next Shift Saturday ONLINE CLASS
Mindful versus Mindless and Emotional Eating: How to Show Up for Yourself
3 steps you can take to avoid or bounce back fast from bingeing

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shift Weekly: The Holiday Spell--DON'T Sucuum!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so grateful for your participation in the Shift Community!  Over the years that I have been a clinical hypnotherapist, helping people SHIFT out of Fat Thinking into Thin Thinking, I have had the honor to work with such amazing, intelligent, insightful, warm and open people—thank you for allowing me to serve you.

Now on to Thanksgiving Mind Strategies!!  Thanksgiving for many is not actually the hardest day to remain true to your Shift for many.  Here is a 7 minute coaching session on TG that I made a few years back (if you need some good pointers and inspiration) –it follows me over a whole Thanksgiving Day where my challenge was to consume 1550 calories or below—we called it Thanksgiving 15-50! Check it out here:

Weight Mastery Thanksgiving Coaching Video


Now let’s talk about the real holiday challenge.  Not Thanksgiving Day but the day AFTER Thanksgiving, what some call Black Friday—I call GAK FRIDAY! (for those of you unfamiliar with the term Gak it means the super refined food that contain waaaaay more sugar, salt, and fats than natural foods).

Gak Friday is a challenge for many because we now have all of that TGT food hanging around.  On top of that we begin holiday shopping and giving.  There is food everywhere!  AND on top of THAT this very strange and mysterious thing happens on the midnight of Thanksgiving.  The internal holiday bell chimes and all of our minds gets sucked into this weird VORTEX called “why not…it’s the holidays!”

Yes, all of a sudden this mental phenomina called “it’s the holidays” descends upon us en masse and we find ourselves in a much more vulnerable and open state to eating more calories, exercising less and believing we have no choice but to surrender as a victim to this overwhelming force while it is surging and then wait again until January 1st when the bell chimes again and the spell of “it’s the Holiday’s” recedes as quickly as it began and we are left in the wake of the aftermath of devastation and destruction, weight gain, struggle, and disappointment of “how did I let it all go?”.

So I am here to tell you now---DO NOT LET IT ALL GO.

Prepare for the “It’s the Holidays” surge like you would prepare for a Level  5 hurricane.

-Plan ahead for success: have a vision of what you will look like on January 1st because you have kept releasing weight through the holidays—make it a fun and enticing image.

-Think through what you will and won’t allow in your house this season.  80 percent of success is based on stimulus control.  If it’s going to be a problem (and you know if it’s going to be a problem) don’t let it in your house—or OFFICE.  There is a place called a FOOD BANK and they will happily receive your food gift items.

-Know what your calorie budget is for release and MAINTENANCE.  That’s right—if you know what you can consume and not gain weight but just maintain at least you will be that much further ahead come January first.  Those of you who have gone through the Shift Weight Mastery Process—your maintenance number is in your Shift Book on page 23 or 24 (depending on when you Shifted).  If you have not made the Shift yet email me and I can let you know how to find this out.

-Make a plan to move—think through a way to walk every day for 10 minutes at least.  Walking is something you can do anytime, anywhere.  If you walk 10-20 minutes a day you will be setting yourself up to burn away the little “extras” over the holidays.

-Listen TO YOUR SHIFT CDS!!!  They will keep your mind focused.

-Have some fun but lower calorie treats on hand so you don’t feel deprived.  Here is a link to Hungry Girls 2012 holiday list—check it out!

Okay that’s a starting point—more to come as we head through the holidays.  I believe in you and know you want more than anything to stay present and healthy through the season.  So take this time out and prepare to be successful now.  Give yourself the present of being present!!

Take a Shift Breath and here’s to YOUR Successful, “Shifted” Holiday Season 2012!!

Oxox Rita




Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shift Weekly: NO!

 Saturday Online Class November 17th SELF-HYPNOSIS!!
Want to learn the powerful technique of self-hypnosis to get you through the holiday feeling focused every day?  Join us the Saturday online from 9amPST-10:15.  Register on the link below.

Shift Weekly: NO!

Happy Veterans Day BTW!
This week I want to focus on the POWER OF NO. No?  Yes, NO!

The mind can’t really separate fantasy from reality.  Ever find yourself watching a James Bond film where James is being chased by the bad guy and realize that your heart is beating faster, your breathing is elevated, and your stomach is tensed up just as if you were being chased right alongside 007?  Have you ever watched someone watching an intense sporting on TV stand up and begin yelling at the players on the screen as if they believed the players could really hear them?  We can use the power of self hypnosis to tap into this phenomenon and SHIFT out of Fat Thinking into Thin Thinking.
I am going to give you a subtle but easy and effective cognitive technique that you can use in a relaxed (self-hypnotic) state to help change your relationship to a particular trigger food (usually sweets or starches) that you have a vulnerability to over eat or binge on.  I have used this with some of my trigger foods (frosting, Wine Gums, and candy corn) in the past and it works well.  You will want to practice this exercise a number of times for it to have a real impact.

-Find a place to get comfortable and close your eyes.

-Now imagine your trigger food in front of you.

-Now practice saying “No” to that trigger food in many different ways and times.

