2013 Shift Monthly Shift
Monthly is a monthly coaching session written by clinical hypnotherapist and
cognitive weight expert Rita Black dedicated to exploring how to implement
“thin thinking” in order to achieve long term permanent Weight Mastery. Each
month we focus on a different theme of Weight Mastery. www.shiftweightmastery.com October
Theme: Re-Habiting Your Relationship with Refined Carbohydrates
30 DAY HOME STUDY PROCESS BEGINS—with a CARB REHAB FOCUS!! Get your mind re-set to release weight this
holiday season. Starting October 30th
if you currently own a Shift-in-a-Box or take advantage of this month’s
special offer to become an owner, you can participate in this 30-Day Home
Based Shift Process with additional CARB REHAB tele-series and support.
Interested? Hit reply and say “Interested”
news! Checking into rehab these days is no
longer shown as a sign of weakness it is the “in thing” to do! I would love to take this opportunity to take
advantage and use the month of October and RE-HABITIUALIZE your relationship
with sugar and refined carbohydrates into a powerful one so that you are ready
for the upcoming holiday “Festival of Carbs” that happens every year like
clockwork—beginning with Halloween!
Did you know that the consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup is up 10705% in the last 25 years?? Did you
know that sugar was called “Crack” when it became a rare and coveted delicacy
in 16th century France? Even
back then sugar was thought of as a drug, known for its powerful addictive
holiday season can create a tough time to navigate the onslaught of perpetual sugar/carb
pitfalls so creating powerful habits now can keep you out of the mind-body
carbohydrate addiction cycle.
CYCLEWhen we consume too many refined sugars and carbohydrates it throws both our mind and body out of whack. Our bodies are not built to eat high levels of carbohydrates so over time consuming to many can throw off hormonal function, exhaust our adrenal glands, over tax the pancreas and liver, and make us prone to insulin resistance. It also just makes us feel addicted and we lose our power and become what I call a CARB EATING ZOMBIE.
Body Addiction: Our blood sugar levels spike and drop with excess sugar
consumption. When we experience a blood
sugar drop we then feel tired or hungry or light headed or all three. What is our impulse to do to fix this
unpleasant state? Eat more sugar of
course and the process starts all over again.
Mind Addiction: Our mind also becomes imbalanced with excess sugar and
carbohydrate consumption because our pleasure/reward centers are tickled when
we eat too much. The mind says “oooh
that feels good let’s keep doing that—let me get some more”. We continue to eat the sugar overriding our
signals of homeostasis (stop eating I have had enough calories) and eat too
much. Over time our mind’s amino acid balance is thrown out of whack and this also causes us to feel “addicted” as we seek more carbs to restore the balance. What we should be doing is restoring balance with the amino acids in protein.
How can our Inner Coach use certain strategies to keep us out of
that addiction cycle? Here are some weight master’s CARB RE-HABITING strategies
to put into place today. Remember it’s
consistency not perfection that is going to keep you on your journey to long
term permanent weight release.1- Eat More fiber, whole foods and protein: In order to physically “unhook” addictive eating it will serve you to make sure you are getting enough high in fiber fruits and vegetables (5-10 servings) and lean protein( 50 grams) and
2--Know your refined sugar and starchy carbohydrate “ceiling”: Ever heard of the glass ceiling—well there is a daily carb ceiling too. Every “body” is different and can tolerate a certain level of starchy or refined sugars and carbohydrates on average on a daily basis. If you are consistently consuming more you start feeling “hooked”—it will be your mission to discover what your ceiling is and to make sure that you stay under that ceiling on a daily basis. For many this is about 2-3 servings or less than 150 grams of carbohydrates a day.
3-Tune into your body after eating
refined foods and sugar—some foods have
worse impact than others and for many the rule of thumb is to avoid eating
sugar on an empty stomach because that sets off raised blood sugar levels but
also creates a bigger impact on the brain—and it starts looking around for more
sugar. It is best to eat sugar (if and
when you do) with other food.
4-Think of refined starches and sugar
like cocktails—only to be had after 5pm! The earlier in the day we
eat refined food the earlier we begin wanting more!!!
5-Learn trigger times and emotional
triggers for compulsive eating and use your Inner Coach to come up with other ways of comforting
yourself other than food. Find healthier alternatives for those times that you have
gotten used to reaching for the more “addictive” foods.
-Sit and grant yourself permission just to close your eyes for 5
minutes.-Take a walk.
-Call a friend.
-Sit down and write your feelings or just sit with them and let them move through you—they won’t eat you alive (and you won’t be eating them!)
Addiction Intervention Steps
If during this sugar filled holiday season you find yourself eating too many carbohydrates and getting “hooked” do not fear—you can bounce back quickly and escape the grip of “addiction”, learn the lesson and move on. Take action as quickly as possible and engage in the following strategies and you will become unhooked in no time:
1) Forgive yourself: Hey, life happens and
this world is full of sugar and junk—the idea isn’t to be perfect, the idea is
to learn the lesson and move on. If you
beat yourself up—you lose the lesson. if
you learn the lesson next time you don’t have to fall prey to the same old
useless habit—this is what re-hab is all about.
take a break from all starchy and refined carbohydrates for three days (or
limit to one).3) Next up your protein intake—this will stabilize your blood sugar and stunt the false hunger that is being caused by your out of whack blood sugar levels. Up your intake to at least 70 grams of protein for the next 3 days).
4) And up your intake of vegetables and whole food—the more healthfully you eat the less your body craves the junk
5) Drink water which flushes it all from your system.
6) Try supplementing with L-Glutamine—a natural occurring amino acid (you can get it at Whole Foods inexpensively) that will help cut carb cravings.
7) And move your body and exercise. In fact, take action on this step as soon as you can. It immediately makes you feel better about yourself. Even if you only walk around your block—just do it!!!
Note: Starchy Carbohydrates can range from whole grain bread to the most refined sugary candy and alcohol. Even though starchy carbohydrates from whole foods give you more nourishment than candy and donuts and more refined carbs—some people have a low tolerance level and can overeat even these “healthier” foods. Part of your Shift Process “loving scientist” project is finding out what amount is right for you.
Remember long term permanent weight release is not about being
perfect—it is about embracing imperfection and consistently finding solves and
strategies that allow us to stay connected to ourselves and moving forward
–“showing up for ourselves” rather than hitting the “eject” button on ourselves
and our weight release when we get off course.
The more you put yourself in Carb Rehab—the more power you have.
Have a great Shifted and October!oxoxRita
COMING UP: OCTOBER 30TH—SHIFT 30 DAY HOME STUDY PROCESS BEGINS—with a CARB REHAB FOCUS!! Get your mind re-set to release weight this holiday season. Starting October 30th if you currently own a Shift-in-a-Box or take advantage of this month’s special offer to become an owner, you can participate in this 30-Day Home Based Shift Process with additional CARB REHAB tele-series and support.
Interested? Hit reply and say “Interested”
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