I went with my son a few weeks ago on a field trip to Whole Foods and had a wonderful time. It’s kind of interesting being in a grocery store for the purposes of education rather than frantically running around trying to find what you need in order to get home and get dinner started. Believe me Whole foods did it’s best to put forth the Whole Foods brand in an amazing light.
The man who was the tour guide was very passionate about healthy eating. I have never seen anyone wave around a bunch of Kale so lovingly and speak about it so eloquently to a group of 6 year olds staring with wide eyes. You watched them watch him jump up and down about organic foods and the dangers of high fructose corn syrup and you could see these little minds being molded—the seeds of awareness were being planted, and a new crop of healthy eaters being grown. Our tour guide at Whole Foods was a great hypnotist!
When we left the store my son said, “Mommy I don’t ever want to shop anywhere else except Whole Foods.” “Why is that honey?” I asked nervously knowing Whole foods also meant whole paycheck. “Well, because the man said nothing at Whole Foods has anything bad in it—no high fructose corn syrup and no GMOs and the food is full of health and I want to be healthy.” Okay now here is my son, who a week earlier would pass by a Mc Donald’s and beg to be taken through the drive thru only for me to say no again and again and when he asked why am I so mean to deny him a Happy Meal I would tell him simply “because that food is full of crap!”. So why is it now after this nice young man has convinced my son in one hour what I have spent 6 years trying to do? Two reasons 1—the nice young man was not his mom and 2-The nice young man (gosh that makes me sound old saying it like that but he was young!) really focused on what was good and why it was good and how good it was to be good.
I figured this would be the best time to debut a wonderful and tip-filled interview I had with Health Coach, Lora Goodpasture who does the same thing in our talk—she really seduces you into wanting to eat healthfully! In this inspiring interview Lora and I discuss Shifting into eating a more whole and balanced diet and how to manage that given our busy lives. I hope you will take the time to listen to this 30 minute Shift Talk Radio Show—Lora was a great guest!
CLICK HERE FOR HEALTHY EATING INTERVIEWLora and I will also explore healthy eating further as a feature at our LIVE SHIFT WEIGHT RELEASE PARTY WEBCAST MAY 20TH FROM 10-2PM. Mark your calendars!
Free Gift Health Consultation
To set up your complimentary one-on-one consultation contact Lora:310-594-7956 or click here to visit her website Lora's Website
Have a healthy, greens filled week!
oxox Rita
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