(IMPORTANT:  Not “No” as in, “You can’t have it.”  I mean “No” as in “I choose not to have it.”  Making this distinction between –you can’t have and I choose NOT to have is huge.  The former engages the Inner Critic and the latter engages the Inner Coach.)

-Practice saying “no” to your trigger food politely—Pause and take a deep breath between each time you imagine yourself saying “no” to your trigger food.

Thank you, but no.

 No thanks. 




-Now imagine saying no to the trigger food firmly the same way.

I said no! 



Repeat this polite no and firm no with the trigger food in the circumstances that you might encounter it; at the grocery store, at a vending machine, in a restaurant, in your cupboard (hey, what’s it doing there?), at a drive through etc.

-Now imagine someone else is eating your trigger food and telling you how delicious it is and offering it to you.

-Imagine many different ways of saying no politely and then firmly to them.
You can even yell at them if you wish( in your imagination that is!).
Now, still in the relaxed position run this exercise again but now add your voice.  Practice really saying no politely at first and working your way up to a resounding firm “No!”.  Make sure you take a breath in between each “NO!” and align yourself with that feeling that you are saying “No” because you choose to and not because you have to. You can do this part while you are driving in the car—just say no!!

Great job!  I bet you can feel a shifted relationship to that food already, no?
Join us this coming Saturday online (details below—just click on the link) to learn how to use self-hypnosis to help stay focused on healthy eating this holiday season.  Details below!

Have a great week practicing the POWER OF NO!
Oxox Rita

Saturday Online Class November 17th SELF-HYPNOSIS!!
Want to learn the powerful technique of self-hypnosis to get you through the holiday feeling focused every day?  Join us the Saturday online from 9amPST-10:15.  Register on the link below.







Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Check out Rita's new smoking cessation video. Please go to our website for more information:

 Thank you for watching. Please go to this youtube video for more information.

Hypnosis Smoking Cessation

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Shift Weekly: Who are You Voting For??

Campaign Special

50 percent off the Inner Coach CD—with both a motivating and insightful coaching session as well as a wonderful hypnosis session that allows you to turn up the volume on the Inner Coach within, you will be placing your vote for the right person this campaign season---YOU!


Dear Shifters,
In honor of Tuesday’s election I wanted to discuss the two very different inner platforms that we have to choose from to run our relationship with our health, weight, and ultimately, ourselves.  Which candidate of which platform are you voting for?  Which candidate are you listening to—who is going to be your leader?  The choice you make will lead you on two very different paths.

Platform 1—Fat Thinking

Here at the Fat Thinking campaign headquarters we have the 2 candidates—
The Inner Critic and the Inner Rebel
These 2 candidates work together seamlessly to

-Create a chaotic mindset that takes your power away from you—

-Keeps you struggling in that good or bad, on or off, all or nothing kind of thinking.

The Inner Critic believes inherently you are broken and need to be fixed and also that you need to be restricted and must on eat what is on the diet or else you are a failure.

The Inner Rebel will push hard for starting again on Monday because what the hay…”you already blew it—so you may as well eat them all…”The Inner Rebel believes that everyone else is eating gak—so you should too.The Inner Rebel will also let you off the hook—you have had a bad day so eat!  We’ll be good on Monday—it’s the American way.

The calorie budget of the Fat Thinking platform is dodgy to say the least—there doesn’t seem to be any clear documentation of how the Fat Thinking Party will balance your budget or ever reach weight mastery.

But they have a lot of familiar sounding beliefs and slogans and so often we get hoodwinked into voting for Fat Thinking.  We end up feeling frustrated, demoralized and bloated. So this time around why not vote for Thin Thinking and the Inner Coach?

Platform 2 Thin Thinking

Here at Thin Thinking platform headquarters things are looking powerful

-There is only one candidate with one clear message—Show Up for Yourself

-That’s right your Inner Coach knows that you can achieve weight mastery.

Your Inner Coach has a very specific action plan to create a calorie budget that will take you to the vision you have for your health.

The Inner Coach is ready to solve the problems and create new solutions and doesn’t  believe in magic pills or diets.   Your Inner Coach believes in you.  That you can achieve your ideal weight and stay there because you have made the Shift from the inside out.
How to Change Platforms

 If you are stuck in the Fat Thinking Camp never fear—you can always change parties.

1)    Start to turn in and get conscious to the rhetoric of the Fat Thinking Party. When you really tune in you can begin to hear how false that kind of emotionally run reasoning sounds.  You can separate yourself out form the BS and begin to Shift.

2)    You can begin to get very clear on what it is you do want versus what you don’t want.  The more you focus on a clear and definable outcome—the more your Inner Coach can begin to take clear and actionable steps.

3)    You can begin getting your facts and budget straight with precise data and logical thinking.  You can begin to solve the problems and seek new workable strategies now that the day dreams of waking up and being perfect have been cleared away.

4)    You can begin feeling more powerful and confident every day that you show up for yourself and make healthy decisions in line with what your desired outcome is.

5)    You can Shift your way to the voting booth and place your vote for your favorite candidate—your Inner Coach!

Good luck at the Inner Voting Booth—I know you will make the shifted choice!

Oxox Rita
Campaign Special
50 percent off the Inner Coach CD—with both a motivating and insightful coaching session as well as a wonderful hypnosis session that allows you to turn up the volume on the Inner Coach within, you will be placing your vote for the right person this campaign season---YOU!