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SHIFT WEEKLY: Thanksgiving Mantra “Know-no-know!”
SHIFT WEEKLY: Thanksgiving Mantra “Know-no-know!”
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of
the year. No pressure to buy presents,
no eggs to hide, no fireworks to fight the crowds to watch, just family,
friends and food—it’s just so simple and nice.
CLICK HERE for SHIFT TV—“Thanksgiving 15-50 (a fun video of how I
challenged myself to finish Thanksgiving day last year for under 1550 calories!—lots
of great strategies included)
Since I love to cook and entertain and
Shift I have been thinking ahead somewhat to this coming weekend. I actually love the planning ahead, cooking
and shopping for this day as much as I do the sitting down with everyone and
One thing I do not love is feeling
stuffed and bloated after Thanksgiving—and I am sure neither do you. There is one thing to celebrate all we are
grateful for, to dine and connect with others and ourselves—it is another
(unfortunately easy thing to do) thing to eat too much, drink too much and
finish the day disconnected from ourselves in a food fog.
So here is some coaching as we head into one of the food-i-est
holidays of the year.
There seems to be a general consensus in the world of masters of long-term permanent weight release as to how to get through Thanksgiving and while maintaining or releasing weight. I have boiled these pearls of wisdom down into a do-able mantra that you can repeat to yourself through the entire weekend. Unfortunately saying the mantra doesn't burn calories but it may keep some extra ones from hopping onto your plate--into your mouth and down to your tummy--remember the turkey gets stuffed so you don't have to.
Part 1) Know roughly what you are going to eat on the big day and plan for it. Mr Stacey—my sex-ed teacher in high school had a saying which applies to both birth control and calorie control: "HOPE IS NOT A METHOD"--you cannot hope that you'll get through the weekend unscathed. "Hope" or "trying to be good” is for future pregnant teens and failed dieters! C'mon masters--this is one holiday where you can't use the lame excuse “gee I didn't know what we were going to have…”—because ya know!—okay!? There's going to be turkey—right? --then there’s going to be the carbs--the potatoes--the sweet potatoes--the stuffing--the parker house rolls (is there a rehab facility for these--please advise), then the attempts at veggies--peas? beans? jello mold (remember those? that was my mom's whip it out and surprise them with the lime cream cheese jello mold! wow!), there's going to be some cranberry thing and probably some dessert-hmmmm what could that be?? I wonder!!!
So here's the thing my darling Shifters--look up the calories of these things ahead of time then you can choose what you truly want and what will be wasted calories --like the lime cream cheese Jello thing (sorry mom). Sure, you can leave room for surprises but plan ahead and you will be ahead. Start the dialog with your Inner Coach now instead of after the appetizer plate has arrived and you are starving.
There seems to be a general consensus in the world of masters of long-term permanent weight release as to how to get through Thanksgiving and while maintaining or releasing weight. I have boiled these pearls of wisdom down into a do-able mantra that you can repeat to yourself through the entire weekend. Unfortunately saying the mantra doesn't burn calories but it may keep some extra ones from hopping onto your plate--into your mouth and down to your tummy--remember the turkey gets stuffed so you don't have to.
Part 1) Know roughly what you are going to eat on the big day and plan for it. Mr Stacey—my sex-ed teacher in high school had a saying which applies to both birth control and calorie control: "HOPE IS NOT A METHOD"--you cannot hope that you'll get through the weekend unscathed. "Hope" or "trying to be good” is for future pregnant teens and failed dieters! C'mon masters--this is one holiday where you can't use the lame excuse “gee I didn't know what we were going to have…”—because ya know!—okay!? There's going to be turkey—right? --then there’s going to be the carbs--the potatoes--the sweet potatoes--the stuffing--the parker house rolls (is there a rehab facility for these--please advise), then the attempts at veggies--peas? beans? jello mold (remember those? that was my mom's whip it out and surprise them with the lime cream cheese jello mold! wow!), there's going to be some cranberry thing and probably some dessert-hmmmm what could that be?? I wonder!!!
So here's the thing my darling Shifters--look up the calories of these things ahead of time then you can choose what you truly want and what will be wasted calories --like the lime cream cheese Jello thing (sorry mom). Sure, you can leave room for surprises but plan ahead and you will be ahead. Start the dialog with your Inner Coach now instead of after the appetizer plate has arrived and you are starving.
Which brings me to my next piece of coaching: come prepared with a
not so starving tummy—eat some protein before heading over the river and
through the woods. Bring some light
appetizers to the party to nosh on.
Don’t arrive starving and then spend the next hour sitting in front of a
bowl of potato chips and onion dip.
and most importantly---create your Thanksgiving vision. Yes creating a vision
of how you want to wake up feeling Friday morning and how you want to head into
the following week feeling—having stayed connected to yourself all weekend long
and not diving head first into the dreary and major buzz killer--food fog!
Part 2) “NO”--practice saying “no” it in the mirror, visualize saying it in your head. Be kind, be firm, say what you mean and don't be mean but say “no thank you” when you don’t want it or need it –say it sweetly but firmly to your mom--your aunt--your friend--your Inner Rebel. Say, “No thank you--I've had enough, I’m pacing myself, I can't eat sugar, I am driving no more wine etc.” Say, “that looks beautiful but no”. Say,“Hell no!” No to extra food--yes to extra conversations--yes to connecting to others and yourself--yes to helping out--yes to having your feet rubbed--yes to watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But when it comes to food that will take you outside your body’s energy needs for maintenance or weight release--just say, “No!”
Part 3) Know--this is a big one masters. Know. Know what and how much you ate. Write it own it. “Know” without the k = “now”. When you “know” you can live in the “now”--you are present to yourself and not your Inner Critic who will be harsh or your Inner Rebel who will say “screw it” (I remember one year pre Shift I ate the entire top off of a pecan pie and then forgot that I had done it that was probably 1200 calories right there--before the stuffing)--you will be staying powerfully connected to your Inner Coach and live in the now. “Now” mixed up spells “OWN”. Know what you ate so you can own it and live in the now.
Part 2) “NO”--practice saying “no” it in the mirror, visualize saying it in your head. Be kind, be firm, say what you mean and don't be mean but say “no thank you” when you don’t want it or need it –say it sweetly but firmly to your mom--your aunt--your friend--your Inner Rebel. Say, “No thank you--I've had enough, I’m pacing myself, I can't eat sugar, I am driving no more wine etc.” Say, “that looks beautiful but no”. Say,“Hell no!” No to extra food--yes to extra conversations--yes to connecting to others and yourself--yes to helping out--yes to having your feet rubbed--yes to watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But when it comes to food that will take you outside your body’s energy needs for maintenance or weight release--just say, “No!”
Part 3) Know--this is a big one masters. Know. Know what and how much you ate. Write it own it. “Know” without the k = “now”. When you “know” you can live in the “now”--you are present to yourself and not your Inner Critic who will be harsh or your Inner Rebel who will say “screw it” (I remember one year pre Shift I ate the entire top off of a pecan pie and then forgot that I had done it that was probably 1200 calories right there--before the stuffing)--you will be staying powerfully connected to your Inner Coach and live in the now. “Now” mixed up spells “OWN”. Know what you ate so you can own it and live in the now.
CLICK HERE for SHIFT TV—“Thanksgiving 15-50 (a fun video of how I
challenged myself to finish Thanksgiving day last year for under 1550
calories!—lots of great strategies included)
I am grateful for everyone in the Shift Community and wish you all a happy day of thanks and a relaxing weekend!!!!