Sunday, January 19, 2014

Recording--Avoid Winter Weight Gain with Hungry Girl's Lynn Bettencourt

Happy Monday!
Recording Avoid the Winter Weight Gain Vortex:

Even though here in the southland winter has seemed world's away this smokin' hot week (meant literally)--we still may be challenged by the winter weight mindset--
-hard to get started on re-focusing after the holidays
-lack of enthusiasm for healthy foods
-biological hibernation drive (eat more--move less).

If you missed our information packed call--please enjoy the teleseminar that Hungry Girl's Lynn Bettencourt and I co-hosted called "Avoid the Winter Weight Gain Vortex".  We walk you through some great life and food strategies to get some fun into your meals these winter month's and to jump-start your enthusiasm to get back to feeling healthy and light before the first buds of spring appear.

Here is the Hungry Girl site for great recipes and product ideas to jazz up the winter food blah's:

Have a great week! oxox Rita Black

This Saturday January 25th Shift Weight Mastery Process is now SOLD OUT.  I look forward to seeing many of you there.  It's going to be a great 30 days!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

--Avoid the Winter Weight Gain "Vortex" Teleseminar with HG expert Lynn Bettencourt

Only 5 places remain for the upcoming Shift Weight Mastery Process on January 25th--check out the info on or call 323 988 4574

Don't get stuck out in the cold. Please join  us! Rita Black and Hungry Girl Food Expert Lynn Bettencourt are hosting a winter weight mastery pow wow teleconfernce!

Come get inspired, educated and motivated
Wednesday January 15th, 2014 at 6:30 pm PST
For a f.ree teleseminar

As we walk you through the
-4 Winter Weight Gain Vortex Traps

As well as fabulous food and motivational strategies

To be on this awesome food idea and strategy-filled call please hit reply and say “I’m in!” and you will be sent call in details.

Hope you will be joining us!

Tim C. released 68 pounds between last April’s Shift Weight Mastery Process and September.  He also recently completed a 10 K—a first for him—check out his story.
Michelle N. gives some powerful insights to what it took to release 58lbs and enjoyed the whole process--the key was changing the relationship with herself.

Amy D. has released over 100lbs with the Shift-in-a-Box (it was 88 at the time of the interview) by learning to tune out the voice that kept her struggling and found a powerful voice that kept her SHIFTING even being in the midst of Hurricane Sandy.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Complimentary Shift Hypnosis "Year of Your Dreams" Workshop

Happy New Year!--I hope that you can join me for one of these dynamic workshops with hypnosis that will set the tone for an amazing abundant and healthy new year--this will be complimentary for everyone since it is the first event of the year--take advantage and please forward to family and friends.  Best wishes to you for a "Shifted" 2014. ox Rita Black 

Shift into the Year of Your Dreams
-Is your struggle with weight keeping you from living the full out life of your dreams?

-Do you set “getting healthy” goals only to have them fizzle and fade and give away to old habits and liming beliefs?
-Would you like to finally achieve a more powerful and harmonious relationship with food, exercise, your weight and yourself?

Join us for this lively info-packed workshop where we pull back the curtain on what mental blocks keep us from moving out of old patterns that hold us back from achieving long term weight release and ultimately the full and purpose filled life of our dreams.
Sign up for this complimentary “Kick Off” Shift Event for the New Year (family and friends welcome--this will be complimentary for everyone)
During this 90 minute workshop you will:
-Learn how to identify your inner saboteur and get them on your "dream team"

-Get do-able daily practices that insure both your weight and life success
-Experience hypnosis focused blasting out old mental barriers and opening the horizon for a thrilling, healthy and powerful dream year 2014.


Valley Workshop—Wednesday 1/8--10am-1130 Sherman Oaks Galleria Community Room
2) Manhattan Beach Workshop Saturday 1/11-- 9:30-11am Manhattan Village Community Room

3) Westside Workshop Sunday 11/12 4-5:30pm Westside Pavilion Community Room A

Sign up for this complimentary “Kick Off” Shift Event for the New Year (family and friends welcome-this will be complimentary for everyone)
The Shift Weight Mastery process uses hypnosis, coaching and cognitive techniques in a focused, groundbreaking process designed to SHIFT you out of the Weight Struggle and into Weight Success.  The next Shift Weight Mastery process is January 25th.

For more information or to sign up for the free workshop go to or call for a free consult to 323 988 4574