Dear Shifters,
If you struggle with "Night Eating" and are available this coming Saturday the 28th, please join us for the Shift Saturday Support group from 10-11:30--the focus will be to curb the urge to be an "eater of the night". The cost is $25 for the session and it is in my conference room on floor 21 of the Wilshire office. Please call or email to reserve your seat.
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. Thank you for creating a great January Shift (and ReShift) those of you who participated.
Two weekends ago a dear friend treated my daughter and myself for a weekend away--boy was that a great time--fun, relaxing, and much a needed treat. I have to admit, as a full-time working mom one of my most guilty pleasures is sitting poolside with trashy magazines like People and US--once I get absorbed in their utter fluffiness I find it almost hard to put down (I binge on trashy magazines!--oh well, better than eating crap or smoking which is what I would have been doing instead 18 years ago). Please find my Shift version of the Cosmo Quiz below (have fun and imagine you are poolside while taking it).
The “Are You Ready to Love yourself Down the Scale?” Quiz
Please answer the following multiple choice questions.
1) I will give myself permission to be proud of myself:
a. After I have lost 10 lbs.
b. When I reach my ideal weight.
c. Today—no matter what the number on the scale reads.
2) I have struggled with my weight because:
a. I am deeply flawed both mentally and physically.
b. I have no self control—I love to eat and drink—life is a par-tay! Dieting is hard!
c. I have always looked for the answers outside of myself instead of trusting that I hold the key that would unlock the answers and free me from the struggle once and for all. I am ready to take back my power from the old beliefs and behaviors that have kept me struggling. I see now that they are not me. I have the infinite potential to be my own best weight release coach and to coach myself powerfully down the scale and keep myself there because I am finally making the necessary Shift from within me.
3) In order for me to reach my ideal weight I will need to:
a. Starve myself and exercise excessively.
b. Take diet drugs, have a lobotomy, and have my mouth wired shut.
c. Learn to show up for myself and connect with my wise Inner Coach who can lead me down the scale in a masterful way. I know I can learn a way of staying within my body’s energy needs for weight release and maintenance that honors me and my lifestyle and my taste and food preferences. I also know that this is something that I am creating internally and laying a powerful foundation for—so the changes can be lasting.
4) What is required for you to maintain long term permanent weight release?
a. Being perfect all the time.
b. Cloistering myself away in a tower isolated from friends, families, parties, social gatherings, restaurants, and anything fun for the rest of my life.
c. Consistently showing up for myself, connecting to my Inner Coach with a powerful vision and engaging in the 9 Skills (the mindset and skill set of weight mastery).
5) What is the best part of your journey to weight release??
a. Getting thin—is there anything else that is important??
b. When it is over and I can eat again!!!
c. Learning to truly take care of myself from the inside out. Knowing that there is no better feeling than staying connected to myself and accepting myself every step along the way. Learning lessons about myself and my relationship to food and exercise and even myself and then learning new strategies that help me feel more effective and confident in those areas where I used to have so much pain and struggle. Being aligned with myself, my health goals, and my life goals and knowing I am always moving forward powerfully on my journey to mastery even on days when things don’t go as well as I had planned. Feeling masterful in an area of my life that I never thought I would feel masterful. Feeling SHIFTED!!!
If your answers are mostly “ a”:
-Right now you are listening more to your Inner Critic than your Inner Coach. You probably feel that the only way to lose weight is to be perfect and deprive yourself. There is a part of you that doesn’t trust you or your ability to lose weight on your own. In order to love yourself down the scale you will need to realize that this harsh voice is not you but one that has been created over time by your weight struggle. The more you get conscious of this aspect of yourself, separate from it, and begin to listen to the voice of your Inner Coach the more you can really attain power and freedom and love yourself every pound down the scale. Go for it, you are worth it!!!
If your answers are mostly “b”
-You have been falling victim to the wild, rebellious and resigned Inner Rebel. This is the part of you who really believes that losing weight is a sacrifice because you have to give up all of life’s pleasures and fun. Your Inner Rebel is invested in the limiting beliefs that food is the answer for most of life’s problems and that comfort and fun = food, food, food, and probably fatty, salty, sweet food at that. What a great relief it will be for your Inner Rebel when you start having fun and living life to the fullest without stuffing yourself, your feelings, or problems with food. What a great joy it will be to realize that life’s greatest pleasures come from truly nourishing yourself from the inside out with soothing thoughts and healthy habits as well as great food. Your Inner Rebel just needs to have the guidance from your Inner Coach to get things Shifting in the right direction. Let’s get that Shifting Par-tay started, eh, Inner Rebel??
If your answers are mostly “c”
-Congratulations, you are already connecting powerfully with your Inner Coach! As you continue your journey to long term weight release you will enjoy the rewards of finally taking your power back from limiting thoughts and behaviors that kept you in the painful weight struggle. Now you can show up for yourself and love yourself every pound down the scale and finally own your weight release once and for all.
Have a Shifted Week!
oxox Rita
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