Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shift Weekly: Mind over Exercise

Remember we will be celebrating and preparing for holiday weight release success at the:
The next Shift Weight Mastery Process begins January 21st, 2011 sign up now and receive discounts and bonuses.
The Shift in a Box 30 day Weight Mastery Process will be available in December at pre-launch prices—a great gift for those out of town friends and family who need the gift of good health this year.
Dear Shifters,
If you have been resistant to exercise chances are you have not been watching enough TV!  Mind T.V. that is.  This is the time of year that a lot of times our exercise takes a nose dive.  The holidays suck our time from our schedules and the shorter days make it less desirable to get out and move.  Now you can get moving again with the help of a self-hypnosis technique that I call Mind TV.
When I struggled with my weight every night I would go to bed swearing I would wake up early the next morning and get up and exercise.  “I will get up and exercise!” I would say to myself, but that was about it.  I went to bed without another thought about it until the next morning when the alarm sounded and I groggily remember in some hazy distant memory something about exercise. “Hmmm,” I would say as I hit the alarm, “let me just think about that for a moment…” as I drifted back to sleep as my barely worn sneakers would spend another lonely morning in the back of my closet.
Why was it so hard for me to get started on my new exercise routine?  My intentions were good.  A part of me, my conscious mind, would say, “Rita, get up and exercise!”  The problem was that there was a bigger part of me, my unconscious mind that had gotten used to sleeping in and really could only see me staying in bed and hitting the snooze button on my alarm.  Consequently, the smaller part of my brain saying, “exercise” and the bigger part of my brain was seeing, “stay asleep”.
It was a case of “say” versus “see”.
Seeing ourselves doing something engages our imagination.  It forces the brain to create a picture.  Our unconscious brain works less effectively with language than it does pictures, metaphor and symbol.  Seeing myself getting up and exercising forces my brain to see it and then proceed to figure out how to achieve that outcome. That’s why “seeing” yourself doing something is a much more effective way to get your resistant unconscious brain motivated and eager to achieve the outcome than just saying “I have to exercise” which is saying, and saying has very little impact on the unconscious mind.
When I finally understood this and started seeing myself wake up and exercise I was able to begin to get up and exercise. Now you can too.  I am going to teach you a super simple self-hypnosis technique that I call MIND TV that you can use to get yourself “seeing” and begin an exercise routine.
1)      Get comfortable in a chair or in your bed (you can do this before you drift off to sleep at night or in the morning as you are waking up).
2)      Close your eyes.
3)      Breathe in deeply and fully, and then exhale.  Repeat this two more times.
4)      Tense every muscle in your body tightly and hold for the count of three.  Relax.  Repeat this twice.
5)      Create an image of yourself sitting in a comfortable chair and also imagine that in front of you is a large screen T.V. 
6)      Imagine that you have a remote control device in your hand and that you now turn the T.V. on.
7)      Imagine on the T.V. is an image of you just before you would get ready to exercise.  Make sure you are very specific about when and where this would be, what time of day it is and what you are wearing BEFORE you get ready to exercise.
8)      Now see yourself in the chair press START on the remote device and see the image on the screen of yourself beginning to get dressed to exercise and starting out exercising.
9)      Continue to PLAY the image of yourself as your move through your exercise, see yourself feeling good, looking happy performing the exercise. Be specific as to how long you will exercise for and what exactly you are doing. (NOTE: You do not have to imagine the exercise for the length that you will perform it in real life.  Just be specific.)
10)   See the image of you in the chair watching the scenario of you on the screen finishing your exercise and feeling proud of yourself for having shown up for yourself.
11)   Now see the image of you hitting REPEAT on the remote device and PLAY the same exercise scenario on the T.V. screen again.  Repeat this same scenario three more times for a total of 5 times.
12)   Take a nice deep breath and open your eyes. (If this is before sleep just continue to drift off to sleep.)
There you have the technique to begin your very own exercise channel.  Us e this technique often and soon you will find that it is much easier to engage yourself willingly in moving your body.  You can also use this technique to create a powerful vision of seeing yourself a year from now exercising at (or closer to) your ideal weight, this will also help keep you motivated.
The Mind TV self hypnosis technique is also useful for other things you may be resisting as well, such as; pushing the plate away when you have had enough, walking by the candy jar at work or stopping after one glass of wine.
-Do keep trying this technique, it may take a few times to get the result.
-Do try to also feel the feeling of how good the outcome will feel when you achieve it.  This also helps the brain to create the outcome.  See it and FEEL it!
-Do have fun!
-Don’t do this while driving.
Enjoy the show!  Enjoy the results!
Oxox Rita
I am including the Shift into Exercise interview that I did with exercise and movement expert Marilyn McLaughlin.
Where: Club 705
                  705 Pier Avenue
                  Hermosa Beach, CA  90254
                  Phone: 310-372-9705

You are cordially invited to partake in the fun of the
SHIFT Holiday Party, benefiting SHIFT KIDS
Come celebrate! Come support a great cause!

Learn how to party the SHIFT way by ordering low calorie drinks and foods
Develop Shifting strategies for handling holiday eating
Hear holiday eating stories
Play “Holiday Calorie Bingo” and “Name that Calorie” game
Get hypnosis to support you through the holidays
Participate in group strategizing for success
Sing “Shifted” holiday songs and receive a special holiday present

Bring your family and friends to join in the fun (discount coupons for Shift courses and products will be available to welcome newcomers)

Suggested $20 donation benefiting SHIFT KIDS (tax deductible)
Cash Bar and Food are reasonably priced

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