Monday, March 7, 2011

Shift Weekly: Girl Scout Cookies Pt. 1 PLUS Shift Radio: Fatland with author Greg Critser

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Dear Shifters,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Did you notice the sweet little Girl Scouts are out selling their sweet little cookies?  Many clients have written in and given suggestions as to how to deal with this annual guilt-induced purchase that can end up in a sugar-induced diabetic coma.  Here are some ideas:

1)  Don’t buy the cookies but donate money instead.
2)  Buy a brand you don’t like and then put in a cupboard and 6 months from now throw away.
3)  Walk the other way.
4)  Buy your favorite brand and work out how many cookies a day works for you and enjoy.
5)  Write to the Girl Scouts and suggest that they offer alternative things to sell and tell them that you are on to the fact that there are trans fats in their cookies just not enough to register on the  “per serving” on the nutritional label.>

I will discuss this a bit more next week but am now excited to introduce another  SHIFT RADIO SHOW—featuring an interview with Fatland author Greg Critser.

Greg Critser is an award-winning writer about medicine, science, food and health. His work has appeared in periodicals ranging from the New York Times to the Times of London, and from Harper's to the New Yorker. He is the author of the best seller Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World (Houghton Mifflin 2003), and the award-winning Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs are Altering American Minds, Lives and Bodies (Houghton 2005). His new book, Eternity Soup: Inside the Quest to End Aging, was published by Random House in January 2010. He has lectured widely at universities and medical schools, and his blog can be found at
 Back in 2003 I bought the book Fatland: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World.  I was immediately hooked by the compelling history of how we had gotten tragically obese as a nation put forward in a witty, insightful way.  This was the first book that I ever read that laid out the impact of high fructose corn syrup on the human body for the layman (only had read in scientific journals before).

I recently had the opportunity to interview Greg Critser about his book Fatland, which was inspired by his own weight release.  In this interview we discuss the American cultural SHIFT in attitudes about food, portion sizes and how super-sizing came about. We also discuss the impact of high fructose corn syrup and how it impacts the body differently than regular sugar.  Mr. Critser gives his take on what we can do as a community —particularly how parents can begin to make a SHIFT with the food companies and their own kids that can begin to turn things around.

Click here to listen to our show:

If you get a chance—please take an opportunity to read Mr. Critser’s book Fatland—it is informative, shocking, and a fun read that will Shift your thinking about the proliferation of calorically dense foods in this country and alarming impact it is having on us and our children.  Links to Mr. Critser's books are on my blog.  Click here.

Have a great and Shifted week,
 oxox Rita

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