Saturday, August 25, 2012

Shift Weekly: Disaster Prepared--are you??

We are quickly approaching our next Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd from 9-5—
Call me 323 988 4574 or click here for info—Early Bird Discount in place until September 10th

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up  25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)

Dear Shifters,
Hi everyone—I hope you are having a fabulous week!  This last week I joined a few residents from my neighborhood to attend a disaster preparedness course at the Rampart Fire Department near downtown LA.  Wow!  Have any of you ever taken one of these courses?  This is an extensive training into being prepared for every manmade and natural event that may happen. I was both excited to learn some new skills but also a little overwhelmed at how much it takes to be prepared and then stay prepared for disaster.

For instance, last week’s course was all about earthquakes and being prepared for them, both during and after.  I remember the 1994 earthquake and I was definitely not prepared.  I had recently moved from unearthquakey London, England to Santa Monica and our apartment was hit really badly.  My husband woke up and said, “I am having a heart attack!”  I said, “No honey, it’s an earthquake, get under the door frame with me.”(You would laugh if you knew my husband—this is typical) 
In the aftermath of the earthquake we were totally unprepared.  We had no flashlight, no gas in the car, no spare cash to buy things.  I remember walking to the 99cent store up the road and seeing a long line of people like me who had no batteries or water.  We scraped it together for a week until supplies were replenished—it was not fun and we also had to move as our apartment was destroyed.

That event changed me, for awhile.  For a few month following I diligently kept my shoes by the bed with a loaded flashlight and lots of water bottles in storage.  But as I got further away from the event my preparedness became less.  I came home from the class and saw that there was only one flashlight with a half dead battery and some water bottles from 2002 in the closet  Okay, I guess it’s time to get prepared again.

Long term weight mastery is about preparedness too. Not just preparing once, but staying prepared again and again.  Registered dietician, Doreen Robinson, author of the great book “The New Healthy Eating and Weight Management Guide” says that in her clinical experience most people struggle with weight because they do not have healthy foods to reach for when they get hungry and often do not think about food at all—until it’s too late.

If you are not prepared to be successful for the day—what are your chances of ending the day successfully? No t very good my friend.  How often are you flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to food and exercise—just hoping to be good—with no plan in mind for success for that day, that week, that month?
Often people begin a weight loss program very prepared but then, like me and the earthquake preparedness, stop being so prepared.  This is when they stop seeing results.  The key to long term success is to learn the skill of always being prepared.

 Tips for Disaster and Weight Management Preparedness
Disaster Preparedness:

-Have loaded flashlights by your bed and all over your house. 

-Have a gallon of water per person per day for 2 weeks stored (not on cement—it poisons the water) and food enough for the same amount of time.

-Keep some cash in a safe place and keep a ½ gallon of gas in your car’s tank.

-If an earthquake strikes immediately turn off your water, electricity and then gas last if needed.

Weight Management Preparedness:
-Keep your cupboards and freezer loaded with items that won’t go bad in a week so that you have something you can pull together if you haven’t had a chance to shop—i.e. frozen mixed veggies sauteed with some Panang Tuna (in foil pouches at TJs) is a fast, easy and delicious emergency dinner.

-Make sure you have healthy foods and water to reach for in your environments—home, car, office.  Make sure these foods are not trigger foods of yours or loaded with refined carbohydrates.
-Make sure you plan your exercise times ahead of time and commit them to your calendar.

-If you do go overboard and eat a lot of sweet or starchy food—do not beat yourself up.  Write it down, figure it out –take action—take a walk, forgive yourself, and make the next meal a light and healthy protein based meal.
Get prepared for the Autumn

Nothing prepares you for success like a course on being successful!  The next Shift and REShift 30 Day Weight Mastery Courses are coming up in a few weeks (September 22nd ALL DAY INTENSIVE)
You will leave the course—

-Prepared to be successful and to release weight at a rate you decide—you are in charge

-Motivated.  The hypnosis and cognitive techniques used during the day give break down the defensive resistance to change and gives you super charged motivation

-Supported. The daily coaching support and structure of the 30 days gives your mind the time to make these changes habitual and to feel great

-Aligned with your powerful Inner Weight Release Coach

What are you waiting for??—Get prepared!!

 Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd from 9-5—

Call 323 988 4574 or click here for info—Early Bird Discount in place until September 10th

-RE-SHIFT-- (FINAL DAYS OF 25 percent DISCOUNT--sign up  25 percent less by entering “Early Bird” in the coupon code at check out)
Okay have a Shifted and prepared Week!

