Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shift Weekly: Bored to Tears!

Tonight!!! October 1—Join us for a no cost Shift TELESEMINAR—The 5 Keys to Consistent Weight Release and Maintenance at 6pm PST—email me back and say “I’m In!” and I will get you the call in info—please forward to family and friends—it is free for them as well.

Shift  Online Saturday Classes start October 13th—6 exciting online classes throughout the autumn that will keep you releasing weight and achieving weight mastery through the holidays.  Sign up now and get 2 free CDs.  Click here to read more:

Dear Shifters,
One year my family went on a road trip to Southern California from Seattle.  My younger sister who was  6 at the time was a picky eater and decided that all she was going to eat was blue colored cream of mushroom soup for the ENTIRE TRIP.  This was the only thing she wanted.  This is the only thing she had been eating for the last few weeks anyways.  My mother, frustrated with trying to get her to eat anything else, decided to let her have her way.

“Why are you spoiling her?” I protested.  My mother winked, “don’t worry, she’ll get sick of it and I’ll never have to color that damn soup blue again”  She brought  along a box of Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup and blue food color to make for my sister on a hot plate while the rest of us ate normal road food on our trip. 

My sister seemed to love the soup and never tire of it.   Breakfast, lunch and dinner every day the same lumpy bowl of Campbell’s colored baby blue. I remember the day, somewhere near the middle of the 7th day of eating the blue glop every meal that I looked over at my sister staring at her bowl of blue for breakfast, while the rest of us were eating cereal and she began to cry, and cry, and cry.  “I am so bored of my blue soup!  I never want to eat blue soup again!  Can I please have some cereal?”  From that day on my sister never ate blue soup..or any cream based soup again. 

I just read some research that mentioned that one classic reason that people fall off the wagon with their “diet” is that they get bored with eating the same thing day in and day out.  Often when we diet we are given a specific group of foods or meals or “meal drinks” and must be compliant with them over time—we will get bored and go looking for some "fun" outside the confines of the diet.  Then we feel guilty and are sure it is because we lack willpower, which makes us eat even more.  You don’t lack willpower!  You have just fallen into the blue cream of mushroom soup syndrome. 

Sometimes eating the same thing works for awhile, it makes things easy, but beware of the early signals of boredom.  Often it is the urge to eat more or a feeling of not being satisfied even though you have just eaten.

The good news is that now, as a SHIFTER, the whole world of food is your oyster and that if you are currently bored to tears with what you are eating you need to SHAKE IT UP and make some changes in what you are eating.
I also know that as the seasons change—so does our taste palate. Many times a salad that you were eating every day during the summer for lunch, just doesn’t cut the mustard now that it’s October.  Don’t blame the salad—Shift what you are eating!  It’s time to realign yourself with your changing food needs.

Try thinking about it this coming week.  Think of some autumn dishes that you ate as a kid.  What tastes and textures appeal to you?  Can you create a healthy version?  Check out   often she has some low calorie versions of favorite comfort foods.

Go shopping with the idea of not buying the same old stuff but with the idea of experimenting.  I am attaching Hungry Girl's shopping list below--this is also a great place to get recipe ideas for the autumn.  Here also is some sound coaching on grocery shopping too because I deal with so many clients who despair about it. 
Why do they get so overwhelmed??

1)    They get into the store and are overwhelmed and don’t know what to buy.

2)    They get bamboozled either by the stores’ or products’ seductive labeling that they buy stuff that turns out to be not that good for them or not taste that good—a waste of money and calories!

3)    They go to the store not knowing what they need and end of letting their Inner Rebel do the shopping for them and come home with a lot of trigger food items that now they either have to exert willpower over (not fun) or they end up compulsively or mindlessly eating and then feel bad (doubly not fun!).

What is going on in the examples above is that the client is being driven EXTERNALLY and not INTERNALLY.  They are entering the grocery store without an INNER plan for so that they fall victim to the overwhelming stimulus of the grocery store and get overwhelmed.

