Friday, December 30, 2011

Shift Weekly: Forget Wall Street--"Occupy Yourself" in 2012

Dear Shifters,
Happy New Year!  I hope that you brought the new baby 2012 in with a healthy BANG!!!  As you are trying to wrap your mind around writing 2012 on everything instead of 2011 I thought I would just remind you not to get too caught up in starting the New Year with overwhelming expectations and ideas of being perfect on a diet now that 2012 has rolled around.  Showing up for yourself and mastering the way you use your mind in order to meet your weight goals is something that you can always do—whether it is the “new” year or not. 
So in this week’s coaching session I invite you to create a New Year’s Revolution rather than a Resolution.  Really shake things up from your core—Forget “Occupy Wall Street”—start an OCCUPY YOURSELF REVOLUTION with power and see how 2012 can Shift for you!
Now is the chance to SAVE BIG on using the Shift Weight Mastery’s processes for creating real and positive changes in your relationship with food, exercise, your body and yourself.  Resolve to really be good to yourself and your body this year!
SAVE $100 The Shift 30 Day Weight Mastery Process-January 21st (All Day Intensive) (sign up by January 7th)
SAVE$50 The RE Shift 30 day Weight Mastery-January 21st Process (All Day Intensive) (sign up by January 7th )
Save 10% Shift Monday Phone Support and Saturday Shift Support Classes (Los Angeles) See dates and times at the bottom of the newsletter.

Have you ever wondered why New Year’s resolutions sadly go the way of the fad diet--gone and forgotten within a few weeks???  Because resolutions, like goals, only engage the conscious 12% of our brain--the analytic willpower part of us.  If anything resolutions are Inner Critic run affairs soon to be dumped by the Inner Rebel and forgotten before the first box of Valentine candy ends up on our desks.

Here are some common resolutions--

I will quit smoking
I want to stop eating crap
I will start exercising
I will yell at my kids less
I will cut down on my drinking
I will stop spending so much money!

Blah, blah, blah. Quite a motley crew huh? I can hear your subconscious yawning from here. Resolutions do not engage the better part of us--the bigger part of us--the subconscious imagination. HOWEVER, A VISION DOES. 
This year I challenge you to create a vision so big for yourself that it begins a REVOLUTION in your neural pathways. Where does a vision begin?  It begins in your imagination.  Our imagination is in our subconscious mind—the big 88% of our mind.  When we just resolve to change something by saying it—that resolution goes nowhere—because you are only engaging your 12% conscious self.  When we can see and feel the change we want to create—(as we do when we create a vision) that is when we turn on the Inner Revolution—“Occupy Yourself” mechanism by engaging 100% of our fabulous mind.

For example:
Resolution: I drink too much.  I will cut down on my drinking

Okay so maybe you are drinking a couple of drinks every night and it is keeping you from releasing weight, or keeping you from getting up early to exercise or making you feel dependent on something outside of you. So how do you create a pathway to a more sober—clean-headed lifestyle?  By creating a vision that is specific, realistic and seemingly adventurous or challenging enough to be seductive to all of yourself—not just the virtuous New Year’s self.

1--Be specific--this may be a “by when?” or “how many?”--in this case with cutting down on drinking the vision could be “I see myself enjoying drinking less on a weekly basis”-and the specific vision could be-“How much am I drinking at this point?  Is it a drink a night?  Is it only on weekends?  I can see myself keeping my drinking to 2 drinks on Friday and Saturday and abstain during the week and feeling really clear headed and vibrant—pouring myself a nice hot cup of tea and relaxing when I get home from work—waking up feeling refreshed in the morning?” 
Now you are working with yourself.  Now you are engaging the vision by asking questions, giving yourself a choice and really seeing the change—not just saying it.  Now you are creating loving boundaries.  Now your chances of creating a real New Year’s REVOLUTION just increased 100%!!  The more specific you are, the more you engage your imagination and problem solving ability.  Be specific and then be real.

2--Be real with yourself--set goals that resonate with all parts of you. Forget the “should”—this word is banned from the creating process. “I shouldn't drink at all!”  “I should abstain on weekends!”  You'll know when you are not being real with yourself  because you will hear your Inner Rebel somewhere in the background laughing his or her head off. "Hahahaha! No drinking on the weekends!  Yeah right--nice try buddy get back to me when you mean business!"  Create a vision that feels comfortable and not like you are going to have to push a square peg into a round hole.

3-Create adventure--make your vision sexy!  What is drinking less going to mean to you in the long run other than drinking less? Is the challenge of creating an internal buzz from your own connectedness to yourself and others rather than relying upon a glass of wine to do the work for you a challenge that your neural pathways could get tipsy over?  Or is the vision of you leaner and cleaner because you cut the extra 800 calories that the 6 glasses of wine over the course of the week was adding to your waistline?  Yeah baby---I feel a revolution coming on!!!

Here are some sexy REVOLUTIONS to try on rather than the sad resolutions stated above

Becoming a non-smoker will allow me to find way more healthy and productive ways of self-soothing--which will give me more confidence--a feeling that I can do anything!!!

I deserve to put more green things in my body--it deserves healthy food full of life--the more alive and whole foods I put into my body the more alive and whole it will feel!!!

I desire to really connect with my kids-- imagine communicating effectively with my children--imagine truly having g a family based on the word team.  I desire to be a model for them--I will respect myself and them so that they can do the same.

I am more conscious with my money observing how, why and when I choose to spend it will offer me a great insight into my own sense of worth.  I long to feel worthy--once I separate myself from money I can really begin to tap into my true value.

So as you are making those 2012 wish lists--do yourself a favor and "Shift" from resolution to REVOLUTION!!  “Occupy Yourself” and may all of your revolutions create amazing Shifts in your lives, the community, our nation and the world at large!!  Start with yourself and make a Shift and see how the world changes because of it.
Alone we diet—together we SHIFT!

Happy New Year 2012!!!
Oxox Rita
NEW! Saturday Support Series Twelve in 12 (Release 12 lbs by 2012)—
Back by popular demand!!! 
This winter’s series is focused on releasing 12 pounds by April 1st.  What are the behaviors and mindsets that it is going to take? We are going to keep you focused and supported over these 6 sessions spaced out over 12 weeks between January and April to release 12 pounds (or what ever your short term goal is) even through the dark winter months.  Please join us.
Saturdays 10-11:30: 1/14, 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/10, 3/24
Cost: $137 for series (price includes 12 by 12 Course CD)—big savings!! Save 10%--sign up by January 7th
Per session: $25
Monday Night Phone Support Series
Join us every other Monday night over the winter for our Monday night phone series.  Call in and get support and/or just listen in.  Hypnosis included.
Mondays 7:30-8:30 pm on:  1/9, 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/5, 3/24
Cost $97
Save big when you sign up for both Monday and Saturday Classes together $157!!

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