Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shift Weekly: Shift Mastery Success Story - Stephanie Rizzi

Dear Shifters,

Happy Tuesday!

This week I had the fortune of interviewing Stephanie Rizzi for Shift Radio’s Shift Mastery Success Stories.  Stephanie released 45 lbs with the Shift in 6 months and has kept that off for over a year in spite of dealing with breast cancer and other physical ailments.

Stephanie’s story is inspiring and holds many keys to how people can change their thinking with hypnosis and behavioral shifts and achieve success in the long run.  Please tune in below.  I hope this radio interview inspire you to keep going on your own journey of long term permanent weight release!


Remember to stay hydrated this summer—often dehydration feels like hunger and prompts us to eat more.  Drink up!

Have a Shifted Week!
oxox Rita

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins September 24th, 2011
Discounts for early birds, former Shifter referrals and groups are available. 
Please call Rita to find out more and to get started today on your
 journey to Long Term Permanent Weight Release! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Shift Weekly: Rita Interviews Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien

Hi Shifters!

Here we are in the middle of the middle of the summer.  Sometimes it can be a bit daunting being in the middle of the middle of something—mainly because you lose your perspective.  When we are focused on weight mastery, the middle of our journey can be more challenging--you are not at the beginning where everything is shiny, new and exciting and you are not at the end where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and your goal is so real you can feel it, see it, even smell it.  The middle can be so neither here nor there—so hum drum, lifeless and unenthused.


Luckily, this week I was fortunate enough to interview Hungry Girl, Lisa Lillien, who not only is the queen of inspired low calorie shopping and cooking, but she also just recently published her latest recipe book 300 Under 300: Breakfast, Lunch, &Dinner Dishes Under 300 calories and is about to have her second season of the Hungry Girl Cooking Show start up on both the Food Network and the Cooking Channel (see links below).

Many of you who have done the Shift Weight Mastery Process have been inspired both by Lisa's daily blog at www.Hungry-Girl.com   and have received the Hungry Girl Shopping List from us.

Our interview contains lots of Lisa’s great tips and tricks for creating low calorie, easy, tasty meals and summer drinks as well as Lisa’s own story of her weight release of 30 pounds and her tips on continued maintenance.  Please tune in and be inspired!!!

Click Here for Shift Radio with Lisa Lillien

Sources of more inspiration:
1) Watch Hungry Girl’s Cooking Show.  The second season debuts on Sunday August 7th at 10am on the Food Network.   Hungry Girl TV Show info   

2) Hungry Girl’s latest cookbook 300 Under 300: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Dishes Under 300 Calories and other Cookbooks here: Hungry Girl books

Mark Your Shift Calendars!!!

This Saturday July 23rd Shift Support Group from 10-11:30am “Use Your Brain to Avoid Sugar Pitfalls this Summer”—contact Rita for more information.

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins Saturday September 24th in Los Angeles.
Sign up now and receive the early bird discount and extra bonuses--
Start your weight release journey now.

The Shift sponsored non-profit SHIFT KIDS is having a fun fundraiser--
"LEGENDARY BINGO: SUNDAY EDITION" on Sunday, October 2nd- 7:00 pm show at Hamburger Mary’s in West Hollywood—a night of bingo, Shiftinis, auctions and prizes!
Please come and support our start-up organization Shift Kids dedicated to helping kids and their families “shift” out of childhood obesity.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Shift Weekly: Do Ask—Don’t Tell

Dear Shifters,

Ever wonder why you tell yourself to do something like, “I am going to get out and exercise tomorrow morning!” and you really, really mean it and your intentions are so good, and boy, oh boy, tomorrow is really going to be the start of a new life of exercise and your alarm goes off and …you hit the snooze and go back to sleep?  And so the next night you say, “Tomorrow morning I am not going to be lazy!  I am going to do it.  I soooooooo mean it!  I am so getting up and exercising!” and tomorrow morning comes and your alarm goes off and …you hit the snooze and go back to sleep..AGAIN???  Ever wonder why that happens?