Successful shopping begins with an INTERNAL strategy system that is created by engaging with your Inner Coach.  Let’s head down the aisle together in that grocery store in your mind. Shopping can be an overwhelming task when you are not prepared and are doing it last minute—especially when you are hungry and/ or don’t have a plan. Here are some dos and don’ts that masters have learned over the years.

Do: Make a habit of shopping a couple of specific times during the week. What will help you is to keep the time and days consistent so it literally becomes a habit.  Tune into what things you need to purchase at those specific times. Usually one shop will be you big one for the week and the other to supplement fresh fruits and vegetables and milk and other supplies that run low.

Don’t: Shop last minute—especially on an empty stomach.  Your brain is in a stressed state when you are hungry-not a great time to make sound and healthy decisions.

Do: Make a list based on ideas of meals you are going to eat that week.  Take a moment and really ask yourself the question—how do I want to feed myself these next few days?  What kind of fruits and vegetables do I need?  What kind of whole grains and lean proteins will you need?  Make a list and think which areas of the store you need to shop in and which you don’t—this will give you a feeling of confidence when you enter the store.

Don’t: Go to the store unprepared with a list and “hope” you’ll get inspired. This will be a disaster—stores are notorious for marketing gakky food items to unprepared shoppers—go in with a plan—keep your eyes peeled for new low cal products and closed to the gak—as the song says just walk on by… this is important—really see yourself passing by the ice-cream aisle in your mind ahead of time so that it will be much easier to do once you are there.

Do: Shop for fruits and veggies first and gak last. In fact avoid gak aisles all together and just shop the perimeter of the store only going down the aisle for a specific item.

Don’t: Put trigger foods or gak in your cart for other people that you “think” you can handle having around.  Guess what --9 times out of 10 it more will end up in you and less in them.

Do: Stock up on frozen veggies and easy precooked, pre portioned protein sources.  That way

Don’t: Think eating healthfully is expensive—in the long run it always costs less to be healthy and eat healthy than unhealthfully. Remember the time you spend feeling bloated stuffed and lacking in energy because of the foods you eat or the money spent on medications for being overweight or the hours of time lost sitting in doctor’s offices is really a bigger cost isn’t it?  You can’t put a price tag on feeling healthy and vibrant or you family feeling fit and nourished.  Many shifters have told me they save money eating more healthfully.

Just avoid the “blue soup” aisle!!!
Happy autumn shopping!  Happy Shifting!!

Oxox Rita

Tonight!!! October 1—Join us for a no cost Shift TELESEMINAR—The 5 Keys to Consistent Weight Release and Maintenance at 6pm PST—email me back and say “I’m In!” and I will get you the call in info—please forward to family and friends—it is free for them as well.
Shift  Online Saturday Classes start October 13th—6 exciting online classes throughout the fall that will keep you releasing weight and achieving weight mastery through the holidays.  Sign up now and get 2 free CDs.  Click here to read more:


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shift Weekly: STOP IT!

Shift Weekly: Stop It!
Coming soon!  Shift Online Saturday Morning Classes—beginning October 13th.  More details to come about this exciting new way to keep Shifting from anywhere that you may be.

Dear Shifters,
One of the ways we stay stuck in the weight struggle is that we fall into the trap of the all or nothing, good or bad, off or on mindset.   As we focus on in the Shift Process—we are often very harsh with ourselves about our weight and inability to lose it long term.

There is a part of us that wants to restrict us, to control the chaos of our over eating.  This “Inner Critic” leads us to feel a bit overwhelmed and anxious—so guess who is there to disconnect us from the nagging and sharp critic?—our “Inner Rebel” of course who just wants to say, “Don’t worry—we’ll be good on Monday—life is too short—let’s load up on the fun stuff until then and then we will be perfect on Monday!”

