Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shift Weekly: Inner Frosting 5--What Do YOU Want for My Birthday?

 F*REE SHIFT TELESEMINAR: Fall Forward! 3 Key Shifts you NEED Now for Weight Release Success
Date: This  Tuesday September 11th---Time: 6pm-7pm PST

Cost :F*REE!—please pass this along to friend and family to benefit as well
To Sign Up and get call in details—email back and say I’m in!—If you already have signed up you don’t need to again.

Dear Shifters—
What do YOU want for my birthday?

If I had to sit and make a list of all the things I wanted for my birthday—it’s a pretty short list.  I am just very grateful for everything and everyone in my life—as corny as it sounds…it’s true! I find it hard to believe 20 years ago before I Shifted I had 6 different clothing sizes in my closet and was going up and down the scale like the stock market seems to go up and down.  Birthdays to me were about burying my face and feelings in a birthday cake and numbing out on the stupefying sugary spell of frosting. 

Now my birthday high is appreciating the high I get from being able to really take care of my needs and feelings in ways other than frosting.  I am very grateful for being able to show up for myself and to now be able to live my life at my ideal weight and to have the honor of helping others make that same Shift for themselves.  It's also nice to be able to go to the closet year after year and pull out the same size clothes--easier on the budget too! The sweet of the frosting has been replaced by the sweet connection to myself in this area of my life that used to be so bitter and painful. That’s what I call Inner Frosting.

I really want the same for you.  I know it is possible--I have seen many others acheive this same Inner Frosting--reaching their ideal weight and finding that thrill of knowing they can now sustain their ideal weight for the rest of their lives--not because of some pill, or diet, or magic potion, but because they made that same shift inside of themselves from Fat Thinking to Thin Thinking.
Therefore, I really am looking at new ways to empower people to keep motivated, inspired and accountable as they continue to release weight and then continue their weight mastery and would love your ideas and input.  What do you need?
As a gift to me would you take a few minutes to think about what kind of support would best help you stay connected to your Inner Coach and keep releasing weight?

--Do you need Classes?  Groups?  Online Classes?  Phone Classes??
--If so --What day of the week?  What time of day?  What topics would you like to focus on? 

--Digital sessions—coaching? –hypnosis?—what do you struggle with currently that I haven’t yet covered in my CDs?
Any ideas are welcome birthday gifts!  Also as you think about how I can serve you also ask yourself how you can serve yourself.  Often when I am thinking about serving other people I am also thinking of ways that I need to be served!

Thanks and have a Shifted week!

Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd from 9-5—

Call 323 988 4574 or click here for info

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up  25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)

F*REE SHIFT TELESEMINAR: Fall Forward! 3 Key Shifts you NEED Now for Weight Release Success

Date: This Tuesday September 11th---Time: 6pm-7pm PST

Cost :F*REE!—please pass this along to friend and family to benefit as well

To Sign Up and get call in details—email back and say I’m in!—If you already have signed up you don’t need to again.

Thank you--I am grateful for you!

Oxox Rita

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