Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shift Weekly - "Beware Little Buts"

There's still time to join in on the March 26th Shift—just a few spaces left.
Register by calling 877-221-7251 or email.  for full information

Dear Shifters,

We are heading into spring and lots of gakky, sugary-laden holidays so, buyer beware--check out this week's coaching session below:

Listen to your CD's - Stay strong!
Get out in the longer days and exercise.
Call a friend and coach them on something you are having trouble with.

As I was shopping 2 weekends ago, I was approached by a zealous Girl Scout and her 3 friends, “Want to buy Girl Scout Cookies?"  "Sorry—not today" I replied—ducking and dashing to get in the store “But they’re Girl Scout cookies—only once a year! Don’t pass them up!”

Though I wholly admired the kid’s entrepreneurial spirit—I passed on her plea. But it got me thinking about all the little buts out there just waiting to keep us from our weight mastery.  Let’s look at the year of little buts shall we?

But it’s New Years Day...
But it’s President’s Day weekend
But it’s the PTA meeting
But it’s the inauguration
But it’s Super Bowl Sunday
But it’s Valentine’s Day
But it’s a birthday party
But it’s Martin Luther King’s Birthday
But it’s girls night out
But it’s a snow day
But it’s Girl Scout Cookies
But it’s a birthday party
But it’s our dog’s birthday
But it’s Mardi Gras
But it’s Passover
But is pizza night
But it’s Easter
But it’s raining
But it’s 2 for one on sale
But it’s our anniversary
But there’s the coupon at the restaurant
But the waiter said the dessert was on the house
But it’s rude not to eat what everyone else is eating
But it’s her birthday cake
But I made them for you
But you look so skinny
But it’s only one 100 calorie pack—okay 2—okay 3
But it’s spring break!
But he brought in donuts
But it’s almost the end of spring break
But I’ve had a hard day
But my mom expects me to eat it
But there’s only a little left—we have to finish it
But it’s Mother’s Day
But it’s Memorial Day weekend
But it’s the big fundraiser
But it’s the weekend
But it’s graduation
But it's bagel day
But it’s Father’s Day
But it’s Summer Solstice
But it’s a BBQ
But everyone else is drinking
But s'mores are camping food and were camping and so..
But it’s homemade ice cream
But it’s the 4th of July
But it’s Boy Scouts Pancake Breakfast we have to support…
But we're on vacation
But the drive thru is faster
But he’s buying lunch
But it’s only this once
But we’ll burn it off later
But it’s a beach day
But it’s Labor Day Weekend
But it’s Yom Kippur
But it’s Halloween
But it’s Thanksgiving
But it’s a Christmas party
But it’s a holiday party
But it’s another Christmas Party
But I’ll be good starting New Year…

"But it" never ends...except it ends up in one big butt!

Coaching for the week: Since our environment, culture, and lifestyle create a food laden world of little, but booby traps, we, as masters of Long Term Permanent Weight Release, must be conscious of the "buts" and use our inner coach to navigate this world in a such a way where we can still enjoy it but stay within our energy needs (gas tank).

One technique –quiet questioning—allows us to get clear what we truly need within a situation. When you feel a little "but" coming on—notice it—be amused by your rebel’s attempt to side track you, and then engage the coach in questioning yourself as to what you truly want and need to feel taken care of.

How many Girl Scout cookies do I need in order to feel like I enjoyed them this year? Do I need them? Will they sit on my counter and call to me? Will I be better off donating money to the Girl Scouts since they only make 10% profit off of the stuff anyways?

How can I stay within my “food gas tank” and go on vacation this year? How will I navigate the fudge shops? Do I need to go in? Do I need to eat fudge in order to feel like I went on vacation?

Quietly questioning before hand engages your imagination in envisioning what you really want to occur—honoring all parts of yourself--changing the habit map in your brain and setting you up to successfully avoid the little but trap. 

Try it out the next time you feel a little "but" coming on and avoid the big butt in the end.

Lose the “buts” and lose the butt.

Have a great week Shifters!

xoxo Rita

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