The “Inner Critic” and “Inner Rebel” run the show of our weight struggle.  But luckily you have the ability to turn down the volume on these inner defeatist voices with the powerful wise voice of your Inner Coach.  You have the ability to say, “STOP IT” to the crazy making!  Your Inner Coach is the rational part of you that is committed to your long term success and uses logic and facts rather than emotional, overblown thinking to keep you on track with your weight release.
One way to access you Inner Coach at critical times is with a Shift Breath—the breath is one fabulous way to cut into the negative chatter in your head and say STOP IT!

This short, fun video tells two stories—in the first story our heroine falls prey to the Critic and Rebel and in the second story she SHIFTs to a happy ending with the help of her Inner Coach.  Notice how she utilizes the “Shift Breath”!

(If you can't see the video, click here to watch it on YOUTUBE:

Enjoy and have a great week!

Oxox Rita

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Shift Weekly:I Get Thin with a Little Help from my Friends


Reminder: This coming Saturday, September 22nd from 9-5 is the Shift All-Day Intensive. I am very excited to beginanother 30-Day weight mastery process with those of you who have signed up and those of you who are kindly assisting. We are going to have a great time—but more importantly we are going to SHIFT!
There are only a few places left—tell your friends and family if they want to join this one to act fast because I am talking just 2-3 seats left.
Call 323 988 4574 or click here for info

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up 25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)

Dear Shifters, When I was making my own Shift over 18 years ago there was a period of time I became totally uninspired about my weight loss journey. I got very bored with the exercise I was doing. I got tired of making healthy meals while my husband ate not so healthy meals when we would go out. I got to that familiar place of self pity where I was feeling sorry for myself and the old limiting beliefs began to emerge: “This is too hard”, “I am bored!”, “I can’t do this forever and I am going to fail again!”.
During this tough time I felt very alone. Nobody was helping me.  The initial excitement and encouragement from my friends and family about my weight loss had faded. It seemed to me that no one really cared about my weight release journey or my getting healthy or ending my struggle with weight any more. I felt very unsupported by everyone in my life, including myself because, as you can see, myself talk was a wee bit on the negative side.
Then I remembered something that I had heard years before in a motivation class where the instructor said, “ if you want something for yourself, like support, or love or compliments you had to start by filling your life with it yourself and give it both to yourself and the people around you.”

