Halloween Special: Free Shipping and
30%off the following Hypnosis Sessions in the Shift
-Mastering Sugar and other Refined
-Just One Bite or None at All—Mastering your relationship with chocolate and other sweets
-Lights Out on Night Eating
To receive 30% off just write “Zombie” in the coupon box at check out
SPECIAL !!!-Shift thru Halloween Package
Deal—All 3 above sessions for $47 FREE
HERE Halloween
Package Deal
-Just One Bite or None at All—Mastering your relationship with chocolate and other sweets
-Lights Out on Night Eating
To receive 30% off just write “Zombie” in the coupon box at check out
Candy “Crack” Corn
Dear Shifters,
Sugar was called “Crack” when it became a rare and coveted
delicacy in 16th century France.
Even back then sugar was thought of as a drug, known for its powerful addictive
Here we are on Halloween and the amount of sugar whirling around
out there in the universe is mind blowing.
In fact it’s more than mind blowing, it’s mind warping. Actually, let’s call a spade a spade like the
French did—it’s just plain mind altering—and can lead to tailspins into addictive
eating patterns.
Remember the term “gateway” drugs?—which referred simply to the
idea that by starting with using a softer drug (like marijuana) would
eventually lead the user to taking harder drugs (like crack cocaine). A friend of mine gave me the name “gateway”
foods. She got it from a friend of hers
who at a party turned down a glass of Sangria claiming it was a “gateway” food
to eating much more of many other fattening foods there at the party—like
potato chips and cake. If she stayed away from the “gateway” food, sangria, she
would stay away from the other stuff too.
It makes perfect sense!!
What are your “gateway” Halloween candies and how will you keep
them from the gate of your mouth this year??
As many of you know, during Halloween, my “gateway food” is candy
corn. If I eat so much as a couple of
innocent little candy corns—something in me happens both in my mind and body
and I turn into a non-discerning-- all types of candy eating—candy “crack” corn
addict. However, if I stay away from the candy corn I can eat a piece or two of
the other types of candy and am usually fine.
That is how candy corn warps me—and is my “gateway”-- so I stay far from
the gate.
Make Sure The Gate Stays Shut
How can our Inner Coach can use certain strategies to keep us out
of that addiction cycle? Here are some weight master’s strategies to keep you
of Halloween Candy REBAB
1- Eat More fiber, whole foods and protein: In order to physically
“unhook” addictive eating it will serve you to create a food plan that is low
in sugar, salt, fat and refined floury foods and high in fiber, fruits and
vegetables and lean protein(
2--Know your refined food/ sugar and starchy carbohydrate “set point”: Every “body” is different and can tolerate a
certain level of starchy or refined sugars and carbohydrates before they start
feeling “hooked”—it will be your mission to discover what your set point is and
to make sure that you stay under that point on a daily basis. For many this is
about 2-3 servings a day.
3-Tune into your body after eating refined foods and sugar—some
foods have worse impact than others (think “gateway food”) and for many the
rule of thumb is to avoid eating Halloween Candy on an empty stomach as that
sets off raised blood sugar levels but also creates a bigger impact on the
brain—and it starts looking around for more sugar. It is best to eat sugar (if and when you do)
with other food.
4-Think of refined starches and sugar like cocktails—only to be
had after 5pm! The earlier in the day we
eat refined food the earlier we begin wanting more!!!
5-Learn trigger times and emotional triggers for compulsive eating
and use your Inner Coach to come up with other ways of comforting yourself
other than food.
6-Find healthier alternatives for those times that you have gotten
used to reaching for the more “addictive” foods.
7—Take steps for addiction prevention
Halloween Candy Addiction Intervention
Remember long term permanent weight release is not about being
perfect—it is about embracing imperfection and consistently finding solves and
strategies that allow us to stay connected to ourselves and moving forward
–“showing up for ourselves” rather than hitting the “eject” button on ourselves
and our weight release when we get off course.
If during this Halloween season you find yourself eating a “gateway food
or candy” and getting “hooked” at least be prepared.
Take action as quickly as possible and engage in the following
strategies and you will become unhooked in no time:
First take a break from all
starchy and refined carbohydrates for three days (or limit to one).
Next up your protein
intake—this will stabilize your blood sugar and stunt the false hunger that is
being caused by your out of whack blood sugar levels.
And up your intake of
vegetables and whole food—the more healthfully you eat the less your body craves
the junk
Drink water which flushes
it all from your system
And move your body and
Note: Starchy Carbohydrates
can range from whole grain bread to the most refined sugary candy and
alcohol. Even though starchy
carbohydrates from whole foods give you more nourishment than candy and donuts
and more refined carbs—some people have a low tolerance level and can overeat
even these “healthier” foods. Part of your Shift Process “loving scientist”
project is finding out what amount is right for you.
SHIFT Halloween Special: Free Shipping and 30%off the following Hypnosis Sessions in the Shift Store
-Mastering Sugar and other Refined Foods
-Just One Bite or None at All—Mastering your relationship with chocolate and other sweets
-Lights Out on Night Eating
To receive 30% off just write “Zombie” in the coupon box at check out
SPECIAL !!!-Shift thru Halloween Package Deal—All 3 above sessions for $47 FREE SHIPPING
ORDER HERE Halloween Package Deal
-Just One Bite or None at All—Mastering your relationship with chocolate and other sweets
-Lights Out on Night Eating
To receive 30% off just write “Zombie” in the coupon box at check out
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