Do you remember the Charlie Brown cartoon episodes where the teacher speaks in the classroom and all you hear is “Wah, Wah Wah”?  Or the Far Side comics with the hilarious drawing of the dog and its owner saying, “Go get the ball SPOT, go on SPOT get it!” to the dog and all the dog hears is “blablahblahblah SPOT blahblahSPOTblah!!!”  That’s kind of what your unconscious mind does when you tell it to do something that it is not used to doing.  It really doesn’t hear you.  For any new change to occur, we need compliance by both the conscious and unconscious mind.

That’s why this week’s coaching is “Do ask—Don’t Tell”.

I employ a tool called THINK OVERS.  THINK OVERS is a tool that you can use to activate your unconscious mind.  THINK OVERS are simply thinking a challenging food or exercise situation through in your imagination before you actually are in the situation—imagining the specifics of the outcome you want.  This helps your brain create a cognitive map ahead of time of what you like to occur.  This is particularly helpful for situations where we find ourselves in Inner Rebel reaction mode—acting out unconsciously.  Situations like parties or restaurants-- even thinking through getting out of bed in the morning to exercise are great places to use THINK OVERS ahead of time.

I want to emphasize that THINK OVERS work best when you ask yourself questions and don’t just tell yourself.  For instance, when you tell yourself “I am going to wake up tomorrow and exercise for an hour!” nothing at all happens in the unconscious neural pathways.  Nothing is engaged because what you are commanding is change and our unconscious resists change!!.   The Inner Rebel in your unconscious mind raises his or her head and says, “What?  I don’t think so!” and goes back to sleep.  There has been nothing to seduce the Inner Rebel to be on your team-- to take the contrary action of hopping out of bed and getting physical, instead of hitting the snooze button, which is what usually happens.

Let’s look at using a THINK OVER in the same situation.  I start with a question—“How am I going to make exercise happen tomorrow morning?  Next, I visualize myself in bed in the morning—I imagine the alarm rings –and ask myself the question—“What am I going to do when the alarm rings?”  Answer:  “I will stop it and put my feet on the floor.”  I visualize myself putting my feet on the floor, “What am I going to wear?”—I see myself getting my walking outfit on—“How long am I going to exercise for?”  Answer: “An hour”-my unconscious retort? “An hour doesn’t feel doable” My revised answer, “How about 45minutes?”—Unconscious agreement: “Okay”—I visualize myself heading out of the house and listening to music and greeting the morning feeling good, vibrant and in tune with myself as I feet hit the pavement.  My THINK OVER is over and I am ready to wake up tomorrow and really engage in some exercise.

THINK OVERs are very effective ways to break out of old habits syndromes.  Try one today.  Okay, when are you going to try one today?  What will that look like?  You catch my drift.  The best coaches in the world don’t tell their clients what to do.  They ask their clients what is the outcome they desire and engage them in imagining how they are going to create that outcome.  Coaches engage you in engaging your inner problem solving mechanism—they engage you in becoming the million dollar Inner Coach!

So next time you want to create a new behavior and haven’t been able to get compliance with yourself—ASK, don’t TELL and engage a THINK OVER.  You will feel the SHIFT right away.

Have a great week…I mean, how will you have a great Shifted week?

oxox Rita

The next Shift Seminar is Saturday, September 24th.
Sign up now and you can start Shifting right away.
Great Early Bird discounts and couple rates available NOW.
Call 877-221-7251

Monday, July 4, 2011

Shift Weekly: Social Eating Strategies and Tips

Hi Shifters!
Happy 4th of July!!  Chances are you may already be in the midst of a social eating frenzy this weekend—that’s okay--you can still make it all work.  Remember: weight release success is about strategy and showing up for yourself consistently—I hope you are doing that this July 4th and declaring yourself FREE FROM FAT THINKING

Social Strategies

1- Create a vision: Know what you want to feel like at the end of the event— what you want to feel like in your body, in your clothes, and in your mind.  Create a specific picture.  Make it so real you can feel it and get excited about it.  This engages your brain in going to work with you to achieve your vision.