The light went off!! What if instead of needing the encouragement from others I was the one to give it to them instead? What if I encouraged them to walk with me, not for me, but for them? What if I asked my husband, who also struggled with his weight, if I could coach him to make healthier choices and that we could get healthy as a couple? What if I became the support for myself by turning the Inner Debbie Downer I had become into the inspiring Inner Coach that I knew I had inside but had let out of the car a few miles back on my weight release journey? Within a few days I was engaging everyone with a new attitude—come on let’s get healthy together! The boredom was replaced by motivation and my friends and family were inspired too.
Just like when you read a weight loss success story you never hear the person saying “I did it alone—no one helped me!” Often masters of weight release will say there was a coach, a mentor, a friend or family member who walked with them, or helped them to eat more healthfully or encouraged them along the way. That is why building a powerful support team around you is considered one the 9 skills of weight mastery. Many of us feel like people can’t, won’t or don’t support us or we are afraid to ask because of past failures. Once people see you are serious about really making a SHIFT, they tend to want to support you.
Many people who have achieved long –term weight release made themselves a priority and then set out to build their mastery team around them and kept them inspired to keep supporting them. How are your building a team around you that is going to allow you to live your life at your ideal weight??? If you have one, how can you keep them inspired?
Let’s start with the most important person on your team—you! How are you going to get on and stay on your support team? Now this may seem like a silly question but really when I see people succeed they have made their self and health a priority—when they begin to falter 9 times out of 10 they tell me their self and health have fallen to the bottom of the priority list.
Why? Because we are not in the habit of making ourselves a priority. When we get stressed or overwhelmed our new healthy resolve diminishes—“my boss needed me”—“I felt guilty about exercising when I should be with my kids”—“there just isn’t time for me”. Well I would like to correct and take you out of that cognitive error right now. There is always time for you—if you aren’t healthy or feeling good about yourself what good are you to your kids, your friends, or your job?
I was raised by a mother who never put her health or her needs first—as a kid this was unnerving to see someone you care about become more stressed and unhealthy day by day. My mom couldn’t learn the habit of self care and so she never passed this important skill on to her kids. I had to work very hard on my own journey to weight release to create the habit of making my health a priority because I did not learn that one growing up.
People are watching you—whether you like it or not---and your behavior gets noticed. When you start treating yourself better and making yourself a priority, it isn’t selfish its powerful! You are making a positive difference in the world.
Imagine what this world would be like if everyone showed up for themselves and coached themselves effectively—took the time to exercise and eat right—showed up to their life feeling positive and powerful—healthy and strong—I would want to live in that world—I want my kids to live in that world and it all starts with me. That is why making the habit of making yourself a priority—holding the vision of what your weight mastery could mean to you, your friends, your family and community could be—is a heroic endeavor—far from selfish—when you shift—you shift the world—so let’s put you on the top of your support team list.
What are three things that take you away from making yourself and your health a priority? How can you move them lower on your list of priorities this week? What are three things you could make a priority this week that would support you in your journey towards long term permanent weight release this week and how could you get support in that area?
Is it Exercise—do you need someone to hold you accountable—or do you need al walking buddy for lunchtime at work or someone to introduce you to a gym—is there someone who needs your support?       How about grocery shopping? If you work long hours is there a family member or roommate that could keep the house stocked with healthy food? Who can help you keep gak out of sight? Do you need help with this in your home, in your car in your office or friend’s homes? Can you offer your help for others as well? To teach is to learn—coach others to keep their environments set up success and you will feel more motivated to do the same for you.
My client Janice slowly got her whole office enrolled in her weight release. First just by having them keep candies and cookies out of her sight, then by making healthier choices when they ordered out for lunch and then finally she got 4 other people to walk with her at lunch. Now the whole office has been transformed. Janice has released over 80 pounds and some of her co workers have lost significant amounts of weight as well. It all starts with your commitment to make a change for yourself and then asking others to join in. Janice now can see that all it took was a Shift and to keep Shifting both herself and the world around her by offering support to them.
And keep asking for encouragement. I have been maintaining my weight for years but still ask my husband and kids to keep foods out of sight or ask for support in getting me time to exercise. They are happy to support me because they see it makes such a difference to me and I in turn encourage them to stay healthy and to think of our family as a healthy family. And when mama's happy—everybody is happy. Who would be happy because you were healthy? Get them to be on your team! Who would be better off with a little encouragement from you in the health area? Get them on your team! Healthy support stays strong when there is a two way street.
Have a great week and keep on shifting…together!
Alone we diet. Together we Shift.
Ox Rita
Reminder: This coming Saturday, September 22nd from 9-5 is the Shift All-Day Intensive. I am very excited to beginanother 30-Day weight mastery process with those of you who have signed up and those of you who are kindly assisting. We are going to have a great time—but more importantly we are going to SHIFT!
There are only a few places left—tell your friends and family if they want to join this one to act fast because I am talking just 2-3 seats left.

Call 323 988 4574 or click here for info

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shift Weekly: Inner Frosting 5--What Do YOU Want for My Birthday?

 F*REE SHIFT TELESEMINAR: Fall Forward! 3 Key Shifts you NEED Now for Weight Release Success
Date: This  Tuesday September 11th---Time: 6pm-7pm PST

Cost :F*REE!—please pass this along to friend and family to benefit as well
To Sign Up and get call in details—email back and say I’m in!—If you already have signed up you don’t need to again.

Dear Shifters—
What do YOU want for my birthday?