Oxox Rita

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shift Weekly: Same "Self" Marriage

RE-Shift Weight Mastery Process on September 22nd

Is NOW 25% OFF but the SPECIAL ends this Saturday August 25th

Join the Re-Shift Weight Mastery Process September 22nd 9-5 (former Shift participants only) for 25 percent off the price—and get re-motivated and re-inspired!! IMPORTANT!!!  TO RECEIVE THE DISCOUNT ENTER ‘EARLY BIRD’ IN THE COUPON BOX ON AT CHECK OUT

Same “Self” Marriage
When you make the commitment to really release weight and take it off for good—not just “going on a diet to lose weight”—but really COMMIT to make a long term change—it really is, in my opinion like asking yourself to marry yourself in this area of your life—same “self” marriage.  “Do I take thee self, to be my long term weight mastery partner, to inspire and problems solve, to exercise even when I don’t want to and to practice portion control—even when everyone else is having seconds, to keep myself set up for success, to continue to love myself through thick and thin (pun intended) as long as we both shall live in this same body?  I do!!  You may now “Shift” the bride! (or groomJ)

So what happens when your marriage is on the rocks—or not going as planned, or is so boring that you want to jump ship?  Do you do a Kim Kardashian on yourself and end it before it really gets going? Or do you re-commit yourself but on a deeper level?

 I say it’s time to RE-COMMIT on a DEEPER LEVEL and that is why I created the Re-Shift—which is like renewing your vows to yourself—it gives you the CHOICE to re commit and refocus and go on a second honeymoon.
I have been married to my amazing husband for 23 years.  When we got married we were not thinking too far into the future.  In fact, when we got married we joked and said, let’s just make this a 5 year contract with an option to renew.  “The 5 year plan” took the fear of the enormity of “until death do you part” away for us. 

Now our first five years were both amazing and super hard for us for many reasons.  There were times that it even looked like when year 5 rolled around that we would not be signing up again for more.  However, through really thick and really thin, and many tears and lots of laughter, and all the stuff in between, on our fifth wedding anniversary we went to Mexico and as we stood on the beach and said—“well, are we ready for more?  Do I want to continue to love and cherish you, through all of these good times and bad times that we seem to go through together?  We both smiled and said, “hell yeah!”

Every year following that fifth anniversary we give ourselves the chance to make the CHOICE to really COMMIT to be in this thing called marriage as partners—not victims of some institution that says you have to be together or not victims of each other—not “stuck together”, or “trapped”, or “stifled”—but together by choice--helping each other through in a relationship that keeps growing and evolving as we create it day after day, month after month, year after year-BY CHOICE.

So even if you have RE-Shifted once—you can keep RE-Shifting because on the road of the marriage of long term weight mastery with yourself you need to keep ENGAGED over and over to avoid the 7 week itch, the 7 month itch and the itch and pull and general that life gives you as you try and keep releasing (and then maintaining) weight and living your life—stress, vacations, parties, too busy schedules—life pulls at us and tempts us away from our weight mastery vows.



Why RE-COMMIT and RENEW to your weight release again and again?  Because our brain can only focus on one thing for so long—that’s why I love leading the Shift and am very excited about this upcoming 30 day process starting on the 22nd. 
Every time I lead the Shift I also re-Shift myself.  There is something about committing with a group—a community—that does something deep in the subconscious.  That’s why people get married in front of a community—to make it official.  Research shows the same public declaration can be very effective in making a change in life.

There are times when we get past the initial “honeymoon” of weight release and settle into our life of continuing weight release that that is when problems arise in our relationship with ourselves and weight mastery—

--we get bored of the routine

--we feel hemmed in (do I have to write down my food—really??)

--we cheat!! And then we feel guilty—and so we cheat again—what the hell I was bad once I might as well be really bad

--we fight with ourselves—“you can’t make me exercise! “, “why did you eat that—are you a moron!?”

Or everything is rolling along fine but we just are not so excited and thrilled with things as we were and we want that feeling back—


1) Get back to basics—all change is 20percent knowledge and 80percent behavior—what are the repeatable daily behaviors you were doing when you were in your “honeymoon” period?  Start by repeating those.  Remember the 9 skills of weight mastery that you are immersed in during the Shift Weight Mastery process—those are the behaviors that create lasting results.  If you choose to Re-Shift you get another all-day intensive experience just like you did with the Shift—and get immersed in these skills again.

2) In order to get inspired and the whole mind engaged in repeating those behaviors you need to recreate your vision of what you living life at your ideal life will look like and feel like—the more specific you are the more effective it is—really feel the emotion.  During the Re-Shift you will really get a clear vision of what is next for you.

3)Listen to your hypnosis CDs—they really help your mind stay out of negative thoughts and behaviors—they Shift you from Fat thinking to Thin Thinking!—during the Re-Shift you go through the same day you went through at the Shift and the impact on the brain the second time around is even deeper.

