Monday, April 18, 2011

Shift Weekly: Gone, But Not Forgetting

Shift for the Summer!
The next Shift Weight Mastery process has been rescheduled to Sunday June 12th.
 This will be the last Shift Process and Re-Shift until September.
Please sign up asap as places will go soon.
Hi Shifters,
I am heading out of town for a few days .  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday week no matter if you are out of town or staying home.  It’s easy to forget to make being healthy and weight release a priority sometimes with all the activities of the holidays—here are a few things to remember:
Remember to have a vision of feeling light and vibrant next Monday morning (not sluggish and bloated).
Remember to have a plan as to how to create that vision—exercise (how much?), lots of fruits and veggies, keep the starchy carbs to a minimum as they trigger the “eat more-I’m more hungry” valve in the brain, and think about how to stay within your calories budget for release or maintenance (make the decision early whether you are going to release or maintain this week).
Remember to show up for yourself with power thoughts by staying connected to your Inner Coach.
This is what I am packing to bring with me for my few day road-trip.  It’s important for me to keep my blood sugar levels stable, not only for my weight maintenance, but for my brain.  I have happier, saner thoughts and feelings when I keep away from the gak and keep my body and brain nourished with healthy fiber-filled and protein based foods.  I don’t know what is going to be out there on the road and gas stations are notorious gak palaces so here is a list of what I always bring:
Zen fiber cakes from TJs (80 cals each and full of fiber—great snack on road)
Munchy veggies like carrots, peppers, sugar peas
Hard boiled eggs (great easy road protein source)
Fage yogurt
Air blown popcorn
Turkey jerky
Also I bring my workout clothes and make a point to move somehow—somewhere if I can because exercise =happy body= happy brain.
How are you going to set yourself and your brain and body up for a sane, shifted, enjoyable holiday week??
Happy Shifting!!
oxox Rita

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