If I had to sit and make a list of all the things I wanted for my birthday—it’s a pretty short list.  I am just very grateful for everything and everyone in my life—as corny as it sounds…it’s true! I find it hard to believe 20 years ago before I Shifted I had 6 different clothing sizes in my closet and was going up and down the scale like the stock market seems to go up and down.  Birthdays to me were about burying my face and feelings in a birthday cake and numbing out on the stupefying sugary spell of frosting. 

Now my birthday high is appreciating the high I get from being able to really take care of my needs and feelings in ways other than frosting.  I am very grateful for being able to show up for myself and to now be able to live my life at my ideal weight and to have the honor of helping others make that same Shift for themselves.  It's also nice to be able to go to the closet year after year and pull out the same size clothes--easier on the budget too! The sweet of the frosting has been replaced by the sweet connection to myself in this area of my life that used to be so bitter and painful. That’s what I call Inner Frosting.

I really want the same for you.  I know it is possible--I have seen many others acheive this same Inner Frosting--reaching their ideal weight and finding that thrill of knowing they can now sustain their ideal weight for the rest of their lives--not because of some pill, or diet, or magic potion, but because they made that same shift inside of themselves from Fat Thinking to Thin Thinking.
Therefore, I really am looking at new ways to empower people to keep motivated, inspired and accountable as they continue to release weight and then continue their weight mastery and would love your ideas and input.  What do you need?
As a gift to me would you take a few minutes to think about what kind of support would best help you stay connected to your Inner Coach and keep releasing weight?

--Do you need Classes?  Groups?  Online Classes?  Phone Classes??
--If so --What day of the week?  What time of day?  What topics would you like to focus on? 

--Digital sessions—coaching? –hypnosis?—what do you struggle with currently that I haven’t yet covered in my CDs?
Any ideas are welcome birthday gifts!  Also as you think about how I can serve you also ask yourself how you can serve yourself.  Often when I am thinking about serving other people I am also thinking of ways that I need to be served!

Thanks and have a Shifted week!

Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd from 9-5—

Call 323 988 4574 or click here for info

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up  25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)

F*REE SHIFT TELESEMINAR: Fall Forward! 3 Key Shifts you NEED Now for Weight Release Success

Date: This Tuesday September 11th---Time: 6pm-7pm PST

Cost :F*REE!—please pass this along to friend and family to benefit as well

To Sign Up and get call in details—email back and say I’m in!—If you already have signed up you don’t need to again.

Thank you--I am grateful for you!

Oxox Rita

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Shift Weekly: But-in-Mouth Disease

RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT—Discount ends Friday!!--sign up for 25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)

Monday Night Phone Weight Release Mastermind Group is enrolling now! I am so excited to begin again in September.
These calls will begin with a focus on a particular topic, give time for support and motivation for those who seek it and then end with hypnosis. Come join us on the phone this autumn and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.
9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17
Time 5pm PST/8pm EST—the calls will run 60 minutes.

Cost $59 for the eight week course

Dear Shifters,

Happy Labor Day!  I have had a wonderful weekend with various groups of friends telling stories and relaxing.  If any of you have been to one of my classes or events or one of my Tele-seminars you know that I love to tell stories.  When I struggled with my weight I always told myself stories about why I wasn’t doing what I needed to be doing in order to lose weight. 

“I would looooooooovvvvvvvveeeee to exercise BUT you know I am so tired when I get off work.  I also need some new work-out clothes because the people look funny at me when I come to the gym.  Yeah, those people at my gym they are a little too serious for me… what I really need to do is TRY and find a better gym BUT I don’t have time and they are so expensive…blah,blah, blah!”

The bigger the story and the excuse the better it made me feel about myself.  It softened the truth, which was I was overweight and not taking action to get healthy, confident and feel good about myself from the inside out.  The story was a kind of temporary pain relief that propped me up and really kept ultimately from facing my reality and taking the first steps of action.