4) Make the DECISION to continue to Shift and to release weight not because you have to but because you love yourself and want what is best for you—you want to be free of that struggle with yourself—when we feel like “I have to lose weight”  I have to write down my food” I have to exercise” that is not a happy place to be because we are not in power.  WE are whining instead of winning—we are victims and not victors.
Come on—you want this!  You living the life of your dreams includes living in a healthy body and a mind that is excited, ready and willing to support that cause.  It’s not just your weight and size that is at stake, it’s your freedom and your piece of mind and in my humble opinion your sanity is far more important than your vanity!

Make the decision to COMMIT to yourself and be powerful—make the decision to be a commitment for yourself and those around you—when you Shift, the world Shifts with you.

Okay so do I hear Re-wedding bells in your distant future??  Good!

And remember—the RE-Shift is super affordable and easy

Just click link below

Read through
Sign up (25% off until Saturday the 25th)

And that’s it--you will be enrolled and ready to RE-Shift with other Re-Shifters on Saturday the 22nd from 9-5.


If you can’t make it I urge you to RE-Commit to yourself anyways and do it today.  Happy Honeymoon--living shifted ever after.
Have a great and Shifted week!

Oxox Rita

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cheap SHIFT for YOU

ATTENTION:  Shift's Summer 25% off Sale off all Cds and pre-loaded MP3s ends this FRIDAY August 17th!!!
NEW Never Sold before hypnosis sessions (“Just a Few Bites or None at All (mastering chocolate and sweets” and “Show Up for Yourself”)

and Super NEW discounted preloaded Shift MP3 players included in the Sale---



Come On!  Give your weight loss journey a boost!!!  Remember you must type “Summer” in the coupon box on the check out page to receive the discount.

Click Here to Access Discounted Hypnosis Cds (remember the sale price (25% off everything) shows up only when you enter "Summer" in the coupon box at check out.
Dear Shifters,

I recently had a client who had released 60 pounds over a year confide in me that the first 9 months of her weight release felt so easy—like a dream…however recently she had started to slip in some weight release behaviors that she, a month before, had felt so strong in: exercise, tracking her food, and keeping her GAK (refined food intake) low.  She was beginning to feel a bit panicked as she had gained back a few and was starting to struggle with herself.

“Is there anything different in what you are doing to support yourself?” I asked.  “No, not really” she said at first.  When I asked further she said, “You know, come to think of it, I stopped listening to my hypnosis sessions!  I changed phones and the hypnosis downloads that I had on my old phone I didn’t have on my new one.  I was too busy to stop and change them over and just fell out of the habit of listening a few times a week like I had been.  I figured I didn’t really need to listen to hypnosis as much anymore anyways…right?”

“Weeeeeelll, I countered, you can definitely cut down on hypnosis as you gain confidence in your skills and ability to coach yourself, but you do need to tune in occasionally, especially when things start to feel like a struggle.  Remember hypnosis keeps your unconscious mind moving forward and disconnected from the old self talk and habits that put you in the weight struggle in the first place.  When you Shift those old habits and behaviors can go into hibernation but they can start to wake up again if you go through some stress and have not been reinforcing the new healthy behaviors in the subconscious with reinforcement.”

My client immediately invested some time both in transferring her sessions and listening to them and got back on track immediately.

THIS WEEKS COACHING!  Your mind is so powerful and long term weight loss is yours when you engage your mind over time.  Hypnosis is the easiest and most effective way you can do it.

- In a study comparing behavioral therapy to hypnotherapy, both groups of participants showed the same results at the end of the study. At follow-ups at eight months and again at two years, however, only the hypnotherapy group continued to lose weight. 

-Hypnotherapy can be administered by a therapist or via hypnosis tapes or self-hypnosis; all three methods proved effective.
SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CHEAP SHIFT SALE NOW AND STOCK UP—don’t delay because the sale ends Friday!

Now thru August 17th enjoy huge 25% saving when you purchase hypnosis and coaching CDs and pre-loaded MP3 players online.
-Just a Bite or None at All (create a powerful relationship with chocolate and sweets)

-Show up for yourself (practicing success)

Come online and save 25% --Make sure you enter “Summer” into the coupon box on the sales page to get your discount!



Click Here for Cheap Shift CDS and MP3s  (also remember that the sale price (25% off everything in the store) shows up only when you enter "Summer" in the coupon box at check out.

And have a great summer!!

Oxox Rita

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Shift Weekly: “Thunder Thighs” and Shift Kids Success!

Shift Kids Spring Project 2012--see article below (Shifter and teacher Cynthia Castillo and her students created and executed the “Students Guiding Students Towards Healthy Living” project this spring along with Rita Black)

Shift Kids Bingo Night at Hamburger Mary’s in We HO
Mark your calendar now! Sunday night August 19th at 7pm
Events details at: Click here for Shift Kids FB Event Details and to "like" Shift Kids

Also--"LIKE" Shift Kids while you are there!
Can’t come play bingo? Donate anyways—I know you may be out of town but donate anyways! Just click here and donate by Pay Pal.  Thanks—you are making a huge difference—and it is tax deductable!
Click Here to Donate to Shift Kids

Shift Weekly: “Thunder Thighs” and Shift Kids Success

Over one third of children and adolescents in our country are either considered overweight or obese.  I walk the campus of my children’s elementary school and see the painful evidence of this every day.  

Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.  Of course the physical effects of being overweight as a child is one thing but the emotional toll is crippling for confidence and self esteem as well.

As an overweight teenager walking down the halls at school feeling ashamed, being called names like “Thunder Thighs” and “Dancing Bear”. I also remember going home and being so stressed out by this that I would gorge myself on cookie dough and ice cream (hey I was an early cookie dough ice cream pioneer!)  I remember feeling so helpless and out of control.  Mostly I felt alone, like there was no one to help me.  My mom was struggling with her own weight and my friends were thin and didn’t understand. There were no resources for me to turn to for help at the time. 

 I continued to struggle with both my weight and myself for over a decade more before I made the “Shift”.  As I started my clinical hypnotherapy practice focused on weight mastery I would get parents asking me how they should help their kids and I would work with them on an individual basis but in the back of my mind I kept thinking there should be something more than just an office visit or phone consultation that I could provide.

Over the years, as Shift Weight Mastery began to grow, I began to see a growing need for a powerful community resource that would be available to both kids and their parents. 

Shift Kids was formed to create both online and offline resources and programs for kids and their parents—to help them begin to live healthier lives. 

It is my belief that kids listen to other kids more than adults lecturing to them about nutrition.  When we are a kid, our brain is very primitive and impressionable—our peers—our fellow cavemen-- are important in driving our decisions around what to wear and what to eat and how to behave.  It’s the “if everyone in the cave is doing it I want to do it too” syndrome.

Our mission at Shift Kids is to have kids modeling healthy behavior for other kids (through kid inspired creative educational projects)—to make being getting and staying healthy hip and cool and accessible on their level and in their language.  Wrapped up in our mission also is to create outreach for parents—giving them tools and resources so that they can not only guide their children towards healthier habits—but they can start with themselves first so they can model those habits for and with their kids—which is one of the most important steps, in my opinion.

 Shift Kid’s Spring Project a Success!

 Shift Kids is proud to announce that teacher, and fellow Shifter, Cynthia Castillo (she has released and maintained 35lbs through Shift Weight Mastery), led a group of four juniors at CALS Early College High School in downtown los Angeles in a Shift Kids Project titled “Students Guiding Students Towards Healthy Living” this spring.

 The project involved the students agreeing to eat healthfully for a week and documenting their experiences in a video diary and discussing their results in after school forums.  The idea is to create an inspiring and motivating video for other kids their age to watch online at our future Shift Kids website.

Here are a few quotes from the kids involved with the project.

 “Being healthy to me is being at peace with your body. Being healthy is exercising every chance you get and making the right choices in food when available.” Darline Alvarado age 17

 To me being healthy is much more than just watching a diet and exercising. Being healthy means to be responsible for what is best for your body. Health is the main source to life; it is what keeps you going at work, in sports, or anywhere in life. Being healthy also involves relaxing, sleeping well, and eating what is best for you.” Luis Ochoa 17

 "Healthy living leads to happiness and happiness is something people look for, but rarely find. When you eat healthfully, the only thing that is bad is sacrificing, at first, but when you get used to it, you become happier with yourself and the way you live. In the end, you only have yourself, so it is important that you take care of yourself the best way possible.” Eileen Figueroa 17

 “I feel that when you simply eat right and exercise you feel a sort of confidence boost that can keep a person happy and well. Being healthy, however, can be hard at first, but when you get used to it, just like the gym, you love it.” Anthony Trujillo, 16:

 THANKS: Thanks to Cynthia and to her fearless Shift Kids for making this project happen!  Thanks to all of you in the Shift Community who have donated their time and money to support our non-profit start up.  We are now through the grueling process of becoming a 5013C and are ready to fly!!

Shift Kids needs your help to build our website!  Come win prizes while you help support the cause!

Shift Kids needs your help!  Our goal is to raise $10,000 to create a robust website that offers support to both kids and their parents in living a healthy lifestyle.
Mark your calendars for Sunday night, August 19th at 7pm, when Shift Kids will be hosting Bingo Night at Hamburger Mary’s in West Hollywood.  Your entry fee of 20 dollars will put you in the running for fun, fantastic prizes and also be helping us reach our goal. 
Mark your calendar now! Sunday night August 19th at 7pm--LIKE Shift Kids on Face Book: Click here for more bingo details and to LIKE Shift Kids
and then click on Events for details.

Can’t Come? Donate Anyways—I know you may be out of town but donate anyways! Just click here and donate by Pay Pal.  Thanks—you are making a huge difference—and it is tax deductable!