I hope you survived the holidays and tax season and are feeling Shiftier than ever. The pre-summer get fit season has certainly descended upon us and it got me thinking about one of the most important elements of my long term weight release…shopping! Not just any shopping, mind you, but grocery shopping. Did I hear a groan?? Ah, it’s not that bad. In fact, when you Shift your mind around grocery shopping, the promise is that you can actually start to enjoy it. I know for me when my refrigerator is stocked with tasty and healthy meal options I can whip up in minutes and my cupboards are bereft of gakky trigger foods that make me want to eat more—managing my weight is much easier—almost mindless! The time to engage your brain is before and during your grocery shopping experience—not after.
The Shift Shop is now open!
If you need hypnosis and coaching CDs to supplement your Shift please visit www.ShiftWeightMastery.com
Among a variety of CDs that help you focus your mind on weight release is our NEW CD Graze-less: Shift out of Mindless Eating.
Among a variety of CDs that help you focus your mind on weight release is our NEW CD Graze-less: Shift out of Mindless Eating.
I deal with so many clients who despair about grocery shopping because:
- They get into the store and are overwhelmed and don’t know what to buy.
- They get bamboozled either by the stores’ or products’ seductive labeling that they buy stuff that turns out to be not that good for them or not taste that good—a waste of money and calories!
- They go to the store not knowing what they need and end up letting their Inner Rebel do the shopping for them and come home with a lot of trigger food items that now they either have to exert willpower over (not fun) or they end up compulsively or mindlessly eating and then feel bad (doubly not fun!).
What is going on in the examples above is that the client is being driven EXTERNALLY and not INTERNALLY. They are entering the grocery store without an INNER plan for so that they fall victim to the overwhelming stimulus of the grocery store.
Successful shopping begins with an INTERNAL strategy system that is created by engaging with your Inner Coach. Let’s head down the aisle together in that grocery store in your mind. Shopping can be an overwhelming task when you are not prepared and are doing it last minute—especially when you are hungry and/ or don’t have a plan. Here are some dos and don’ts that masters have learned over the years.
DO: Make a habit of shopping a couple of specific times during the week. What will help you is to keep the time and days consistent so it literally becomes a habit. Tune into what things you need to purchase at those specific times. Usually one shopping trip will be your big one for the week and the other to supplement fresh fruits and vegetables and milk and other supplies that run low.
DON'T: Shop last minute—especially on an empty stomach. Your brain is in a stressed state when you are hungry-not a great time to make sound and healthy decisions.
DO: Make a list based on ideas of meals you are going to eat that week. Take a moment and really ask yourself the question—how do I want to feed myself these next few days? What kind of fruits and vegetables do I need? What kind of whole grains and lean proteins will you need? Make a list and think which areas of the store you need to shop in and which you don’t—this will give you a feeling of confidence when you enter the store.
DON'T: Go to the store unprepared without a list and “hope” you’ll get inspired. This will be a disaster—stores are notorious for marketing gakky food items to unprepared shoppers. Go in with a plan. Keep your eyes peeled for new low cal products and closed to the gak. As the song says "just walk on by"… this is important—really see yourself passing by the ice-cream aisle in your mind ahead of time so that it will be much easier to do once you are there.
DO: Shop for fruits and veggies first and gak last. In fact, avoid gak aisles all together and just shop the perimeter of the store only going down the aisle for a specific item.
DON'T: Put trigger foods or gak in your cart for other people that you “think” you can handle having around. Guess what? 9 times out of 10, it will end up more in you and less in them.
DO: Stock up on frozen veggies and easy precooked, pre portioned protein sources.
DON'T: Think eating healthfully is expensive. In the long run it always costs less to be healthy and eat healthy than unhealthfully. Remember the time you spend feeling bloated stuffed and lacking in energy because of the foods you eat or the money spent on medications for being overweight or the hours of time lost sitting in doctor’s offices is really a bigger cost isn’t it? You can’t put a price tag on feeling healthy and vibrant or you family feeling fit and nourished. Many shifters have told me they save money eating more healthfully.
I hope that these shopping lists inspire you and give your inner coach some strategies to begin with.
The next Shift Weight Mastery process begins June 12th 2011 (a Sunday).
You can also RE-Shift at this process if you are a former Shifter and want to re-focus.
Early Bird special $100 (for new Shifters) off enrollment plus a free 9 Skills CD (like a mini-Shift) to get you releasing weight now! Call today 323 988 4574 and get started.
Think about these strategies as you head out to shop this week. How are you going to create a winning strategy? The opportunity is to create a way of shopping that allows you to consistently have healthy foods that honor you and your unique taste palate within reach at all times as you continue to eat within your “gas tank” for weight release or maintenance.
Happy shopping! Happy Shifting!!oxox Rita