The Bigger your Story the Bigger your Butt

Over the years as I have coached people through many weight release journeys I have witnessed what I call “Story-eye-tis” or “But-in-mouth disorder” happen to many a sincere Shifter.  When a client is using Thin Thinking—thinking that is problem solving and planning focused, typically the person is seeing results both on and off the scale.  When they don’t follow through on exercise or have a few days of off track eating they immediately  acknowledge it, make a plan how to get on track with a plan of action, and get on with their Shifted lives.  Nice!

I know when a client is in Fat Thinking mode when their stories about their lack of follow through on their weight release strategy start to get longer and are filled with more excuses as to why they didn’t do what they said they were going to do and why it might be hard to get back on track.  A lot of times this “Story-eye-tis” includes a lot of BUTs about how other people, places, and things are making it hard for them to follow through on their weight release plan or even listen to their hypnosis (which would help them cut through the BUTs to begin with)—that’s why I also call it “But-in-mouth” disorder.

Here’s the thing—your stories take your power away from you, they keep you trapped in the same thinking that has been keeping you struggling for years.  You deserve better than those same old sorry stories that keep you from breaking through and achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams. Keep the stories for the campfire and start to problem solve and plan instead. 


1)    Cut the story (which is Fat thinking)—focus on your weight release vision (we create this vision in the Shift Weight mastery Process but you need to continuiously renew your vision or it stops working). When that little voice in your head wants to start some story about why exercising today is impossible because you don’t have the right work-out clothes that are clean and that if you wear the other work-out clothes you might offend someone at the gym and besides its raining out and even though you are going to the gym which is indoors and dry you do have to get from the parking lot to the gym and that would get you wet and you absolutely cannot get a cold –STOP!  Tell yourself—I am telling myself a story  what action plan can I create instead??

2)    Create an alternative action (which is Thin Thinking): If you don’t exercise—don’t make a story up but rather, note what happened, ask yourself what is the strategy for moving forward with an altered plan?  Then follow through on that altered plan. Example: I can’t exercise after work today and since I won’t be burning that 300 calories I can walk today and tomorrow at lunch and make up for that.

3)    End of storyJ

Is the bitter taste of “but” currently lingering in your mouth??  Do you have a story at the end of the summer as to why you did not reach your summer weight release goals?  I hope not but if you do maybe it’s time to dig a bit deeper and come up with a plan of action for the autumn that is realistic and that you can really follow through on.

 I am committed to your Shifting and showing up for yourself day by day all autumn long.  Why spend the autumn feeling out of control with your relationship to food, weight and yourself.  Spend the autumn powerfully rooted in Thin Thinking and weight release.
We are quickly approaching our next Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd from 9-5—

Call me 323 988 4574 or click here for info—Early Bird Discount in place until September 10th
see other options to Shift below

 I have created an easy and inexpensive options that are going to be awesome and inspiring--I  made the classes affordable, time friendly and easy to use—please take a peek and start your focused Autumn Shift today—where do you want to be by the holidays??
How are you going to move towards weight release mastery this week?  You can do it! 

Have a great story free week. 
xoxo Rita

RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25% DISCOUNT—Discount ends Friday!!--sign up for 25% less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out) 
The ReShift takes place September 22nd from 9-5 and for a 30 day online process follwing.  Find out more about the Re-Shift here--

Monday Night Phone Weight Release Mastermind Group
Monday Night Weight Release Mastermind Calls for the autumn are enrolling now! I am so excited to begin again in September.

These calls will begin with a focus on a particular topic, give time for support and motivation for those who seek it and then end with hypnosis. Come join us on the phone this autumn and stay focused and inspired from anywhere in the world.

Dates: 9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17

Time 5pm PST/8pm EST—the calls will run 60 minutes.
Cost $59 for the eight week course

 Call me now to enroll—323 988 4574  or email me at