2- Be clear that it’s not about being good but about being consistent.  Figure out what foods you want to taste and try at these events—life is too short to eat just chicken and salad—but also shoot for eating 85% healthfully and leaving that 15% room for the GAK: the booze, the cakes and pies and fries and ribs that add to the summer—but not in amounts that add to your waistline as well.  Use the 3 bite rule—try 3 bites of the caloric stuff—and not whole servings, and never allow yourself to indulge in the “I’ll start again on Monday!” nonsense—c’mon shifters that is so old school—so 1990s!  Focus on leaving these events feeling light and connected to yourself, having eaten what you wanted, but not going over your caloric budget for weight release.

3-Show up for yourself.  Kids, bosses, mates, friends—they all do better when you take care of yourself first—so why do you put yourself down near the bottom.  Make yourself and your health a top priority—that may mean your friends or kids may have to eat at a healthy restaurant instead of their favorite—that’s fine—they’ll live and probably be healthier for it.  That may mean you will put exercise before some other things that seem important like laundry or doing that take home work from your job—but hey.  Who thinks better and feels better and gets more done  You-- when you are feeling healthy and good about yourself.  Stop putting it off—go for the walk—you will be glad you did.

Social Gathering Tips

Social events are fun, but can be a challenge for calorie budgets.. You have to have a life—but preferably a long and healthy one, so  here are some strategies to support your mastering these gak-filled scenarios during  today’s 4th of July Holiday.

-Bank (save up) calories ahead of time for the event.
-Think through goals ahead of time.  Have a plan for the event before go walk in.
-Plan on leaving victorious—have a vision before you get to the gathering of leaving feeling light and connected to yourself.
-Bring a salad or vegetable—even if no one else wants it or eats it –you can!
-Practice responses to food pushers ahead of time: 
“No thank you.”
‘I am already full, but thanks.  You did a great job with this party…(change the subject fast).”
“No more please, but hey let me help you clean up a bit”
“I have a metabolic condition and that keeps me from eating that.  Sorry, but it looks delicious!”
“I have noticed that sugar and flour causes blood sugar issues for me so I am going to pass.”
“I am allergic but sorry that looks great!”
“Wow that looks tasty, but I am sugar sensitive and if I overindulge I feel awful the next day (you don’t have to tell them awful means guilty or regretful).
“That looks amazing—did you make that?  Wow.  I am going to pass but thanks for offering!”
Do not buckle to social pressure—gak pushers just want to be loved.  Appreciate their food efforts and acknowledge what a generous person they are, then kindly decline—ultimately it’s not about the food—it’s about connecting.

Have a great 4th of July I will be thinking about you and working my own plan of action out there in the GAK filled universe.  May you all have a healthy holiday where you connect to yourself and declare your own independence from fat thinking!

oxox Rita

The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins September 24th
Register now and save and start Shifting before the summer is through.

Monday Night Phone Coaching
4 Mondays—July 11, 25 August 15, 29
7:30 pm—8:30 pm 4 for $47

Shift from the comfort of your home, car, or office every Monday night for an hour while we focus on the strategies and solutions of long-term permanent weight release. You will receive a free conference call number and engage with Rita to get support and solutions for your weekly Shifting needs. This is a great way to stay focused. At the end of the phone call, Rita will lead a hypnosis session to set you off into your week feeling focused and ready to continue releasing weight.

Shift Summer Support Saturdays
Saturdays 10-11:30am Mid-Wilshire
July 9, 23. August 13, 27 4 for $127

It seems like no matter how good our intentions are for the summer, there is always a chance to over eat and drink. Not Shifters—we know how to stay in Thin Thinking and find solutions to all of life’s challenges. Stay healthy, stay focused, stay out of Fat Thinking and keep your weight release on track with these four Saturday group support sessions. These sessions include hypnosis and a SHIFT CD.

July 9th: Summer vision and troubleshooting with Thin Thinking: social events, BBQs, holidays and vacations.
July 23rd: Not too sweet—use your brain to avoid sugar pitfalls this summer
August 13th: More light, more exercise, more fitness
August 27th: Did I just eat that?? Mindless and compulsive eating solutions and strategies.

SUMMER SIX PACK SPECIAL: 4 Saturday Classes + 2 Monday Calls
6 for $127!
You can register by replying to this email or call Rita@