Hi Shifters,
Shift Kids Organization Run February 5th—come run or walk to help raise money for Shift Kids 7:30 am in Redondo Beach— right now we are raising money for the Shift Kid’s Website for kids and their parents—to have a resource for support and information to fight childhood obesity. If you can’t make it and want to donate anyways please click this link and you can donate to Shift kids via Pay Pal or credit card—any amount makes a difference. Thanks!
http://shiftweightmastery.com/ShiftKids.html (all donations are tax deductable)
This week, in honor of the movie “The Artist” that has just been nominated for an Academy Award, I will reflect briefly on the “The Con Artist” that lives within each person who struggles with their weight. You know the one I am talking about? The voice within that keeps us from truly being successful in the long run with weight release because this Con Artist is so good at “the con” that he or she convinces us that what they are saying is actually the truth instead of a bunch of fearful or resigned beliefs that have been repeated over and over again like a very bad commercial until we buy it hook, line and sinker. The sad thing is, is that the Con Artist keeps us from connecting to the more powerful voice within ourselves that can lead us to long term permanent weight release.
In order to achieve your weight goals in the long run, I invite you to develop the habit recognizing this “Con Artist” at work and stopping them before they stop you.
1) Notice the Con
The Con Artist may be clever but not too original. The way we con and dis-empower ourselves, fortunately sounds pretty much the same all the time so it is easy to tune in, hear the con and recognize—“hey I am conning myself”. Here are some examples this master of disguises may use:
The Resigned Con
-“What’s the use—I am always going to be overweight.”
-“It’s too much work for too little return. I am too lazy to try”
-“Nobody else cares, why should I?”
The Seductive Con
-“Go on, life is too short, you can start again tomorrow.”
-“Why do they get to eat that and you don’t. It doesn’t seem fair does it?”
-“Focusing on your weight is so boring and a little vain. Relax, just have fun!”
-“You bought it, you may as well eat it.”
-“It’s free food, you can’t pass up free food…”
The Overwhelmed Con
-“I don’t have time!”
-“I don’t have the right stuff to wear”
“Nobody supports me—it’s too hard!”
Sometime, like the nominated movie, this Con Artist is silent and we might not hear the con but we feel it because we feel bad—anxious, guilty, out of line with ourselves. At this point take a breath and ask yourself—“what is the con going on here?” and guess what—that silent movie quickly turns into a talkie!
2) Catch the Con
Once you have recognized the con, take a breath, and separate yourself out from the “Con Artist”. You are not the “Con Artist” but you have just developed this inner voice over time to protect you in some way. The problem is that the con is not protecting you anymore—it’s hurting you and keeping you from your weight release goals and full potential. Catching the “con artist” may look something like this:
Shift Breath: “Hey I hear you –you think we don’t have time to be healthy, that’s a good one con artist, but actually it takes more time to be unhealthy--think of how much time I spend worrying about my weight, how I look, my health—it takes less time to be healthy than unhealthy!”
3) Shift or Cure the Con
What you want to do now is creating a dialog with the limiting belief and reframing its power in your mind—moving it from the old place of “overwhelm” into the place of “problem to be solved”.
“So maybe I feel right now that I don’t have time, but I know my health and weight release is a priority. I am going to have to re-look at my time and figure out a way to make time for what is important. I see that in the past this con has kept me from taking this step—but now I see the opportunity to begin taking steps in the right direction. I will find more time.”
Every time you do this you begin poking holes in the power of the con artist within you and begin moving yourself closer to being a powerful master of weight release.
Okay Shifters! I hope this brief coaching session has served you. This year, instead of the award going to the “con Artist” have the award for best Shift go to your inner problem solver instead—the Inner Coach!
http://shiftweightmastery.com/ShiftKids.html (all donations are tax deductable)